"Zerinia!" Laila or more specifically, Captain Super shouted."Don't you dare destroy my lab!" She continued. C.Zerinia turned around and looked at Captain Super with a smirk plastered on her face. She then teleported all of her henchmen out of the building and took out a grenade that's strong enough to blow up the whole building . Right after she triggered the grenade, she teleported herself out of the building. Captain Super knew she had no time to lose considering that the grenade is going to blow up in a matter of seconds, she picked it up hoping that there is enough time for her to use her super speed and fly to the middle of the ocean where it is safe for the grenade to blow up without hurting anyone.
As soon as she picked up the grenade, she immediately flew out of the building through the glass window and flew to the middle of the ocean. In just 5 seconds, the grenade blew up making a loud sound that could be heard miles away. Captain super than knew that Zerinia has gone too far and that she had to take down Zerinia and her henchmen herself so that no one would get hurt as she had realised that Zerinia is a threat to mankind.
When she was halfway back to Cyber City, she recieved an intercom from Kaylie,
" Laila, You have to go to Cyber Square now! Zerinia's attacking innocent civilians and it is causing chaos all over the city!"
"All right I'm on my way. Inform me if there is anything else."
Captain Super flew faster towards Cyber City's Cyber Square.
When she arrived, she straight away went and use her gravity manipulation powers and picked up two buses that has been evacuated, and threw it in Zerinia's direction but Zerinia opened a portal and the buses went in then opened another portal behind and now, the buses were headed to Captain Super but she did not realise it. However when it was about to hit captain Super, it suddenly came to a halt. Captain Super turned around eyes widened at the fact that the bus was about to hit her and that it was now floating and is coated by a magical glowing purple light.
Zerinia knew who had stopped the bus from hitting Captain Super. It was her sister Verinia as she could recognise the glowing purple magic anywhere. Zerinia looked at Verinia feeling betrayed but Verinia looked at Zerinia with sadness in her eyes. As she was disappointed in her sister.
Captain Super took this chance to to fly to the sky then Verinia let go of the two buses and it was headed to Zerinia. However before it could hit Zerinia, she flew upwards to where Captain Super was, she then put her fist outwards with the intention to punch Captain Super but before she could even fly towards Captain Super, Captain Super used her gravity manipulation powers on Zerinia. With all her might she threw Zerinia up to space never to be seen again.
'Now, the henchmen.' Thought Captain Super.