Liar Liar

I run through the woods, the leaves crunching beneath my boots. The other pair of feet don't seem to be far behind as they chase me, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I leap over a fallen log, quickly turning to change my path. A pathetic attempt at throwing the attacker off even though it was my fault she had even gotten this close. Speeding up, I strain my ears to catch the footsteps before I realize the sound has disappeared. Without slowing down, my forehead creases in confusion. Where did she go? I begin to slow down, my run turning into a jog as I look around. My eyes widen as I hear the familiar sound of the crossbow and barely leap away in time for the arrow to land in the bark of the tree I was standing in front of. As I lay on the ground, I raise my head as she comes closer to me, crossbow in hand. 

"What the hell, Bianca?" Courtney asks me, in surprise, as she struggles to catch her breath.