Chapter I - A Friend in Need

The Peace talks were going pretty well, but the Jedi didn't know it was going to be this boring.

"Oh good lord this is boring," Ahsoka whispered.

"Yep," Axle whispered back.

"Wait! I have something to say!" Someone shouted from the entrance of the building.

"Oh no not this idiot again..." Arius grumbled in a computerized tone from her helmet.

Ahsoka recognized that voice as well.

"You didn't mention that Lux Bonteri was going to be here," Ahsoka whispered to Padme.

"I didn't know," Padme replied as Lux bowed to the Duchess.

Axle could sense Ahsoka's feelings and he had to be honest with himself, he felt jealous.

"Was Lux supposed to be here?" Satine whispered to Arius.

"No," Arius replied as she nodded.

"I am Lux Bonteri, son of Mina Bonteri, I come to tell you that my Mother was murdered by Count Dooku in cold blood," He said as the Separatists stood up, clearly agitated.

"That's not true!" One of the leaders shouted.

"Take this traitor away..." The other shouted as the droids dragged him away.

"I apologize, please continue," The Separatist said.

"We have to help him," Ahsoka whispered.

"Hm, do we?" Arius asked in a computerized voice.

"Axle and Ahsoka, you do what you can, but be discreet," Padme said.

"You too Arius..." Padme whispered.

"Agh- I hate this..." Arius grumbled as they snuck out the back door.


"Come on Arius! He's not that bad," Ahsoka said.

"Oh yeah... His face- is just so killable..." She growled.

"I agree with you to some extent," Axle whispered.

"Agh! You can't do this!" Lux shouted as he was dragged away.

"Do it," Ahsoka whispered towards Arius.

"What do you mean?" Arius asked, confused.

"Do get help..." Ahsoka replied.

"No..." Arius replied.

"Fine the other one," Ahsoka replied.

"Agh- I hate this guy..." She growled, getting up.

"Uh *ahem* do you know where the bathroom is?" She asked, trying not to sound computerized.

"Uh- do we?" One of the droids asked.

"Agh- you unhelpful things," She said, smashing their heads together with her mind.

"I tried alright?" Arius asked.

"Well now do another one... I gave you so many ideas and you insist on using that one!" Ahsoka whispered.

"I enjoy it..." Arius replied as she grumbled and got up again.

"Hello..." Arius said, touching the two droids and frying them until they exploded.

"Can you get through the door?" Ahsoka asked.

"I can use my saber," Axle volunteered, moving his hand as Ahsoka stopped him.

Arius sighed, shaking her head underneath her helmet as she moved backwards, she planted her back foot, shook her head out and Axle could've sworn he heard a low broken growl.

She literally zapped with electricity as she rammed straight through the door, shaking her head out as she detached her two tusks from her helmet and slammed them both into the two droids.

"Get up scumbag," She growled, grabbing his arm as she threw him out harder than she should've.

"Oh my god, I said don't throw him..." Ahsoka said, helping Lux up.

"Oh I know, I just ignored you," Arius replied, walking out the door.

Axle stifled a laugh as Ahsoka couldn't help but smile, she gave Axle a look.

"That's Arius for ya," Ahsoka said, helping Lux up.

"She seems, friendly?..." Axle said, asking as Ahsoka laughed and nudged him in the arm playfully.


"DANK FERRIK YOU ARE SLOWER THAN SKYWALKER!" Arius shouted, picking him up and sprinting even faster.

"AH WHAT THE?!" Lux shouted as she threw him and a clone toppled over when Lux fell on top of him.

"I SAID NO-" Ahsoka started.

"SHUT UP AND GET ON THE KRIFFIN SHIP!" She yelled back, throwing her double bladed saber backwards as it span and destroyed most of the droids.

"TINGUARD! A BIT OF HELP?!" Arius shouted, trying to deflect the droid's blast as Axle ignited his saber, holding them back as the clone troopers held them off long enough for them to get onto the ship.

"I never agreed to ANY of this..." Arius growled in a computerized voice as she reattached her tusks to her helmet.

"Skywalker, answer you meatbag," She growled as she pounded the comms and he answered.

"Quit it with Meatbag Rien," Anakin said as she sighed gruffly.

"We have a hostage problem," Ahsoka said as Lux looked guilty.

"I'm sorry if I caused any trouble Master Jedi," Lux apologized.

"Not at all, Ahsoka, bring him back to Coruscant for questioning," Anakin said, disconnecting.

"No I can't go back to Coruscant," Lux protested.

"What? Why?" Ahsoka asked.

"Because I won't join the Republic!" He shouted.

"I understand Lux, but the Republic will help you," Ahsoka explained.

"I'm not going there," Lux said, pulling out a gun as Axle rolled his eyes, using the force to knock it out of his hands. Suddenly, there was a loud clatter and frustrated beeping.

"Dank Ferrik R2..." Arius said angrily as she walked towards the door.

"How did you expect to defeat those droids anyways?" Ahsoka asked.

"Like this," Lux said, electrocuting her and Axle.

"R2, work with me..." Arius said, trying to haul him out of the mess as Lux crept over there. He turned on the ray shield as she banged on the shield.

"That little-" She started as she tried to break through it.


"RAGH! BREAK!" She yelled, ramming through the already torn up door console.

"Why is there even a ray shield right here?..." She muttered, still trying.

Ahsoka slowly woke up, leaning on Axle as she jolted upright, waking up Axle.

"Agh, Lux... I swear..." Ahsoka grumbled, looking for her lightsabers.

"Where's mine?" Axle asked, looking on his belt.

"Come on, let's go out there," She said as she gave him a thick parka and he put it on quickly as they went out through the bottom hatch.

"I swear- when I see that kid... Oh ho ho he's dead..." She said, zapping with electricity as she zipped as fast and as strong as she could straight into the console as it finally broke and she was free.

"Come on- he probably took their sabers, so just try to find them..." She growled as she walked outside with only her robes on.

"Lux!" Ahsoka shouted, walking with Axle.

"You should've stayed with the ship..." Lux said as Mandalorians flew down, landing.

"You're late..." The Mandalorian said, walking over.

"Who are these two?" The woman asked.

"This is my brother, and Lux is- uh- my betrothed!" Ahsoka said, hugging his arm.

"You couldn't have gone with Tinguard? That would've been less disgusting..." Arius muttered.

Axle's jealousy rose even higher, but he knew inside that this was all just a ruse to make the Mandalorians more at ease.

"Betrothed?... A little skinny isn't she?" The woman asked, slapping her butt as Ahsoka grunted and held her fists up as Axle struggled to keep himself from punching the Mandalorian in the helmet.

"She- serves her purpose!" Lux said, stepping in front of her.

"Alright, come on," The woman said as a speeder skit to a stop in front of them.

"I should stay with the ship," Ahsoka started as some Mandalorians blocked her.

"No, you're coming too," The woman replied as R2 rolled out as well.

"How the kriff am I supposed to get them out of this?..." Arius growled as they sped away.

"Agh- I should've stayed back on Coruscant..." She grumbled as she jumped down from the top of the ship. Her sharp wings spread as she flew up into the blizzard clouds where she couldn't be seen.


"The Boss will see you guys in there, but ask your- brother to stay in the hut," The woman said as Ahsoka nodded, assuring Axle.

"Agh, I hate this..." He muttered as he walked into the hut.

"Lux! What have you gotten us into! And where did you put Arius?" Ahsoka asked, realizing Arius wasn't here.

"Everything is under control!" Lux shouted.

"The Death Watch are murderers! Sworn to destroy Jedi! You don't know what you-" She started as the Boss came in and Lux pulled her close to him, kissing her as she shoved him away.

"Am I- interrupting something?" The mandalorian asked.

"We were just uh-" Lux started, not knowing how to explain.

"It's time to talk business," He said, taking his helmet off, a long scar tearing across his face.

"Tell your woman to leave us..." He said.

Lux nodded at Ahsoka who was practically dragged away by the female Mandalorian and thrown into a hut where she felt someone helping her up.

"Are you ok?" A girl asked.

"I'm fine, thanks," Ahsoka replied.

"What's your name?" Ahsoka asked.

"Tryla," Tryla replied.

"Ahsoka, where are you from?" She asked.

"A nearby village, they kidnapped us from there," Tryla replied.

"My friend should be helping us out soon, don't worry," Ahsoka said as a Mandalorian walked in.

"We feast! Prepare the food, your masters are hungry!" He shouted.

"This is horrible..." Ahsoka grumbled, helping the other girls and women prepare the food.


"Yes, the Mandalorian camp is that way... But they have stolen our food, people, and they have threatened us," The Chief explained.

"We are no warriors, we are a simple people," He explained.

"Those Mandalorians are holding my allies hostage, but I can't do anything or else they will know they're Jedi, we can wait, because if I know Vizsla, he'll come here to burn this place into ashes," Arius growled in a computerized voice.

"What is your name?" The Chief asked.

"I'm Arius, there are two other Jedi with me, as well as an idiotic buckethead," She explained.

"Thank you Jedi, for helping us," The Chief said as she bowed respectively.


"Hungry? Careful not to choke on your stupidity," Ahsoka remarked as she handed Lux a bowl of food. Axle heard it from the other tent and stifled a laugh, that's my girl, he thought.

"I see your woman is fitting in well," Vizsla said as someone walked into their tent.

"Vizsla!" The Chief shouted.

"Chief, I don't remember summoning you..." He replied.

"You have stolen our people, taken our food, and threatened us for too long, you are no longer welcome here!" He shouted angrily.

"If we're not welcome here, then we shall leave first thing in the morning," Vizsla said as the other Mandalorians started to laugh and chuckle.

"And you'll return our people to us?" The chief asked, believing him.

"Sunrise, you have my word," Vizsla replied as The Chief nodded, walking out as the Mandalorians laughed.

"See? They're not the butchers you make them out to be!" Lux whispered to Ahsoka.

"You kriffin idiot..." Axle said from the other tent.


"They're coming, I suggest your people to hide..." Arius said, her helmet gleaming in the moonlight.

"Thank you," The Chief said as she jumped up onto a building and stood there.

"Here you go... Your granddaughter, as requested," Vizsla said, stabbing her with his darksaber as she collapsed to the ground, dead as Ahsoka ran to help her.

Other Mandalorians landed on the roofs of houses, but Arius picked them off one by one.

"Hello..." Arius said, grabbing one by the neck as her hands electrified and he disintegrated underneath her gloved hands.

"KILL THEM! KILL THEM ALL!" Vizsla shouted, expecting something to happen when nothing did.

"Oh whoops, did I just kill your entire force?" Arius' deep computerized voice asked as she jumped down, landing right behind Vizsla.

"Move it Ahsoka," She said, cutting her free as more Mandalorians flew in.

"Where the heck were you?!" Ahsoka shouted, fighting the Mandalorians.

"Oh you know, eating some lunch and taking a nap- WHAT THE KRIFF DO YOU THINK I WAS DOING THIS ENTIRE TIME?!" Arius yelled, ramming her head into another Mandalorian's.

"RAGH!" Vizsla yelled, trying to attack her from above as she moved out of the way, igniting her saber. It was blue and yellow, a pendant hanging from it as she clutched it tightly.

She deflected Vizsla's attacks with ease, but she was using a whole different technique, she was dropping her saber and catching it whenever she saw a close opening to strike. She detached the two sides as she threw them up, using the force with her head to guide them straight into the Mandalorian's chests as they collapsed, their jetpacks exploding as Axle joined in on the fun.

"Took you long enough Tinguard," She said, killing another Mandalorian.

"Let's run!" Ahsoka shouted as Lux started to run, but not fast enough.

"Dank ferrik this kid makes me angry..." She growled, grabbing him by his shirt as she threw him on board the speeder. She started to run extremely fast, a cord flew out of her wrist gauntlet as she attached it to a tree and landed straight into the seat.

"Uh- I'm so-" Lux started.

"Just shut up so I won't disintegrate you..." She growled as Axle and Ahsoka laughed.

"She's not joking," Ahsoka replied as she laughed.

They arrived at their ship and Ahsoka, Arius, Axle, Lux, and R2 got onto it, but Ahsoka realized Lux wasn't on the bridge like the rest of them.

"Wait Lux!" Ahsoka shouted, pounding on the escape pod door.

"I can't stay Ahsoka," He replied.

Axle couldn't watch anymore, he knew that she had feelings for him too.

"I'm sorry Tinguard, that's rough," Arius said, sensing his feelings.

"It's ok," He replied, walking into a room as he sat in the corner.

"Goodbye Ahsoka," Lux said, engaging the pod.

Ahsoka walked into the room that Axle was sitting in and she was confused.

"Hey- what's wrong?" She asked, sitting down next to him.

"If you want to be with him I won't get in the way..." he admitted, sounding hurt.

"No- I choose you Axle," She assured him, grabbing his hand as she leaned on him.

"I love you Axle," She said, kissing him as he kissed her back.

"Oh for the love of crait LOCK THE DOOR!" Arius shouted, locking the door completely as she stormed off.

"It's fun making her disgusted," Ahsoka joked as he pulled her in closer as they kissed and jumped into hyperspace.