Chapter - 49 The rollercoaster

"But don't worry I am fine now" I said again

"That's good, we can go home if you have any problem" you said, I don't wanna make you sad, I will not go back, we are here to enjoy and we will get the enjoyment

"No I am fine, so which one you wanna ride first" I said, pointing my finger towards the rides

"That one" you said pointing towards the Ferris Wheel, you are smiling, your whole body is excited

"C'mon let's go" you said and start to run away to the Ferris wheel

"Hey wait" I shouted but still you turn over, smile and then start to run again, I can see you buying the tickets for the Ferris Wheel, I can see 2 tickets on your hand, the park is full of people, I just hate this type of surrounding, but you seem happy here so I will tolerate this somehow for you

"What are you doing there?" Come here fast" you shouted, I am here, in front of you