โ€” Blue

โˆพ ๐”ผ๐•ก๐•š๐•ค๐• ๐••๐•– ๐Ÿ : ๐”น๐•๐•ฆ๐•– โˆพ


"๐„๐’๐Œ๐„๐‘๐€๐˜! ๐–๐‡๐„๐‘๐„ ๐€๐‘๐„ you?" the voice of Triton echoed in her mind but she couldn't reply to him. She could see him sitting on the throne with his eyes blood red, anger written on his face, and his hands running wildly through his hair.

She had never seen her mate more lost. The mermaid princess wished she could reach him somehow, yet she was bounded by something invisible. Her body felt numb and she couldn't feel her tail anymore. How was she going to swim to her love now?

Triton got up from his throne and turned to the angry mermen soldiers.

"Bring me the siren!" his voice boomed in the royal court.

The soldiers nodded and swam away to get the siren Triton had ordered for. The royal court looked tensed with the members of the court sitting on their diamond thrones with a gloomy expression. The white walls were laced with magic in order to prevent the words of the court to fly out to untrustworthy ears. The magic protected the most respected members of the Merfolk species.

Triton sat on the throne for the king with his silver sword in one hand and a diamond crown resting grandly on his head.

Esmeray could see him and he wished that he could sense her too. She knew that this was because of the mate bond that she was able to contact him, but the bond was weakening.

The soldiers dragged in the siren and Esmeray's breath hitched at the terrible state of the once beautiful siren. Her red hair was in utter chaos and blood flowed from her lips. The emptiness in her emerald eyes scared her - a siren without meaning is dangerous as she would kill anyone without thinking twice. At the end of the day, all the sirens cared about were the ways to satisfy their blood lust.

"Bow to the King, now, traitor!" the soldier said as he threw the siren on the floor.

Chains contained the hungry creature and even some of the court members flinched at the darkness dancing in her eyes. Triton looked at the siren without any fear, only hate.

"Where is my mate, siren?" Triton asked the siren.

In return, he only earned a laugh from the siren. She stared at Triton - a sign of disrespect towards the King. The siren wasn't scared of the King of Merfolk himself.

"If she isn't dead by now, then King Triton your mate is in a place where she would wish she is dead. She is a place where creatures like us don't exist and demons with sharp teeth run in the dark," the siren replied.

Agitated by her reply, Triton swam to the siren and grabbed her by her hair. The siren snarled at him, displaying her bloodied fangs but the two soldiers contained her from attacking their king. Not that Triton needed it since he was strong enough to battle any number of sirens.

"I need a name, siren. What is the place your Queen sent my mate to?" Triton asks.

Esmeray could feel his impatience and she wished that the siren would tell Triton where she is so that he could find her and take her home. She felt afraid without him by her side.

"Somewhere, King Triton. I would rather die than tell you where she is," the siren replied.

Triton had finally lost his patience by her reply. With one swift motion, he cut off the siren's tail. Esmeray flinched as she saw the siren's tail float in the water. The siren wailed in pain, yet she didn't die. The tail will never grow back again since it was cut by silver and the siren will now slowly die a painful death until she is fed some blood.

"Tell me the name and I would give you blood. Until then, you will rot behind the prison walls. Take her away!" Triton ordered as he turned and swam back to his throne.

He sat on the throne, his eyes deadly and dark. The King was going mad without his mate to calm him down.

Esmeray wished she could touch him, kiss him.

"I will find you, Esmeray," she heard Triton say.

But soon, she was pulled away from him by the invisible force. The face of the evil siren Queen snapped her mind.

She could feel her fangs bear into her neck and then, she was surrounded by pain.


"๐“๐‘๐ˆ๐“๐Ž๐! ๐๐Ž!" ๐„๐’๐Œ๐„๐‘๐€๐˜ screamed as her eyes ripped open. Her heartbeat escalated tremendously as she couldn't feel any water around her.

Where was water?

Her eyes adjusted to the light that surrounded her, but it pained her to do so. She has never been around so much light ever before. Her body screamed in pain and protested against any moment. But she was panicking.

She was in an unfamiliar place.

Esmeray got up from her bed, her eyes wildly searching for any source of water. Box-like objects surrounded her and the sound coming from them was irritating. It didn't calm her down, all she wanted to do was be in the arms of her mate. She couldn't feel him through her bond, it was like he wasn't.

Pain shot through her neck, and the deadly green eyes of the siren Queen.

An agonizing scream erupted from her mouth. The princess was crying for her mate.

She needed Triton.

Lucian heard her cries from his room and even though Mia was taking care of him, he jumped from his bed. Something about that voice drew him - it made his wolf howl in hurt. He slammed open her room's door.

And when he did, his eyes laid on the most beautiful woman in his life.

Her blonde hair was the silkiest he had seen, her sun-kissed skin glowing in the light. He shouldn't feel this way - he had a mate. But she was long forgotten because of the voice of the she-wolf in front of him.

"Martin!" Lucian called for the pack doctor.

Lucian rushed in, trying to calm the she-wolf down. Her voice was affecting him in ways he can't fathom.

Esmeray felt a hand on her stomach and she whimpered as her blue eyes met wild green ones. She could see sharp teeth poking out of his mouth. The familiarity with the siren Queen was too much. Fear jolt all around her body.

Were there male sirens as well?

She remembered the siren saying that Esmeray was now in a demonic world. Was this guy a demon? Are demons so handsome?

Was he there to torture her?

Martin entered the room with nurses by his side and when she saw them, her heart beat heightened. They were here to kill her.

"Vos postulo eoque mitescere [You need to calm down]" the doctor said but Esmeray couldn't understand a word.

Were they chanting some torturous spell?

"Please, don't kill me!" she screamed.

But Lucian couldn't understand what she was saying. Her tongue was different.

She couldn't handle it anymore, she didn't want to live in this panic anymore. Esmeray flinched as Martin tried to touch her.

"Aliquid, Martin. Et hoc TREPIDANS! [Do something, Martin. She is panicking!" Lucian said.

"Ego conatur optime, Alpha! Nutrix, da mihi leniendo nunc! [I am trying my best, Alpha! Nurse, give me some sedative now!]" Martin replied as the nurse handed him a syringe.

Lucian grabbed her hand, his eyes soft and expression worried.

Esmeray screamed louder as she saw the needle in the hand of the other man.

"Respice ad me, blue, [Look at me, blue]" Lucian said in a soft voice.

It left her entranced, it was like the man cared for her. That she could trust him.

But before she could comprehend what is happening, a needle was stuck inside her shoulder. The sedative started working instantly as Esmeray could feel her body failing her.

Black spots surrounded her eyes before she was knocked out.
