Chapter 35 : : Blessed Ones

The Aqua Fox was fighting against the slate-grey haired boy.

Kale turned his head and saw one more person standing far behind the boy fighting the fox.

It was a girl, she was lightly panting as she held the white-metallic magic wand in her hand. Her appearance surprised Kale.

Because she was without a doubt the youngest girl in the whole batch, he was wondering if she had even reached twelve years of age.

The girl was short and thin, she had deep red eyes, her long black hair were tied into two long ponytails behind her head with the rest combed at front.

Her height didn't even reach his shoulders but she had a serious expression on her face, her two big round eyes intently stared at the Aqua Fox while she slowly recovered her mana. She looked young but her figure was well balanced, her thin hand, slender legs coupled with her clean plastic-like skin, she almost seemed like a pretty plastic doll that was alive.

For a moment, Kale was in a daze, he wasn't charmed by her cuteness but amused by the work of God Of Creation.

The girl felt his gaze and looked towards him, she slightly frowned and shouted "Hey, don't interfere, don't even think about snatching our prey,"

She said in her child-like voice.

Kale touched his chin, he wasn't angry but felt like laughing. He turned and observed the battle again.

The slate-grey haired boy noticed him but didn't turn and focused on the fox. He raised his hand and a gust of wind swirled around him.

He slashed his hand towards the fox, two wind arcs appeared out of thin air and attacked the fox.

The fox hurriedly retracted to the left side to avoid the attack, but the boy seemed to have expected it, he waved his hand and a small tornado appeared on his left side blocking and pushing back the fox to the right side.

The fox snarled in anger, he looked at the approaching slashes and hurriedly reacted, his blue fur fluttered in the air, mana gushed out of his body like a spell was being activated, her fur became soaked wet then thick water membrane-covered his whole body.

The wind slashes struck the fox, but under the resistance of the water armour, they only managed to make small cuts on his skin.

'A mutant? He's quite strong for an early mutant,' Kale thought, he had observed how many foxes the duo had killed alone, even if they had used potions it doesn't mean anyone could do that, or else all the prince and princess who had built their factions inside the academy had long cleared the nest.

He also understood that the reason they were taking so much time to defeat the fox was that it was a magic beast.

Beasts are mainly divided into three types depending on the type of energy they can refine and wield.

The ones that can wield Psychonic energy are called Mutant Beasts.

The ones that can wield Battle Qi are called Spirit Beasts.

The ones that can wield Mana are called Magic Beasts.

There are also exceptions where the beasts can control multiple types of energy but those are highly unusual.

The beasts are blessed by nature, although they don't use cultivation techniques their ability to refine the energy is way above humans together with their core they can naturally use a set of spells/skills they have gained based on their life experience and intellect.

The Aqua Fox was undoubtedly a Magic Beast.

The fox charged at the boy as soon as he managed to resist the attack, the boy raised his hand and a circular wind disk appeared above his palm, he threw it at the fox. At the same time, a wind tornado appeared around him, lifting him in the air, a few inches above the ground, and helping him to retreat quickly.

The wind disk moved in a curved trajectory, the fox summoned the water armour again while trying to dodge but it still grazed his body and left a long bloody cut on his back.

The wound slightly hindered his movements, by the time the fox arrived at his previous location, the boy had already retreated several meters back.

'That boy's strength is too unusual, someone from our batch shouldn't be that strong to multitask when they have only joined the academy for a little more than two weeks,' Kale thought, then his eyes shined 'Unless he has received a blessing,'

In this world, people believe in Gods, the Gods here are different from Earth.

According to most people, the Gods are the supreme beings that are responsible for the creation and maintaining the balance in the world.

Depending on the belief about God, the meaning of blessing also gets derived.

What are Gods?

Some believe they are beings that were present since the birth of the world. According to which they give their blessing to those they favour.

Others say they were mortals who once lived in this world then broke through the shackles of mortality and ascended to Godhood.

According to this saying, almost all mortal people possess their genes in their blood. Sometimes those genes awaken in some people, those people gain some exceptional talent in a certain field depending on the genes they awaken, the people that go through this awakening are called awakened or blessed ones.

The awakening usually happens at birth but it can also happen in later stages, it is said that if someone has enough faith in a God then they can receive their blessings and become the Blessed Ones.

No matter what opinion people have about them, most believes that God exists. It is said, that they are almighty but can't interfere in the matters of world directly.

They are called Gods but it doesn't mean they are all treated or worshipped the same way, some Good Gods favours people of this world and let some of them gain blessings so obviously there are also Evil Gods that favours beings such as monsters.

After knowing that he was awakened, Kale stopped observing him and stepped into the pond, intending to take the three white lotus at the center.

The girl in the rear noticed him and shouted "You, what are you trying to do, we killed the foxes in here,"

Kale turned to her "So?"

The girl was at a loss, she then flared up "I will only say once, step back," She said as she raised her wand towards him, threatening that she would cast a spell.

Kale smirked and advanced without stopping, he didn't turn and spoke "You sure you want to use the mana you recovered just now? Your comrade need it more than me, though you can always discard his safety and strike me, but if I dodged and countered then you will also lose the wand in your hand,"

The girl frowned, his words pissed her off but they were also shackles that bounded her.

'I haven't recovered enough mana to cast even one spell, but even if I had, I still can't attack him, if I could, I would have attacked first instead of giving warning, he probably figured it out,' The girl thought and silently looked at Kale burning his image in her eyes.

She turned to the boy in front of her "How much energy do you have?"

The boy replied without turning back "After using the last potion I only have around 10% percent left, it's enough to deal a finishing blow but if it managed to dodge then things might become messy, at worst we would be disqualified,"

She thought for a moment before speaking "Guide the fox to the pond,"

The boy got confused, he had spent quite some effort in bringing the fox away from the pond because Aqua Fox would have the advantage in the pond but now she told him to guide it back in. Nevertheless, he didn't doubt her judgment and moved towards the pond.

The Aqua Fox was more than delighted to follow him in the pool, but just then he saw Kale slowly digging out the three lotus' roots from the bottom of the pool. His eyes showed anger, the fox increased the distance between the boy and him then opened his mouth towards Kale.

A tiny water ball appeared between his jaws then it increased in size.

Kale sensed something wrong, he looked at the fox attacking him. He was distracted because earlier his whole focus was on the plant to not harm the root while digging it out and to do that, he had dived his head into the water while holding his breath.

He was confident in his senses and evaluation, it was just that he didn't think that a young-looking girl would come up with such a ruthless idea.

"Activate your wrist band," The girl shouted from afar.

Kale ignored her, he understood that she was trying to get him disqualified from the test if that happens then not only would he work as a bait for free but would also lose the three lotus because he won't be allowed to interfere or dig out that lotus once he is disqualified.

Contrary to her expectation, Kale mobilized his full physical strength and swung the chained knife towards the fox.

The Aqua Fox attacked using Water Ball, while Kale with the chained knife, due to the trajectory the knife sliced at the water ball at soon as it was shot out from his mouth.


The water ball exploded when it was cut by the knife, the knife was thrown back by the force, Kale reacted and pulled back the chain with a jolt.

When the water ball exploded, the fox was very close to it, hence he was pushed back by the force and the water wisps thrown at him made him closes his eyes for a second.

But when he opened his eyes, he saw the slate-grey haired boy floating just before him and pointing his finger at him, a small wind ball was condensed at the tip of his finger, the ball was small but it gave a life-threatening feeling to the fox. Furthermore, it was aimed at his eyes and the boy was striking from a point-blank range.

'Wind Bullet'

The fox tried to retreat but failed, the ‹Wind Bullet› was shot out at his left eye. In the next second, a small hole appeared in place of the eye, blood gushed out of it and the fox fell to the ground becoming completely motionless.

The boy sighed in relief. He then heard some water splashing sound, he turned and saw Kale again digging the lotus from the pond.

His lips twitched.

The slate-grey haired body had used his every bit of energy in the last strike, the girl was in a similar condition, they had also spent all of their potions to defeat all those foxes and now a masked guy was blazingly digging their loot.

He decided to ignore him for now and first take out the cores from the foxes he had defeated. Kale would likely need some time to properly dig them out and cannot escape without making a sound.

Kale took out the tree lotus carefully without damaging the roots then placed them inside the long polythene-like thing, after carefully packing them he decided to leave but then he sensed something.

He got on his full alert, he felt an extremely malicious gaze directed at him, his eyes widened as he saw the faint blurred reflection of the ceiling on the water surface.