โ†ฃ Back to You

โˆพ ๐”ผ๐•ก๐•š๐•ค๐• ๐••๐•– ๐Ÿš๐Ÿž: ๐”น๐•’๐•”๐•œ ๐•ฅ๐•  ๐•๐• ๐•ฆ โˆพ


๐’๐‡๐„ ๐–๐€๐’ ๐‹๐Ž๐’๐ˆ๐๐† him, fast. Like the water slips away from one's hand, his will of living was slipping away. Lucian couldn't find a reason to open his eyes - not even for his mate. This made Esmeray wonder why. No matter how tough the times are, she would always be there for Triton.

She would always love him.

Dying means spending less time with him, which she refused to. The rhythm of her heart sings his name, so why cut the song short when she could hear it forever?

"Lucian!" Esmeray screamed at the child, his face stained with blood and dread on his face. The pity faces of the pack members surrounded him - even his father looked shocked at the words of his mate. She might be trouble - but she was his mate and the moments he spent with her were dear to him. He will cherish their memories together.

As she rushed towards the child, the scene changed.

She no longer was standing on the pack grounds - the dark arena surrounded her again. Her magic flickered yet again, his life hanging by a thin thread that can snap any moment.

Instead of standing where she was, she summoned some magic inside of her. A ball of light surfaced from her magic - just like she had imagined. But even though she was able to search through the dark, she couldn't sense Lucian anywhere near her.

"Lucian!" she screamed again - yet there was no response. Where was the Alpha at?

She stopped, knowing that she was walking cluelessly in the dark. There needs to be something she could do - she had felt connected to him the moment she had met him in the hospital. Was it all an illusion or did it mean something?

Closing her eyes, she called out for Lucian - her magic sweeping out of her body and searching for some link between her and the Alpha. She had never been in someone's mind, so she must be here for a purpose. There has to be a connection, there needs to be a way to save Lucian.

With full force, she shouted his name in her head, in her magic - in her heart. She called for the Alpha desperately, like he had once saved her, she needed to save him. Save him from himself.

And when it felt like the world was against her, she heard a growl. The growl of a wolf she knew of before. Opening her eyes, she saw him.

Lucian's wolf.

The magic had forced the Alpha wolf out, the desperate pleas of the stranger it had found itself connected to forcing him to turn back before slipping into nothingness. The light was still there, calling out for the wolf. Urging him to join death.

But the wolf couldn't ignore Esmeray - it was impossible for it to do so.

With tears of joy, she knelt down to the wolf. As she ran her hand through its black, soft fur the wolf purred. She buried her face in his neck - Esmeray couldn't believe that she had managed to do it.

"Please don't leave us, we need you. Every Ignis pack member needs their Alpha. Mia needs her mate..... I need you. Without you, I probably would find myself in the clutches of death again. I know it might appear that its the end, that you have failed. But every pack member prays for their Alpha to get well. They trust you with their lives. Think of the bright side of the future - you can make the pack stronger than before, live a life with your mate. Think of the little versions of Lucian and Mia you might miss if you just... surrender now. Think of their laughter, how they will ask you to play with them, how they will trouble you when you try to sleep.... how good they will make you feel about life. Come back, Lucian. Let me heal you," she says to the wolf.

The wolf might not understand her, but Lucian will.

She looked at the wolf, its green eyes boring into hers. For a moment she thought that Lucian would refuse her help, that he didn't wish to continue with life anymore.

So when he touched his forehead with hers, she was shocked. Nonetheless, the action was accepted with a warm smile. She could feel it - a bond tying them together. He had almost died, lost himself to death, yet the feeling of warmth she got from Lucian still prevailed.

With her hand on either side of Lucian's head, she summoned her magic. Her energy flowed into Lucian's wolf-like water, the wolf accepting it. A smile formed on her face as she felt the wolf heal itself, then heal Lucian.

Somehow, she had succeeded in convincing Lucian to not give up, she had given him hope.

"Blue," she heard Lucian say. The voice calmed her down - everything was going to be alright.

She opened her eyes, to find forest green ones staring right back at her. Never had she imagined she will miss them - they were still getting to know each other, yet those few days felt like a few months. Perhaps, she knew enough about him - the part that actually mattered.

Lucian was still a puzzle, yet instead of trying to solve it, she waited for it to unravel. There is no need for her to barge into his life - if he trusts her, he will simply open the door for her.

"Lucian," she replied with a grin on her face.

They were still in the room. Regina, Raphael, and Nathan stared at them like a miracle had happened. They had felt the bond break - the bond they shared with their Alpha. Every pack member felt the Alpha slip away when suddenly, they felt the tug pull them back towards him.

"I almost felt you die... I thought you will never-" she continued, but Lucian interrupted her.

"It's a wonder what death can do, Blue. Something did happen, I lost hope. But you gave it back to me. Thank you," he replied. A tear of joy slipped from her eyes as she pulled Lucian in a tight hug.

Lucian felt the sparks as she touched him. He felt everything - his heart beating fast, his body losing sense but his life putting back its meaning. The connection they shared was now back, stronger than before. But if she felt that was beyond him.

His mother's curse was in the play, perhaps preventing her from feeling what he felt.

His wolf howled, the words loud and clear in his head. His mother had played a cruel joke on him, trapped him in a web he didn't know if he could escape. The curse was becoming true - she was so close yet out of his reach.

Whenever he saw her blue eyes, he was lost in them. Her face, her laugh, her tears were now engraved in his mind. His wolf said the words again as she smiled at him.

