home sweet home2

after a few hours we arrived in my beloved city.

I was happy to see the city again we take a taxi and we go to my house as soon as we approach my house in my mind all my good memories came back to me as a child until the day I went to miami.

Michey squeezed my hand. michey: hey all right?

chetty: yes i have good memories here i was very happy i can't believe i was that girl. michey: I know it's hard to see you like this but it's like this. after a few minutes the taxi stops, we get off and in front of me I see my beloved home.

chetty: home sweet home

As soon as I arrive in front of my house I feel very well, the door of the entrance is open and I see my parents I run in front of them and hug them tightly.

chetty: i missed you.

mom: we missed you our little one a lot too.

Dad: you know that without you our life is not the same we are happy that you have returned home.

jacob: good evening we are here too. I move away from my parents and Jacob hugs them too then Tina, Bobby and Michey do the same with my parents.

Dad: let's go inside, actually you come in, I'm going to get your bags.

Michey: I'm coming too. we go inside and sit on the sofa in the living room while mom gets everyone a drink and puts her sweets on the table in front of us.

mom: for dinner again and soon so have a taste with the desserts. we take sweets and each one a drink to taste.

Pov "Michey

they are inside while i pay taxis and take the bags with chetty's father, watch the taxis leave and take two bags to go inside when I feel a hand on my shovel and turn to see who it is, it was the father by chetty.

Dad chetty: Michey can we talk for two minutes please?

Michey: Sure sir just tell me.

Dad chetty: first i have to say thank you for everything i did for my daughter i know i did a lot of my said everything Jacob and i will be indebted to you i will never be able to thank you but i will try in every way.

Michey: You don't have to thank for nothing I did everything because ..... did not let me finish.

Dad chetty: yes I know you care so much about her my said Jacob that you were just put together but then I lost her and you thought all this time that it was your fault, but I tell you too it was not your fault and it just happened it is no one's fault this was his destiny.

Michey: but you have been through too much for a girl like she was now and changed and no longer the same you see in her eyes. papa chetty: you are right but we can pretend nothing has happened until the memory comes back I know I ask you a lot but please have a little more patience even if I know it will be difficult for you to sing them as a friend.

Michey: Yes, you're right, I have to be patient but I don't know how much I'll have.

Dad chetty: i will be on your side it seems strange but i know that for a long time you looked for it and then found it even if it was not a good choice and you did not do good you have a bad road but you had a good reason, maybe I'm wrong to think so but I have to say that even if I was killed it was for my daughter and I will not be able to find a better boyfriend for her.

Michey: He also knew that I ...

dad chetty: yes I know everything my sister said at first I did not want to accept but then I reasoned and the life my daughter had there in that kind of prison only someone like you could save her and then you took revenge for my daughter, I had to do it but I didn't have the balls to do it but you did and I am happy that a boy like you loves my daughter I will not be able to want more than this I know that no one will harm them with you, I can even die now and on good hands.

Michey: Don't say what death is about, you have your whole life ahead of you and you have to live happy.

Dad chetty: yes you're right but it's true I'm calm now.

Michey: I'm a little worried about your memory.

Dad chetty: why?

Michey: If she no longer remembers me and our love? How can I be near them? I won't be able to see her with anyone else.

Dad chetty: listen michey even if she doesn't remember your love don't do anything start from the beginning do you love her?

Michey: Certainly more than my life. papa chetty: then make her understand that you have feelings for her, and slowly she too will discover that she too has feelings for you, if it was true love she will love you again.

Michey: we hope that and as you say if not .... I don't know what I will do, I certainly won't hurt her but I will. papa chetty: you will not come to this believe me i am older than you and then i know my daughter even if she has changed a little and she always believe me. Michey: Hopefully.

Dad chetty: now let's go inside if not who knows what they think.

we go inside the house chetty's mother always smiled at me but how does the muscles of the face hurt them, and a very beautiful lady but embarrasses me making me sweet eyes I realized that she thanks me for her daughter but I'm not used to everything this sweetness from others outside of chetty and my sister, maybe now I have to get used to chetty's mom too, she looked at chetty she always smiled she has a scary smile and the eyes that shine their blue and clearer and more beautiful I don't tired of looking at her his father is right now I realize that here he doesn't look much changed he doesn't have a dull look, his eyes a darker blue, and then I missed his smile so much since I found him until now I hadn't seen his real smile was always a fake one I saw it but now and his smile I'm happy that it does them well the return home.

mom chetty: soon at the table i hope you like what i have prepared.

Bobby: Madam we already know that it's all good and we will love it, sometimes chetty cooked for us and she was very good at the kitchen and she told us she learned from her so surely your food will be better than hers, no offense chetty but you know you were just her pupil and your teacher.

Min chetty: thank you very much you are very sweet Bobby.

Bobby: No lady I'm not sweet I'm just telling the truth.

Dad chetty: let's go to the table. let's all go to the table we were a bit tight but I was fine this house makes a good impression I saw them joking and laughing I'm happy for them as usual I'm serious I don't laugh and I don't joke.

Bobby: hei Michey but are you there?

Michey: and yes there are that there?

Bobby: well you are very serious you don't like food?

Michey: What are you saying, how certain things come to your mind, lady and all very good.

Mom chetty: thanks michey.

chetty was looking at me and gesturing to me what is wrong and i made them sign that it is nothing but i did not convince him i realized that she too is very serious all of a sudden, we finished eating and we went upstairs to go to our rooms there were only 3 bedrooms, a guest room, chetty's room, and chetty's parents' bedroom so me, Bobby and Jacob had to stay together in the room and chetty and Tina in the room of Chetty, but Bobby after so many insists and was approved on the sofa in the living room, he loves to sleep on the sofa and better for me and Jacob otherwise none of the three slept, Chetty and Tina went to their room and Jacob and I are set to get ready

to go to the bathroom I needed a hot bath, as soon as I leave the room I see Chetty in front of the bathroom door.

Michey: hey is he busy?

Chetty: Yes, there is Tina in, we have to queue there are only two bathrooms downstairs too and Bobby is busy, so I have to queue here. Michey: Okay then how do you feel?

chetty: well i'm very quiet just a little tired but michey tell me what you had at the table i saw you strange.

michey: don't worry and just that I'm tired too and then I haven't eaten together with others for a long time I have to get used to it but it's ok.

chetty: but until now have you eaten alone? michey: yes i didn't want company at the table i preferred to be on my own since .... chetty: since when was i kidnapped?

Michey: Yeah, but don't worry I'll recover. she looked at me with sweet eyes, very sweet if she doesn't finish it I am able to skip them I have to support myself.

michey: don't look at me like that i don't want you to feel sorry for me please i don't like it. chetty: I don't look at you with compassion but I look at you with pride maybe it seems strange to you but so I don't feel compassion for you I don't even know what it is.