¬Chapter 8¬

As soon as Captain Super blacked out, Verinia could feel the weight of her body impact on her she then used her powers to levitate Captain Super back to Kaylie's home or basically her superhero base.

Meanwhile...."Oh no! Layla!" Kaylie said.

Suddenly she saw something forming in-front of her. It was Verinia and Captain Super. Apparently, Verinia had teleported to the base. Verinia the put Captain Super on a metal bed that was placed at the very back of the super hero base. Kaylie didn't bother stopping Verinia as she too, had heard Verinia explaining to Captain Super just now through the cctv. She then saw Verinia placing both of her hand in front of Capta Super and said


A surge of purple light came out of her hands and it spiralled through Captain Super's body healing each and every one of her wounds. After approximately 2 minutes, Captain Super eyes began to fluster open. Looking around panicking and soon calmed down when she realised that she was back at the superhero base she then asked "What happened. I just had a very crazy dream..." she trailed of when Verinia came into her view then Captain Super asked again,

"It wasn't a dream, wasn't it?"

Verinia smiled and answered,

"It wasn't."

Kaylie than went on to check on Captain Super's vitals and fortunately it was okay. She then told Captain Super that Verinia had healed her and that she was on their side too. Captain Super then turned to Verinia and smiled warmly and said, "Thank you,"

Verinia who was looking and walking around the room turned to Captain Super and smiled at her back. Captain Super and Kaylie then, started talking about something and suddenly Verinia voiced out as soon as she had placed a very small spy camera that cant be seen nor detected by human eye or anything for that matter and said, " I am very sorry but I have to go. I have another mission from the P.O.S that needs to be done and once again thank you,"

Captain Super then answered, "You are welcome to visit us anytime," Verinia smiled at her and went out of the house to the backyard followed by Kaylie and Captain Super too.

However when they went out to the backyard, to their astonishment, their backyard was all fixed and Zerinia's spaceship was no longer there. However there was a blue spaceship that looks more advanced. Then the back of the spaceship opened, before Verinia went in a robot came out holding two gadget that looked like a mobile phone it then handed the device two Verinia. Verinia smiled and walked over to Layla and Kaylie then handed each device to them.

It might look simple but, it is advanced technology. It has holographic features and the bottom part was touch screen but not the upper part. The upper part shows pictures just like how a mobile phone functions. Basically it has features just like a mobile phone but more advanced...

Both Layla and Kaylie read the words written and they formed a smile. Verinia then explained to them why they had gotten it. It was because it was for them to communicate if there were aliens that came to earth to take over and so on and that they were newly recruited agents of P.O.S and these were important devices that each and every agent needs.

They then nodded and said thank you and afterwards each of them bead goodbye to each other and Verinia said "...I'll be back," and she headed towards the spaceship and the entrance closed. With a blink of an eye Verinia's spaceship was gone they looked at the device and then each other. Layla and Kaylie hugged each other and then went inside the house and switch on the television, Captain Super was on the news. Both of them were overjoyed and watched the news. Afterwards they called it a night and Layla slept over at Kaylies house.

The civilians were thankful to Captain Super for protecting them from danger and she did protect her city from any harm from that day on

The end.