40. Princess Room

RuQian alighted from the lift first and headed towards the apartment. Xiao Ruan followed her, holding onto her hand, Bai Xing had no other choice but to go after them. He was feeling very intimidated by all the extravaganza.

He had to steel himself quickly, he was to work for RuQian from now on, he would have to get used to everything. He saw how excited Xiao Ruan was, even if this was a new place for her, she looked really happy, she must've felt like a princess in a castle. This was the first time he had been able to give his daughter what she wanted.

The house required a four digit password and a fingerprint, if necessary, physical keys could also be used on top of the password for extra security. The penthouses had retinal scanning too, these were optional. If one ever forgot their passwords, the retinal scan was useful but that was all a huge process which was too tiring.

RuQian helped Bai Xing and Xiao Ruan enter their fingerprints into the system. Currently her fingerprint was already recorded as she was the owner.

"My fingerprint is already in the system but I will delete it. I still have to transfer the house into your name, I will get it done in two days. You can stay here and if you don't like this house you can tell me within these two days, I can show you another house if you want."

Bai Xing's eyes widened and he shook his head immediately, "You should leave your fingerprint in the system no need to delete it and the house is fine, we won't change."

RuQian tilted her head slightly, "You haven't seen the house yet. How do you know it's fine? Just tell me after you discuss it with your wife, there's no hurry."

Bai Xing sighed internally, it looked like RuQian wouldn't take no for an answer and he did not want to argue with her. He could just say the same thing after two days, it would be fine. But by the way RuQian spoke about the house he thought it was a small apartment, he was wrong. It was clearly a huge three bedroom house.

RuQian opened the door, there was a small foyer at the entrance, the living room was huge! There was a balcony near the far end, kitchen to the left of the foyer, a long hallway down the right, a door to the left, the hallway had three doors. RuQian explained two as to be the bedrooms and one to be the guest bathroom, the door to the left was the guest bedroom, the other two bedrooms had their own baths.

Bai xing stood there dumbfounded while Xiao Ruan ran inside and then she shrieked.

"Yayyy Big House. Dada ale we living here?" Bai Xing was too shocked to reply, just the size of the living room was the size of their old apartment.

"Yes sweetie, why don't I show you your princess room?" RuQian asked her taking her into the hallway and to the door on the far side.

RuQian did not know how much Xiao Ruan loved princesses in advance but she had made sure the room was pink, she figured girls would like that. And when she met her and found out about her princess obsession, she had someone add some princess stickers to the walls and also some dresses and a tiara for the girl.

RuQian took Xiao Ruan to show her the room. Meanwhile Bai xing looked around the living room. He slowly pinched his left arm and cried out slightly. "I am really not dreaming? Wow! This is real. We just got a new home!" He jumped up and down like a teenage girl.

Then he heard Xiao Ruan's loud scream, he rushed over to where he heard her voice, and entered a princess room.

The room had a pink little table and chair on one side, for studying probably, a pink and white, mostly white vanity with a mirror beside it. On the opposite end of the room to the vanity was a playing area, he assumed, a box full of different toys and another huge box, containing a castle which kids could build themselves.

Beside the playing area, in the center was the bed, with peach colored bed sheets, a white duvet. The bed had four bed posts with long white curtains tied to the posts which could be opened up when sleeping. There was a balcony that had security bars which he thought RuQian had prepared since Xiao Ruan was a kid. There was a chair and a small tea table in the balcony.

It was clear to Bai xing that RuQian had prepared this room for Xiao Ruan. The room was so beautiful, it really looked like a princess room. Xiao Ruan was bent over near the toy box rummaging through her toys excitedly.

Xiao Ruan jumped up in joy and ran into RuQian's arms hugging her tightly. "Is this really for me?" She asked holding onto a Barbie doll, doubt written all over her small face.

"Well this is a princess room. Are you a princess?" RuQian tilted her head.

"I.. I think so."

"If you have to think, then you can't be one."

"Really?" Xiao Ruan's eyes got wide and tears started to form. RuQian just wanted to tease her, she never thought the kid would actually cry!

"You have to always confidently say you are a princess! Understood?" RuQian tried to coax the girl, hoping this would help.

Xiao Ruan's eyes lit up and she nodded her head with conviction and happily went back to check her toys. Bai Xing and RuQian left the room, seeing that the kid was occupied.

"I did not decorate the rest of the house in any manner, so you and your wife can decide on that. I just wanted Xiao Ruan to have her dream room. Hope you don't mind." RuQian did not want Bai Xing's wife to be mad. Many mothers wouldn't like their children getting close to other women they did not know, well she was still a girl, but still.

Bai Xing shook his head, "I am sure my wife wouldn't mind, you did this for Xiao Ruan and I'm sure she would appreciate it and I do too."

RuQian nodded her head "I will leave now, I have already spent more time than I estimated I would." She really had to go home and get a nap.

She spoke to Bai Xing and said bye to Xiao Ruan who hugged her once again and gave her a kiss on the cheek. The kid looked really happy which cheered RuQian up. She bid the father daughter duo farewell and left the building quickly.

She wanted to go home, have some food and sleep early. But little did RuQian know it was a pipe dream. Someone was waiting for her!