Chapter 10 – Wanted Criminal

After a while, it rained heavily throughout the night. It was past midnight and Meng Yu was lying on the bed in her night robe, but she could not sleep a wink at all. Her mind was overwhelmed with too many questions. Who were the mysterious people she met today? Zheng Qing Yao is definitely more than what he said he was. She felt that she should really leave the manor but then where should she go? She should at least figure that out if she is really planning to leave.

Suddenly she heard multiple footsteps outside heading toward her room. Not one, but more than ten, she estimated. Some of them were exceptionally light footsteps. From experience, these barely audible footsteps should belong to those highly trained martial artists. She sighed inwardly. Looks like tonight is going to be an extremely long night.

After a moment, there was a soft knock on the door.

"Meng Yu?" Qing Yao's voice called out.

Meng Yu got down from her bed and pushed the door open slightly. She peeked out and saw Qing Yao standing outside with a troubled expression on his face. Behind him was Mu Yin, and further away was a group of strangers wearing intricate dark navy uniform. They looked like royal guards, and there were about ten of them. Meng Yu secretly made a mental note to herself.

"It is so late already. What is the matter?" She asked calmly, without betraying the sense of foreboding she was feeling.

"Meng Yu, these people are the royal guards. They are under instruction to investigate the mansion. They suspect that there is a wanted criminal hiding in the mansion. Can you come out, and let them do their duty?" Qing Yao explained cautiously.

Wanted criminal?

Meng Yu maintained her expressionless facade on the outside as she nodded and replied, "I understand. Please give me a moment to change my clothes."

"Please take your time..." His voice trailed off when a male voice interrupted him out of nowhere.

"Lord Zheng. What is taking so long?" drawled a loud sarcastic voice. Meng Yu's attention was immediately captured by the figure standing in the shadow behind Qing Yao.

He stood out of the shadow. His posture was proud and dignified. He was not wearing uniform but a fine silk black brocade robe with dark crimson red borders decorated with full gold embroidery. A pair of intricate blood jade pendant was hanging on his waist belt, and he held a fan in his left hand. He looked like a nobleman. His eyes were a deep black color, like a bottomless black pit and an arrogant smile was carved on his lips. He was slightly older than Qing Yao, probably in his late twenties, and he emitted an unusual lofty aura. He was smiling, but Meng Yu recognized this kind of smile. It was a very devious and emotionless smile. It was like wearing a mask.

"How weird is it that the owner of the mansion has to ask permission from his servant before he can search his mansion?" The haughty young man expressed his contempt.

Qing Yao furrowed his brow and turned around to face him. Despite his obvious annoyance, his tone remained placid as he replied with proper etiquette.

"Lord Yin, Lady Meng is not my servant. She is my honorable guest, and naturally I should be polite and get the lady's permission first."

Meng Yu studied the mysterious young man cautiously.

Lord Yin?

Lord Yin smiled back politely and replied, "Lord Zheng, you should be aware of the urgency of this matter. If the lady has already agreed to it, please step out immediately, and let us do our job."

Qing Yao was furious as he stepped in front of her door, with his back to her. "She just need a moment to change her robe, if you would just wait a little while more." Qing Yao replied, but the anger in his tone was barely concealable this time. It was the first time Meng Yu saw him getting agitated like this.

Lord Yin opened his mouth to speak, but Meng Yu cut him off this time.

"My room is so small that if a wanted criminal is hiding inside, I would have known. I am just asking for a moment to change my clothes, but if my Lord thinks that I am wasting time, then I do not need to change anymore. I do not wish to further trouble Mister Zheng with my troublesome humble self."

Meng Yu opened the door wide and stepped out in her thin night robe. Qing Yao looked back and saw her in this state. His eyes widen in shock and he instinctively averted his eyes. Without further ado, he immediately took off his own outer robe and wrapped it around Meng Yu. His cheek was slightly tinted in red. Mu Yin who was standing behind Qing Yao, was stupefied, as if someone had slapped her right in the face. The other guards too quickly looked down awkwardly except for Lord Yin. He stared straight at her, and the corner of his lips lifted slightly. Meng Yu glared challengingly back at him.

This man really ticks me off

Qing Yao turned back to face Lord Yin again. His voice was cold as he spoke, "You can begin your search now."

He gently pulled Meng Yu aside, and the royal guards started marching into her room. Meng Yu's eyes did not leave that arrogant man's face. They stared icily at each other, with both of them refusing to be the one to break the eye contact first. Barely a few minutes later, the guards came out and reported that they had found nothing. He finally looked away and smiled cockily. Meng Yu noticed that the royal guards went in and practically messed up her entire room like a storm. Their purpose did not seem like searching for a wanted criminal at all. More like... to make a mess.

"I must apologize to the young lady for embarrassing her in the public. I, Yin He am deeply sorry for all the troubles and misunderstanding that I have caused. Please forgive me." He bowed slightly and gave Meng Yu an empty smile that did not match his eyes. He cocked his eyebrow at her, waiting for her response.

Provoking me, huh?

Meng Yu tilted her head slightly at him. Her lips formed a thin line, but it finally curled up slightly at the corner.

"I know Lord Yin is just doing his duty. How can a humble self like me dare to accept my honorable Lord's apology, moreover, to forgive you, my Lord?" She replied smoothly, without even blinking at him. She gave him a fake smile of her own.

"Please take it back. Meng Yu dare not have such honor."

Yin He smirked, and this time his black eyes were gleaming. It was filled with fascination.

"My lady, if you do not accept my apology, I am afraid Lord Zheng will not let me off easily. I sincerely hope for you to forgive me." He added.

"If my Lord keeps insisting, then yes, I forgive you." She replied perfunctorily.

"Thank you, my lady."

Yin He maintained his smiling expression as he turned to Qing Yao, "I have bothered Lord Zheng so late in the night, and I must excuse myself now. As you are aware, I have urgent matters on hand to settle."

Qing Yao's eyes were cold as he nodded back at him. Meng Yu noticed the tense atmosphere between the two men.

Yin He instructed all the guards to retreat immediately with a wave of his hand. He then turned his gaze toward Meng Yu, and asked politely, "Lady Meng Yu, right?"

Meng Yu nodded in return. "Yes, Lord Yin."

He took a few steps toward her till he was standing right in front of her. Without warning, he leaned in and whispered into her ear in a low voice, "I came to catch a wanted criminal…" He paused deliberately and gave her a meaningful look "But it looks like that I have encounter something more interesting than a criminal."

Smirking, he flicked open the folding fan in his hand and walked past her. Qing Yao looked on curiously as he could not hear what Yin He had said, but he could see Meng Yu smiling warily at him.

"Good night, Lady Meng Yu. I shall remember your name well." Yin He said, without looking back. His tone was filled with hidden implication.

Meng Yu watched quietly as he walked off together with Qing Yao. She noticed Qing Yao kept glancing back at her, and the unspoken worries in his eyes. He looked like as if he had a lot things to say to her. However, she was too exhausted to care for now. She shook her head wearily before heading back to her own room.

Qing Yao escorted Yin He out to his carriage. Yin He turned around and said to Qing Yao, "Lord Zheng is an extraordinarily talented physician. I sincerely appreciate what you have done during these critical periods, but I hope you understand that this time is just a warning from me to you."

He paused and gave Qing Yao a hard look, before he climbed into his carriage "No, this is my warning to her. Tell her not to keep testing my patience."

Qing Yao watched as the carriage and the troop of guards retreated from the mansion. He heaved a long sigh. Mu Yin quickly came forward and asked in a low voice, "Master, should I report this?"

Qing Yao shook his head in exhaustion, "No. He is just letting out his anger on me. This is not a big deal. There is no need to further complicate this matter." Flapping his sleeve, he whirled around and strode back into the mansion. Mu Yin glanced as the carriage and the last of the soldiers disappeared around the corner, before following after her master's departing figure.