Chapter 8 – Unexpected Outcome

The sun was beginning to set. The bold palette of orange, pink and purple displayed in the sky was extremely captivating.

Meng Yu let out a long sigh as she laid on the bushes. She did not know how much time had passed. The little boy on top of her had stopped crying a while ago, but she did not dare to move. She felt that any sudden movement would break his dam again, and she really, really hated children's cries.

"Young master!" A sharp voice disrupted the peaceful evening.

Meng Yu jumped up and swiftly dodged the sudden attacks. A mysterious young lady took the opportunity to quickly pulled the boy away from Meng Yu while she was distracted.

"Young Master, are you alright?" The lady asked in concern.

The little boy sniffed a little and shook his head. He quickly looked over at Meng Yu and pointed his tiny finger at her.

"Shui Yang, she bullied me!"

Meng Yu glared incredulously at the little boy.

Who was the one who threw stone at me first?

Meng Yu did not have time to indulge in her own thoughts when the lady named Shui Yang rushed forward like lightning and thrusted her palm at Meng Yu without question. Meng Yu quickly sidestepped to evade the sudden attack.

What is wrong with this woman?

Shui Yang did not hesitate before continuously sending forceful strike after strike at Meng Yu. Her movement was agile, but Meng Yu could read her movement easily and dodged without much efforts. It infuriated Shui Yang further when she realized that she could not even touch a strand of Meng Yu's hair. Gritting her teeth furiously, she threw something out from her sleeves.

Hidden weapons!

Meng Yu's eyes widen in shock when she saw several thin objects flying straight at her, and narrowly jumped out of harm's way. Couple of long silver needles embedded itself straight into the tall tree behind her. Meng Yu's expression darkened immediately. Previously, she did not take Shui Yang seriously, and was merely fending her off halfheartedly, but she did not expect this unreasonable and crazy woman to attack her with hidden weapons.

She did not look for trouble, but why did trouble usually find her?

Shui Yang rushed forward and threw more needles at Meng Yu incessantly. Tired with the crazy woman's tirade, Meng Yu decided to put a stop to this meaningless fight before things got out of control. Shui Yang gasped when she saw Meng Yu flew at her so quickly that she could not dodge in time when Meng Yu send a powerful kick to her lower abdomen and sent her flying a few meters backward.

"Argh!" Shui Yang landed on the ground with a loud thump.

"Gentleman reasons things out and does not resort to force." Meng Yu's rested her hand behind her back as she maintained her cold facade.

"Screw you! I am not a gentleman!" Shui Yang snapped back furiously, as she pushed herself up with great efforts. It seemed that she had taken a heavy blow from Meng Yu's kick as she staggered forward.

Meng Yu furrowed her brows upon hearing Shui Yang's word and made a mental note to herself.

True. She is not a gentleman.

"Who are you? What are you doing in the Silver Sky Mansion!?" Shui Yang growled.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you this question?" Meng Yu replied nonchalantly.

Even though Meng Yu did not mix with the other servants in the mansion, but she had a habit of taking note of every servant going in and out of the mansion. She did not recognize Shui Yang or the little boy who came out of nowhere. Even the way they dressed did not seem like servants. Were they guests? But what guests will come out of nowhere and attacked her without reason?

Were they her old enemies?

Meng Yu expression hardened at the thought of it and she scrutinized Shui Yang and the little boy carefully. Shui Yang was about to open her mouth to snap at Meng Yu when the other person raised her piercing gaze at her. Gulping, Shui Yang felt a shiver went down her spine, and quickly pulled the little boy to hide behind her.

"What, what..." Shui Yang stuttered as she tried to suppress her own fear. She did not know who the woman in front of her was, but she had a very cold and cruel gaze, as if she was someone who does not need a reason to kill.


Both Shui Yang and Meng Yu turned to look at the source of the voice. Shui Yang's strained expression quickly lifted as she called out in relief to the man who was heading toward them.

"Brother Jin Di!"

Meng Yu studied the other mysterious man approaching them. He had a sturdy build and there were two swords strapped behind him. He exuded a very distant and cold aura, but his gaze held an untamed wildfire. Meeting his gaze, Meng Yu felt a familiar feeling rising in her heart. Her heart began beating quickly despite her attempts to tamp down the rising adrenaline. Her fingers twitched as he stepped closer. Meng Yu knew why her body reacted that way. The man in front of her had an extraordinarily strong smell of blood on him.

"Shui Yang, your impulsiveness will kill you one day." Jin Di chastised calmly.

Shui Yang bit her lips and tried to protest, "But, but... she bullied young master!"

Jin Di ignored Shui Yang and knelt down to check on the little boy.

"Young master, you shouldn't simply run off. It is very dangerous. We will be reprimanded by Madam if she finds out."

The little boy pouted, "I just wanted to see Uncle..."

The man smiled tenderly as he replied, "I understand. It is our fault for not protecting you well."

Jin Di stood up and turned to face Meng Yu. "My lady, I wish to apologize on behalf of my sister for her rashness. We are guests, yet we acted so rudely."

Meng Yu paused briefly as she analyzed the situation in her head. At a time like this, she should not attract too much attention. It would be better to leave as soon as possible.

"Since it is all a misunderstanding, then there is no need to delve further into this matter. I am also a guest to this manor's owner, and I have misbehaved." She replied perfunctorily before turning around to leave.

Before she could take a step, her sharp instinct suddenly kicked in and she quickly turned around just to see the edge of a sword swung past her so quickly that it was only missing her neck by an inch. A few strands of her hair fell onto the floor. Meng Yu's eyes burned with anger as she glared at Jin Di. Her opponent's eyes were filled with murderous intention as he held firmly onto his two swords – each on one hand.

A dual sword wielder?

Jin Di's expression was without a tinge of guilt despite being caught ambushing. Instead he gave her a taunting smirk. Meng Yu realized that she had no choice but to fight if she intended to walk out of here alive.

Jin Di did not wait for her to respond before swinging his swords again at her. Each of his attack was aiming at her vital point. Meng Yu could only evade and retreat because she did not have any weapon on her. His skills were undeniably better than Shui Yang, and his attacks were even faster and deadly. His weapon managed to graze Meng Yu's shoulder, and she stumbled backward carelessly. Due to the previous fight, she had overexerted her recovering body, and not to mention that in order to keep up with Jin Di's quicker moves, she had pushed her body to the limit. She could feel some of her wounds reopening again, and blood began flowing out freely. The pain was overwhelming, but she did not reveal it on her cold expression.

Meng Yu bit her lips when she realized how disadvantageous her situation was. Seeing her careless movement just now, the opponent was obviously aware of her poor condition, and yet there was no sign of slowing down at all. It was as if he was trying to take advantage of her current condition to strike her down. Each of his attack became even more forceful and vicious. His swords once again swung toward her neck and Meng Yu bent her body backward to avoid it. Seeing that he had used too much strength in this attack, and that he could not recover in time, Meng Yu flung herself toward him. Using her entire body weight as a leverage, she kicked at his chest, sending Jin Di stumbling backward. With this opening, Meng Yu managed to thrust her palm at his shoulder. Jin Di was no fool when he noticed the changes in Meng Yu's movement, and realized her plan to immobilize him. He pulled back quickly and managed to evade a vital blow to his shoulder, but while he was not paying attention, Meng Yu had already flown behind him in the blink of an eye.

Shui Yang gasped in terror as she watched in shock.

"Brother Jin Di, look out!"


Meng Yu used her elbow to hit the back of Jin Di's neck hard, and he was momentarily immobilized. She gripped onto one of his hand and disarmed his weapon, but being a well-trained soldier, he was not paralyzed for long before he regained control of his body. He immediately blocked Meng Yu's attack with his remaining sword and followed up with a quick slash. Meng Yu took a light cut on her arm as she tried to dodge out of the way. Crimson red blood blossomed on her sleeve like flowers.

"Stop right there!" A stern voice rang out from behind them.