Chapter 35 – The Confrontation (Part 3)

Xia Hei stood by the window as he looked down at the bustling street. His expression was grim, as he watched the people come and go. It had been a while since he last stepped out of the Red Lantern Manor, especially during this hour when the sun rose to the highest in the sky. He disliked crowded area, but due to the urgency of the matter, he had no choice but to make a trip to the capital of Yin today. Lao Qi who was watching him by his side mustered up his courage and asked cautiously, "Boss, will it be alright?"

Xia Hei did not reply immediately as he continued to gaze out of the window in deep contemplation. "What would not be alright?" He finally replied after a long moment.

"I mean, how will Jing Yun Sheng react if he knew what happened?" Lao Qi stuttered nervously.

The corner of Xia Hei's lips curved, revealing a mocking smile as he turned to look at Lao Qi. "Well, you will find out very soon."

Before Lao Qi could say anything more, they heard a soft knock on the door. Lao Qi quickly went over to open the door. The other person behind the door revealed a charming smile that resembled a refreshing spring. Those enchanting pair of eyes glistened brightly as he strode into the room with grace. Following closely behind him was a gentle petite figure.

"I hope you did not wait too long."

Jing Yun Sheng lightly said as Xia Hei invited him to take a seat. Lian Xi who had been following behind him tactfully stepped forward and picked up the wine jug on the table. Her movement was nimble and flawless as she poured the wine into two exquisite cups before retreating to her spot.

Jing Yun Sheng lifted the wine cup and said, "This is to apologise for my lateness. There was some unexpected delay on my way here just now." He threw his head back and downed the cup in one go.

Xia Hei shook his head and replied nonchalantly, "No worries. I heard Sir Jing… has been very busy visiting the refugee camps under the order of the Yin Emperor."

A faint smile slowly formed on Jing Yun Sheng's face as he heard Xia Hei's remark. Putting down his wine cup, his pair of dark pupils looked toward Xia Hei with an unspoken ambiguity. Xia Hei maintained his calmness as he waited patiently for the other party to speak. Jing Yun Sheng suddenly broke out into laughter as he said, "I am surprised that a busy man like you would pay attention to such minor matter. Yes, His Majesty has assigned me to oversee the refugee camps... which I cannot decline. After all, it has always been the duty of my clan to serve the people of the Mo, especially during difficult times like this."

Xia Hei watched the expression of the man in front of him carefully. He had received information that Jing Yun Sheng personally offered himself to oversee the refugee camps after the war. For a person with a status like him to take up such troubling menial task, it could be seen how far the length he was willing to go in order to seek for that particular one person. Not to mention, he could just manage the paperwork from the back of the scene, yet he had personally visited those camps in person frequently. Even Xia Hei knew how unpleasant the situation of the refugee camps would be after the end of a long brutal war. It was not a scene any normal aristocrat can withstand.

Of course, normal cannot be used to describe Jing Yun Sheng at all. The smile on Xia Hei's face deepened meaningfully as he replied, "I see. Sir Jing… is extremely benevolent indeed."

Jing Yun Sheng remained poised as if he could not hear the sarcasm in Xia Hei's words. Without further ado, Xia Hei signalled Lao Qi to come forward with a sandalwood box. It was the very same box that Jing Yun Sheng gave him. Lao Qi walked over and passed it to Lian Xi.

"This painting seems to be extremely precious to Sir Jing. Since our painter has done his job, I shall return it back to the owner as soon as possible."

Jing Yun Sheng glanced toward the sandalwood box for a moment and murmured quietly, "Indeed, it is."

Returning his gaze back to Xia Hei, he asked pleasantly, "However, I believe you have asked to meet me is not only to return the painting?"

Xia Hei picked the wine jug up and proceed to fill their cups as he said, "Definitely. I do have some important questions to ask Sir Jing. Regarding this matter, I hope Sir Jing can be honest with me."

Jing Yun Sheng lifted his brow in curiosity as he studied Xia Hei's darkened expression. The previous warmness on Xia Hei face had completely disappeared without a trace and replaced with a sombre gaze of the well-known black-market Big Boss.

"Sir Jing, can you tell me who exactly is this person that you are seeking for?" Xia Hei asked in a dangerously low voice.

The atmosphere in the room immediately turned uncomfortably tense. Lian Xi swiftly reached toward the whip hanging by her waistband, readily whipping it out, but she stopped in her track when she heard Jing Yun Sheng's light and crisp chuckle. She turned her head to look at him.

"What do you mean?" His voice was calm and soothing as ever. It was as if he did not detect Xia Hei's hostility.

Xia Hei narrowed his eyes as the person sitting in front of him remained unperturbed by pressure exuded by him. "I usually do not question the identity of the person I am helping to trace. After all, I do respect confidentiality in our line of work."

"However…" The cup in Xia Hei's hand shattered into pieces as he spewed out the words chillingly, "I cannot tolerate being played like a fool!"

Jing Yun Sheng's eyes flickered briefly when he heard those words.

"If you are not able to give me a satisfying answer today, I am afraid we can no longer continue with the business on hand."

Xia Hei was extremely intimidating as he glared sternly at Jing Yun Sheng. Even Lao Qi who was standing at the back of him had his hand placed readily on the handle of his unsheathed sword. The entire room fell into dead silence that the bustling at the street outside could be heard clearly. Lao Qi held his breath as he anticipated the reaction from Jing Yun Sheng. Perspiration formed on his forehead as his heart began thumping anxiously. Following Xia Hei for so many years, he had been through his fair share of dangerous and life-threatening circumstances, yet he still could not help but felt extremely nervous. After all, the opponent they were facing this time was a well-known strategist. An unfathomable young man who indirectly brought a century old empire to its destruction.

He had guessed that there might be confrontation today, but he did not expect Xia Hei to be so direct in his approach. Not to mentioned, they were not at Red Lantern Manor, hence there was limitation to the backup they could bring. Perhaps, this was exactly what the Jing clan predicted as well, thus they had set up the meeting in the busiest area of the capital city at this time and hour. They could be the one walking into a trap set by them.

Jing Yun Sheng gracefully picked up the wine cup in front of him and took a slow sip. He seemed completely at ease, and unconcerned with the building tension in the room. He lowered his gaze and watched the remaining wine gently rippled in the exquisite cup held in between his slender fingers.

"It seems… that you have met her."

Those pair of lucid eyes twinkled as they gazed up toward Xia Hei again. It was filled with an unfathomable excitement that Xia Hei could not grasp at all. It was also the first time Jing Yun Sheng had revealed any kind of raw emotion in front of him. For a moment, Xia Hei was caught off guard, but he quickly snapped out of it.

"She had dozens of my men killed brutally in front of me." He lamented in displeasure.

The corner of Jing Yun Sheng's lip slowly turned up. When he made the deduction, he was very sure, but to hear Xia Hei confirming it himself, Jing Yun Sheng could barely suppress the emotion brewing inside of him. He placed the cup down and said with a hint of overindulgence, "It is indeed my mistake for not warning you beforehand about her skills… I will definitely compensate for all the damages she had caused."

"What do you take me, Xia Hei as!?" Xia Hei roared as he slammed his palm on the table forcefully, causing the remaining cup and wine jar to topple over and spilled its content onto the table.

Lian Xi immediately whipped out her whip, and Lao Qi in response unsheathed his sword. Both were ready to lunge forward anytime, but before they could take any further action, Jing Yun Sheng immediately flapped his sleeve and waved at Lian Xi to stand back. She was hesitant at first, but seeing Jing Yun Sheng's composed expression, she pursed her lips and slowly retreated to the back again. Her grip on the whip remained tight as she glared hostilely at Xia Hei like a hawk watching her prey. Lao Qi remained still when he saw the other party had backed down.

"Please do not misunderstood. I did not purposely fool you." Jing Yun Sheng said as he took out a silk handkerchief and carefully wiped the spilled wine on his hand.

"I am sincerely trying to do a business with you… though I did not expect it will cause so many difficulties to you. I must admit, this is really my mistake."

Xia Hei frowned as he scrutinized the other person closely. The other person was still extremely composed in this situation, barely revealing anything to him. He harrumphed coldly and asked, "How do you expect me to trust you?"

Jing Yun Sheng revealed a spring like breeze smile as he met Xia Hei's displeased chilly eyes.

"I have nothing against you, so why would I try to fool you? I came to you because I have heard about your reputation, and impeccable business principle."

Seeing Xia Hei remained icy cold and unconvinced, Jing Yun Sheng let out a soft sigh. "Truth be told, I did not wish for any other people to know about this matter because of her identity."

Xia Hei lifted his brows in suspicion, and Jing Yun Sheng smile continued to brighten.

"There have been a lot of rumours going around about me, and I believe you must have heard some of them as well. You are a very smart man. I am sure you understand what I meant."

Xia Hei sneered as he thought to himself. Was Jing Yun Sheng confirming those rumours that had been going around for years indirectly? Leaning forward, his deep gaze bored at Jing Yun Sheng and asked, "So, it is true then?"

Jing Yun Sheng replied unhurriedly, "Be it true or false, it does not matter anymore. It is all in the past now."

He stood up and walked to Lian Xi. Taking the sandalwood box from her, he placed it on the table and took the painting out. His expression was cryptic as he looked at the painting. After a slight pause, he finally opened his mouth and said, "To show my sincerity, I will tell you the truth. She is my missing fiancée, Yang Yi."