Chapter 44 : : Teasing

Their advancing pace had completely changed from a few minutes ago, because of talking about several plants on the road and expressing their views, it took them more than 2 hours to just cover a little less than 50 meters.

Time kept passing, during this time, Kale's vision was broadening every second, countless inspiration appeared in his head, if he was a Plant Mage then he would have gone into seclusion that may even last for a year.

By the time they had traveled for 200+ meters, it was almost evening, Sanae was surprised that she was talking so much to a junior, as for Kale, he didn't even bother about such useless things.

From the serious look on his face, if people look at them from afar they would feel like two country's higher up were having a serious talk about war affairs.


Just at this time, Kale felt his phone vibrating, he took it out and checked that it was Layla's call, he ignored it without a thought and put back the phone in the pocket.

They were talking about plants! How can he get distracted by such things.

He continued the chat but the phone vibrated again, he intended to cut it again but then he realized that it was a voice letter from Riyan, he hesitated.

"Take your time," Sanae said from the side.

Kale nodded, he walked to some distance and opened the letter, Riyan's voice came from the recorded voice letter.

{My dear, how are you? Dad is completely fine, I was a little busy so I didn't get the time to send the letter before, now tell me how are things going in the Academy? No one is bullying my innocent Kale, right? If you have any problem, just tell dad about i,t and as for learning magic don't take too much pressure if it feels hard then it's Academy's fault for not being able to teach you, okay? My Kale is a genius! Did I forget anything? Hmmm… Yeah, don't make bad friends, and be sure to bath everyday, wash your underwe…} (Riyan)

Kale instantly paused the message midway then turned to look at Sanae, who was looking around at plants completely 'oblivious' to the sound from the voice letter.

He regretted opening the message right now.

I was too naive, he thought.

Demonic Angel had never felt so much humiliated in his more than a hundred years of life.

Kale put back the phone in the pocket and walked to her, he kept the straight face but this time whenever he looked at her smiling face, he got distracted.

The atmosphere felt somewhat awkward.

"It's almost evening, you would have trouble going back, let's complete the trade first," She said with a smile, but Kale had a feeling that she was trying to hold back her laughter.

This time, their pace had returned to normal, it took them quite some time but after changing the path three times they soon arrived at the location.

Kale looked at the building in slight surprise.

Rather than a building, it was an enormous tree with a door, and several windows with glass frames covering them. There was even a green branch with a lightened bulb-like transparent-white flower bud outside every window and door, they were like natural lamps.

There was no way that such a tree would grow naturally, it was without a doubt the work of a capable Plant Mage.

'Is it a tree house or a house in the tree?' Kale thought.

When Kale entered the tree, he found that it was warm and cozy from inside, there was no suffocation of air like some air purifier was added to it. Furthermore, just by touching, he could tell that the wood walls were no less hard than normal iron.

The wooden hall he was standing in had a wooden table, chair, shelves, and even a fireplace, his expression became a little weird after seeing that.

"The wood of this Mobile House Tree cannot be burned with a simple fire, you would need at least Tier 3 Fire Magic if you want to burn even its bark," Sanae said in a confident tone. From the hidden pride in her eyes, he could tell that the maker of this house was likely none other than her.

He looked around the wooden hall he was standing in and realized that although there was a circular balcony at different height levels and doors on the upper side of the hall, the railing was made of green vines that looked tough as steel, but there was not a single stair or rope to climb up to the balcony on the upper halls.

Kale was wondering if she could fly or something when Sanae extended her hand and the tough unmovable-looking green vines of the balcony started moving like a snake.

They then extended and grew at a rapid speed moving towards her and Kale, the vines then gently swirled around her waist and legs, the same thing happened to him.

It wasn't hard to guess what was going to happen next, both of them were lifted from the ground and the chair to reach the balcony, Kale was released after arriving at the balcony but Sanae was still floating in the air by manipulating the vines.

The door nearest to them opened and they entered the room, a wheelchair similar to the one from before was present inside, the vines carefully placed Sanae on it.

'My previous accomplishment in plantation seems pale when looking at these, at least after using WitchCraft I was able to create some things like «Undying Flesh Seed»,' Kale thought and sighed, he was wishing if he was born here earlier but everything had its own advantage, he mastered the art of WitchCraft to the peak anyone had ever reached in the field in Kazeer. WitchCraft was considered evil but there was another thing related to it, the holy side of a similar kind… Mantra & Tantra. It was a lost art but he had quite some accomplishments in that too.

Early WitchCraft Practitioners weren't evil either, instead, they were considered wise people who maintained the balance in nature.

When a technique is in the hands of an evil person, then after generations of upgrades it would become a Grand Evil Technique.

But when the same technique is in the hand of a good person, then after generations of upgrade it would become a Grand Holy Technique.

It depends on the user how they use it and in which direction they upgrade it.

Kale looked around the room and realized it was similar to a library, not counting the free space at the window and the door, all the walls of the room were covered in shelves.

The shelves on the left side had crystal plates containing spells arranged in sequence, on the right shelves were glass flasks of different sizes and shapes containing various kinds of potions. The shelves on the window side contained glass jars filled with different kinds of seeds, flowers, or tree bark inside them, they were all precious material that could be directly eaten or used as raw materials for equipment or potion, and lastly the shelves on the door side, they only had books on them, the books were about some specific kinds of rare plants, their cultivation methods or research records.

'This place is… Good,' Kale thought, he liked the environment, the feeling of living in such a place.

His house was bigger and more luxurious but after Riyan and Ashley left, it only felt like an empty shell he could abandon without hesitation but this place looked comfortable to him, even if he had to live alone here for a long time, he could do that.

Especially the place where this Mobile Tree House was built, he loved it all.

"All the things here range from Tier 1 to 3, you can exchange one-two, or even three of them on the condition that their value is equal to these two Jade White Lotus on the comparison," Sanae said.

Kale nodded and started browsing through the shelves.

The first item he saw was a «Magic Peach Seed», on eating it, the user would get a temporary buff, and the power behind their every Wood Spell would increase by at least 10%, they are stackable up to 5 times.

He liked it, the second was the bark of «Sunshine Fertility Tree» if the bark is crushed and mixed into the soil under the sun, then its fertility would be increased by at least 2 times depending on the amount of bark used.

Kale held back and looked at the third, then four.. fifth, and so on. Every item was a treasure, nothing was waste, he didn't find so many varieties even in the Black Market.

Black Market had a mixture of all types of equipment and item for various types of practitioners but the things here were deeply targeted at the weakness of a Plant Mage or someone who was aiming to become one.

Kale kept looking but the more he looked, the harder it became for him to choose an item.

Sanae was enjoying his actions, most of the things here were her work or those which she found herself in her early days. Others admiring your work, how can this not feel good?

She moved to the left side containing spells, and picked out a tier 2 spell crystal plate "How about this one? It's a Tier 2 General Spell called ‹Enhance›, you can't use it now but it's a rare product, with your talent, you would soon become a Dual Star Mage in the future. By using this spell with another spell, the power of that spell would increase by at least 30% or maximum at 100%, and that's for a Tier 2 spell, if you use it with a Tier 1 spell then effects would be doubled but with Tier 3 spells the effects would be reduced to half,"

Kale looked at the crystal plate with interest.

Mages are normally ranked based on their subclass' tier and their attainment in that class.

But there was another way of ranking a mage, it was based on how many spells they could use at once, of course, in fusion.

A mage that uses one spell at a time is Single Star Mage…

One spell at a time ~ Single Star Mage.

Two spells at a time ~ Dual Star Mage.

Three spells at a time ~ Triple Star Mage.

Four spells at a time ~ Tetra Star Mage.

Five spells at a time ~ Penta Star Mage.

And so on…

Kale hesitated, the ‹Enhance› spell was alluring but it wasn't good in the short period, moreover, he wanted to earn something that, he, as an aspiring Plant Mage would love to use.

Seeing him hesitating like that, Sanae's smile grew wider, she took out another spell and clarified "I just found another interesting thing, this is also a Tier 2 General Spell called ‹Multiply›. By using the spell with another spell, you would get twice the result. For example, if you used ‹Wood Blade› then after the main blade has been shot out, another blade would be shot out just after that, the power behind the second blade would be 30% compared to the original one at the very least and 100% at max, it's like dealing two attacks at once.

Just like with the first one, if you use it with a Tier 1 spell then instead of one copy you will get two extra copy, if you use it with Tier 3 spell then although you might get a copy but its strength would be 50% lesser compared to what it should be,"

Her new option only intensified Kale's confusion, from her expression it seemed like she expected it and was even enjoying it.

'She is doing it on purpose,' Kale sighed. If he was aware of the things these Jade Lotus could get him before, then there was no way that Ron and his sister Timtim would even get a single Jade Lotus.

"I want to look more," He said.

Sanae just smiled, letting him do what he wants.

The spells were appealing but there was a saying… You shouldn't eat more than you can chew.

He already had two spells he had yet to master, and if he took even one of these two spells then even if he masters them he couldn't show it to her.

Instead of them, Kale wanted something that could increase his battle power while also compromising with his current mana reserves. Something that he could use without showing his real abilities, which can also help him in getting an excuse when coming back here with future discoveries.

As for those two spells, they weren't running away, she had them which meant he could get them later on as long as he had the right bargain. It won't be late if he comes to take them after reaching Level 11.

After looking through almost all the things, he picked a glass jar from the shelf around the window, he was looking at the emerald green vine floating inside the colourless chemical in it.