Chapter - 19 We are the Butcher

I can feel the wind, the beauty of it, I hope that you can feel it too, you put your head on my shoulder

It's very beautiful, the wind and everything" you said, you are still resting your head on my shoulder, I am kinda shocked to see this

"Hey husband, can I sleep on your shoulder?" You ask, you can do anything Luci, you don't have to ask for this

"Yeah sure" I said, rubbing your left cheek slowly, you smile

"Thank you" you said

"But why are you sleeping? Are you getting bored?" I ask

"No, not at all, it's just the wind" 

Yeah, I guess I can understand, it's the wind, it's so beautiful and relaxing, it's making you sleep and relax here, right Luci?

"Can I sleep now?" You ask, I nod my head, you are making yourself comfortable,

"Is it comfortable?" I ask and laugh

"Yes" you said and did the same