Chapter - 122 I should go away from your house

I don't know how he's gonna react to it

"Yeah? Tell me," he said

"I think I should go away from your house," I said to him, I can see the smile vanished from his face, he stares at me with his eyes wide opened

"So your dad is here, right?" He asks me, 

"It's fine, I mean you will be living just upfront," he said as he smiles weirdly

"My father is not home yet," I said, I can see him being sad again

"What? So who you are going to stay with? And besides, you don't have to leave my house, you can stay as long as you want," he said again

"I will be living with Laila," I said again

"Your friend? Laila? She's not your friend anymore so how?" He asks again

"I met her at the hospital, she was there for Ansfrid but I somehow talked to her and she realised that she was wrong so it's all fine now between me and my friends," I said, I can see the tears on his eyes, I feel bad for him

"Aw, don't cry Noah," I said to him as I went more closer to him and holds his hands