Chapter 46 : : Falling Moon Hotel

After finishing the task of her usual morning time table, Layla came out of her room and walked downstairs, on her way to the second floor, she smelled a spicy fragrance of food coming from the kitchen.

She hurriedly changed her destination, she had just walked into the dining room before the kitchen, she saw a full set food course consisted of several lite dishes lined up on the table. The dishes ranged from hot red soup with sliced chilies floating on it, pancakes dripping wet in honey to all the way up to mixed fruits juice and toasted bread.

Kale came out of the kitchen holding the last dish having the appearance similar to spicy fried rice and placed it on the table. He then turned to Layla who was wearing a pink robe and had a towel in her hands that she was using to dry her hair "You woke up quite early today,"

Her lips twitched, she was sleeping until late morning yesterday so this complement felt more like a sarcastic comment to her "I always wake up early, but it is a surprise, who thought you knew how to cook, I wonder if it tastes the same way as it smells,"

Layla said as she pulled out a chair, sat on it, then picked up a spoon and scooped the red soup with sliced chilies floating in it.

She blew some air to cool it down, the spoon which was continuously oozing out white smoke, but the fragrance was just too enticing to her, she placed it in her mouth.

The second she tasted the soup her eyes got wide, she gulped it down instantly, then started gasping air through her mouth to cool her smoking tongue. After she was fine, she turned to Kale.

She saw him in a completely new light.

Expert at the battle was one thing but also food? Just what does his father do? She couldn't help but guess.

Kale knew what she was going to say, he faintly smiled and interrupted her "I know it's good, just eat for now," He said as he lifted the juice-filled jug and poured it in her glass.

Layla nodded with faint smoke still coming out from her mouth, she hurriedly picked up the juice glass and gulped it down in one go.

Kale chuckled when he saw her like that 'When I used to live in forests, I was still a mortal and had no one to cook, so I learned to do it myself, I might not have the talent of a master chef but after cooking for years and improving slowly even if I casually cook a dish, it would be above the level of what average master chefs could achieve, it's a shame I can't use meat until I complete the first stage of ‹Nether Venom Body› or else…'

He thought. Kale had never stopped cooking even when he became a Martial Venerable, one of the reason was that although he was a master of poisons but the world has just too many uncertainties, he wasn't immune to all the poisons in the world so what if someone mixed a new type poison in his food while cooking?

Kale had the habit to live on the edge, food was a necessity to become totally independent and minimize the possibility of being ambushed using underhanded ways.

Since coming to this world, Kale didn't show his cooking skills to Riyan and Ashley, after all, it would be weird if a three-year-old kid got too smart even if he had ‹Auto-Photographic Memory›.

In the start, Layla was thinking, he made too much food for breakfast, but later she had the bigger share of the meal while Kale stared at her like an angry bunny who got a carrot snatched out from its mouth.

"What are you looking at? I will pay for the ingredients, okay? You can just cook again. By the way, I like to have lunch between 12 to 1 and dinner around 8 pm," Layla said with a satisfied looked on her face as she caressed her belly.

"…" (Kale)

'There was a time when even my direct subordinates had to think thrice before eating my food to not become the test subjects of my newly made poisons, and here is a day where I'm being taken advantage of and getting treated as a private chef. What an irony,' He thought.

"Oh, I remembered one thing, I'm going shopping, are you interested in tagging along?" Layal asked all of a sudden.

Kale shook his head and rejected without much thinking "I will focus on cultivation these days, I already have a dress for the party so I don't need anything," He said while thinking 'Nor do I have money to waste on baseless fashion,'

"I see, then I will be borrowing your car," Layla said, but then she saw Kale wanted to refute and hurriedly added "Don't say no! I will drive slowly this time, and yeah, I will pay for the fuel,"

Kale could only nod in agreement, he knew she was quite rich so even if the car gets damaged she could pay, as for her getting injured in an accident, GHO had remodeled Riyan's car for enhanced defense, according to his estimation, as long as she didn't hit a tank head-on, it should be fine.

After breakfast, Kale followed the timetable he had made for the next three days, it divided lifeform cultivation, plant cultivation, spell cultivation, and martial arts training in 5:3:1:1 respectively.

He had high mastery of his martial techniques from his previous life but he needs to let his current body know the feel, to adapt to them, and earn the best results when using them.

This was what he planned, but a part of it was spent in making breakfast, lunch, and dinner for himself and Layla every day, once she had tasted his cooking, she banned ordering food from outside, the good part was that all the ingredients came from her money so it seemed like a mostly fair trade to him.

Nevertheless, it didn't slow down his progress. Except for ‹Snake King Body Toning Art› and ‹Wooden Hammer›, everything made progress, it was reasonable that ‹Snake King Body Toning Art› didn't make any progress because without using the methods of WitchCraft, it would take even a genius several months if not years to complete the technique.

The benefits of this body toning and lesser modification type technique differ depending on age and the body of the user that's why the current effects on Kale were almost unnoticeable if he didn't remove his clothes to show his trimmed muscle lines and separation.

As for ‹Wooden Hammer›, Kale had stopped cultivating it after reaching Master level mastery in it, the reason was that he wasn't fully sure of what changes might occur in his body or Origin Chasm after cultivating to Tier 2 Expert Wood Mage, and now that he had decided to attend a party which many big shots would be present. It would become a problem if someone strong enough noticed that change and realized that he had already become a Tier 1 Expert Wood Mage.


Two more days passed, it was the afternoon of the third day…

Kale was at the backside of the house, he was harvesting the medicinal plants he had finished cultivating these past three days using the ‹Fast Growth› at Ethereal mastery level.

He cultivated them when Layla was cultivating in her room or wasn't around, as for the excuse about how they grew so fast? Many high-quality fertilizers can make it possible, but neither does he likes the inorganic fertilizers nor can he spend a large amount of money on them.

Kale finished harvesting the three types of plants and separately placed them in three rectangular cardboard boxes.

'Three-Clover Grass, Yellow Spring Flower, and Moon Ginseng might be just Mortal-Rank plants but using them in the correct ratio with the right recipe can have great effects, the Body Tempering drugs and potions shows quick effects compared to my ‹Body Nurturing Juice› recipe.

Furthermore, the ‹Body Nurturing Juice› needs long-term regular consumption to show some serious effects but it is purely natural, devoid of any artificial chemical substances, and has an extra effect, that is, the fast growth of the body, with this, my lifespan won't be affected yet my body would grow faster similar to Giantman race. Once I have a mature body, I can display more of my combat abilities than right now, and also avoid others from thinking how am I so skilled with such a young appearance,' He thought.

Kale then closed the boxes and took out his phone to check at his status.

___ ___ ___

Name: Kale Oshwatt

Race: Mutant Human

Health: 100%

Stamina: 90%

Class: Mutant Martial Mage

Subclass: Wood Mage(Rookie)

Life Level: Mortal

Progress: 91%

Foundation: E

Traits: Auto-Photographic Memory & Bone Manipulation.

Knife Intent: Asura's Rage(Master)

Mortal Spells: Life Sense(Ethereal), Wooden Thorn(Ethereal), Camouflage(Ethereal), Fast Growth(Ethereal), Wood Hammer(Master).

Enlightened Mortal Spells: Mana-Resilience Cycle(Master).

Martial Technique: Wind Chasing Knives, Snake King Killing Series, Falling Meteor Blade Art, Illusory Phantom Walk, Snake King Body Toning Technique.

___ ___ ___

"Hey man, how long are you going to take? Go take a shower and get ready, we need to head out for the party," Layla came walking from the side and said.

"Hmm..." Kale closed the status screen and carried the three boxes inside the house, before getting ready for the party.

One hour later...

Kale walked out of the mansion, he was wearing a snowy blue suit and black pants together with a silver watch on his left wrist, his getup complemented his silvery-white hair. His hair were curved to the side in a puff over his forehead hiding his eyes.

He heard the sound of the door of the garage opening and Layla drove out the blue beauty outside.

Kale opened the door of the car and sat in, he looked at Layla, she was wearing a long dark orange-black dress that left her shoulders exposed, it started from the ribbon swirled around her neck to her knees, she wore long white lace sandals on her feet that was complimenting her dress. Her long orange hair behind her head were neatly braided while the ones at the front had their ends curled outwards.

If earlier she was like a wild tigress then right now, she looked like a gorgeous kitten.

"How do I look?" Layla asked with a smile.

"Beautiful but I expected you to dressed up in more of a wild getup," Kale said while closing the door.

"Yay, you understand me, why would I wear such a suffocating dress? It's because my parents only allowed me to wear this type of dress if I want to attend late-night parties, at least until I cross Level 20," Layla said in a helpless tone, she changed the gear, and the car dashed out on the road.

"You know, I still think you shouldn't have hidden those eyes, they really suit you..."

"I already told you, my hair already makes me look like an odd white ball among others, the eyes would only crush my intentions of laying low,"

"But my hair is also orange, see..."

The duo chatted nonstop into random arguments not carrying about the lives of the innocent souls walking on the road.


Falling Moon Pavilion, one of the well known five-star hotels in Imperial City.

The hotel guarantees the comfort of its customers but as a result, it is also absurdly expensive, the mere side dishes here are more expensive than the main courses in other hotels.

Once someone enters it, they don't need to worry about getting bored, the hotel provides so many types of entertainment services that a 24 hours trial tour might not be enough to enjoy a part of each of them.

Because of all these things, only rich Nobles dare to book a floor or give a party here even then they would only do it for one or two days.

Today was one such day.

The security around the hotel was much more tight than usual, several luxury cars were occasionally arriving in front of the main gate in turns, guests wearing fashionable attire and expensive jewelry were coming out of them, stepping on the red carpet as they headed inside the hotel.

A wild blue Lamborghini that almost made the worker standing there to open the car door, jumped back in shock.

The car stopped in front of the main gate.

The door of the car opened and Kale walked out of it, he raised his head to look at the more than ten-story tall building in front of him 'So this is the Falling Moon Hotel,'