I am taking long breaths, he's doing the same too, the water keeps falling down on our body, I should tell him
"Hey Noah, I love you!" I said, I don't know whether I am doing the right thing or not but I know that I love him, I have loved him since I was a kid, a childhood crush became my love, he's so nice and I know if I stay with him then I will be so happy, I can see his eyes, wide opened and staring at me with those wide-opened eyes
"What? I love you, is it wrong to love you?" I ask him again with a smile on my face
"N----- No but..." he said, his voice trembled, I don't know what is going on with him but he seems confused or shocked I don't know
"What but? You don't trust me, right?" I ask him
"No it's not like that, I am completely shocked, I don't know….. I guess I don't believe you" he said, he's completely confused