#1 Accident

"Mom, Dad!... Please, please help me. Hana is scared, please hikes. " The girl continued to whine while enduring the pain in her body.

Her gaze continued to be fixed on her parents who were now lying limp in the car's front seat.

The bodies of the three people were now covered in blood.

Indah⇒ the little girl's mother tried to reach her child's body, but her unstable state prevented her from reaching her child's body.

The woman looked at the man beside her, who was her husband.

She saw that there was no reaction from her husband.

Her husband's head was still on the steering wheel of the car.

She then turned her gaze towards Ishana, her little daughter.

"Hana, did you hear mom?" The woman asked Ishana.

Ishana nodded with a small sob.

"Now Ishana leaves her son, don't let anyone see Ishana here." The woman said to Ishana.

While Ishana who heard her mother's words was still silent, the girl looked confused by what her mother had said earlier.

"Why mom? Why can't anyone see Ishana with you?"

"Because it's dangerous for you dear, now I beg you to leave here. You're still strong, son."

"No, I don't want to mom. Ishana won't leave mommy and daddy here." The girl said as she continued to shake her head.

Her tears flowed even harder.

"There's not much time left child, I'm begging you. This is for your good, please."


"Get out of here Hana."

"Mom....." The girl looked at her mommy with a sad look.

"You have to hide, no one should know that you are mom and dad's daughter. Create a new background for your family; don't tell them about mom and dad."

"Who are they, mom?"

"Someday, you will also know. What is clear is that no one should know that you know mommy and daddy. After running away from here, you don't go back home first or even report to the police station, you have to disappear. You go far away. Start nnn... Now, pretend you've never been mommy and daddy's child, and you don't even know mommy and daddy at all."

"But mom, Hana can't be alone. Hana doesn't know what to do, Hana doesn't want to be separated from mommy and daddy his..." Said the girl while continuing to sob.

"Please Hana, I know you are a smart child dear. Now you follow what mom says okay, www... we don't have much time. You must be safe." The woman's breathing was getting weaker and weaker.

She looked like she couldn't take it anymore.

Ishana looked at her daddy who still did not react.


"Hurry up Hana, before they all come and find you here."

Ishana looked at her parents with sad eyes.

As Ishana looked at Indah, the woman nodded her head.

Seeing that, Ishana finally started moving and began to leave the place.

She looked at her surroundings to make sure that no one would see her as her mother had said.

When everything looked safe, the little girl started running with a limp as her leg was still injured.

The girl's tears were unrelenting.

Now she was behind a car parked not far from the place where she and her parents had the tragic accident.

She stared at the car and imagined how her parents were there.

She did not understand why her mom did not want anyone to know that she was there and with her mommy and daddy.

The girl was also still curious about the person her mommy was referring to earlier.

"I'm sorry mom, dad. Sorry for going alone and not being able to help you, I'm sorry about this.."

As Ishana was about to leave the place, she suddenly saw that several people were coming towards the car where her parents were.

Ishana furrowed her brow at the sight of those people.

"Who are they?" The girl said as she took a squat position so the people there could not see her.

"Do they want to help daddy and mom? Am I better off showing up? Yes, I can't hide, I have to talk to them. Forgive Hana for disobeying mom." The girl said as her mom's words crossed her mind.

However, as the girl began to take a step, she was suddenly startled by the sound of an explosion in front of her.

The girl immediately fell silent when she saw the car that her mom and dad had been riding in earlier had now turned into flames.

The car burned out until it spewed flames so high.

The girl's whole body immediately drooped limply.

"Everything is safe boss, the car has been burned down. We're doing as we're told." Said one of the men Ishana had seen approaching her mom and dad's car.

The man seemed to be reporting the incident to someone on the phone.

"Who told him to kill mom and dad?" Ishana asked herself.

From the man's words that he did it to his mom and dad because someone told him to, who was he, and why did he do this to his parents?

"It's just the two of them boss, there are no children there." The man said again.

Upon hearing that, Ishana immediately stepped back and went back to hide behind the car that was not far from her.

"Look for the little boy who was with the two of them. He must not be far from here, if he resists just kill him. It's an order from the boss, so do it now." The man said in a quite loud voice.

The people who had been with him nodded their heads and began to split up to carry out the task that had been told to them.

Ishana immediately looked around her.

The girl was immediately shocked when she saw the area around her.

No wonder no one had come or passed by since she had been here.

Where exactly was she right now? Why were there so many big trees around her?

The girl panicked even more when the people looking for her walked closer to her.

The girl didn't know where to go now.

She was afraid to enter the forest alone. However, she also couldn't stay here.

She could die right now, she couldn't die now.

Even though her life had been destroyed when she saw her parents killed in

He had to live, he had to know who had done this to his family.

She must be able to avenge her dad and mom.

The girl clenched her fists hard trying to contain her emotions.

"You can Hana, mom, and dad must be able to get justice, you cannot be weak." The girl said to encourage herself.

The girl immediately ran and entered the forest.

At least in the forest, she could have a larger area to avoid those people.

She continued to run without direction, the important thing right now was that she was not caught by those people.

He didn't even care about the tree branches that kept tearing his legs and hands.

Blood had now fused with her skin.

The fishy smell of blood became the girl's perfume this time.

Would Ishana be safe and free from these people this time?

Will Ishana's act of revenge go smoothly?

Or will there be obstacles that she will experience while acting revenge?