
Pov Mickey

I remain motionless at what I see I look at Chetty who apparently is also very confused is looking at the person who is in front of her has no words to say I approach her, taking her hand and squeezing it, she turns her head a little to look at me I see she keeps her tears in her eyes the sadness I see in her eyes breaks my heart. Chetty: I'm dreaming right? Isn't he he can't be him isn't he?

Q: you're not dreaming it's me !!!

Mickey: What's going on Q?

He approaching us quickly stops in front of Chetty she raises her head to look him in the eyes looking at them seem lost in their thoughts it seems that they communicate with the eyes.

Q: finally see you again Did you miss me? Chetty removes visual contact with him by looking at his feet and squeezing my hand more as an aid.

Michey: What's happening why are we here? You know well we're out of the loop why then? And why are you here?