Chapter 73 : : Vatican City

"Father… She was fatally injured, although she wasn't dead, she definitely couldn't survive, the adventurers also found the tattered pieces of her clothes and bones later on…" Dale said in a trembling voice.

Enan clenched his fist until they bleed, Dale's words had extinguished the last bit of hope that Kale was tricking him.

The point was not about if Vivie died or not, but whether she left the handkerchief as proof of her murder or not.

Enan was a cunning man, he clearly knew what kind of person his son was, it was why he wasn't surprised by the content of the message, he was only confirming if Vivie had the chance to write it and now that he knew Dale didn't see her dying with his own eyes, it was possible that she wrote the message on her handkerchief and hid it before dying under the assault of monsters.

As for how she got the time to do it? Everyone has their hidden cards, as a veteran Enan knew it but Dale wasn't that experienced, as a result, he didn't understand these things.

Enan believed that she had used some means to resist the monsters for a little time needed to write the message on her handkerchief and hide it, the monsters weren't intelligent, so they probably had no interest in the things she was hiding.

Kale earlier said that he was investigating him for around a year, Enan connected the dots and came to a conclusion that Kale or the person behind him were trailing his son too, who carelessly left behind such evidence.

A mage like Vivie was capable of leaving her mana signature on that handkerchief, that's why it was strong evidence.


Kale left the town as he walked towards his house. Once he was far away from the settlement, he reached out his hand and took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, after a long puff he let out the smoke, but the strange thing was that the smoke was not pure white and had a tinge of green in it.

As he inhaled the smoke, the nerves on his neck tightened becoming visible, Kale ignored the pain without any change in his expression and skillfully channelled the Qi in his body according to the path of ‹Nether Venom Body›.

Under the influence of the technique, his body's natural ability to resist the venom further increased by a notch, while also refinishing the low-grade venom with his blood as the medium and his body as a furnace.

Kale felt slight numbness over his whole boy, making it harder for him to move, though after short breaks he still continued on his way. He didn't look like it but his throat was scorching hot and toxin mixed with sweat was accumulating all over his body, the main reason he was able to practice so skillfully was because of him cultivating ‹Demonic Poison Body› before.

Any physique related to poison wasn't easy to cultivate, pain was only a minor factor, if the cultivator made a slight mistake during cultivation, it can cost them their life.

‹Demonic Poison Body› focused on the violent and explosive nature of poison, containing acidic properties.

Contrary to it.

‹Nether Venom Body› focused on the fluent and cold nature of poison, containing paralysis properties.

Both of them were from the same branch but opposite in nature, the former was perfect for direct killing, while the latter was better at capturing enemies without killing.

The reason Kale chose it was because ‹Nether Venom Body› could make up for the fault of «Undying Flesh Seed», which was cold attribute.

In their last life, Joyous Dream Fairy didn't give the false report to the crown prince. On Kale's order, she told him the lies mixed with the truth. But the national treasure sabre brought by them still didn't affect him much, it was because they expected him to be Martial Grand Master but he was a Martial Venerable!

Tacking short strides while enjoying the scenery on his way, Kale arrived at the house, he went into the backward and saw Fynn.

At that moment, Fynn was squatting inside a half-metal drum using it as a bathtub, logs of wood were burning below it to make the liquid inside boil, the liquid boiling inside was not water, it was light purple in colour, as the liquid boiled, air bubble was forming at its surface, the strong medicinal aroma was wafting in the air.

Fynn's expression was extremely pale but he knew if he defies Kale's order on his own account then he would die from the backlash of the contract alone, so all he could do was endure.

Kale took out his phone and checked the time "Half an hour more then you can come out,"

When Fynn heard it, he didn't know what to say, every second felt like years to him, he couldn't ask more than to step out of the boiling liquid, he was feeling like Kale was trying to cook him into a dish.

Kale noticed his expression and smiled "Weren't you the one, who chose the ‹Virtuous Yang Body›, ‹Desolate Sloth Grappling Series› and ‹Shadow Tactics›? Do you think you can practice such strong techniques as easily as those third-rate techniques you were using until now? How presumptuous, there is no going back, learn to take responsibility for your actions, endure or die, your choice,"

Fynn didn't know how to rebuke, he had indeed underestimated the difficulty of learning those three arts. In the last two days, when Kale called him to start training he expected it to be real combat practise but instead, Kale made him stand firm and broke his body at different acupuncture points.

The pain from the body destruction process felt very awful to him but just when he thought it was over, he realized it was just the first step, the second was body restoration that is done by the medicinal bath prepared for him.

Kale made the medicinal bath just based on instincts in choosing plants, still, it was indeed effective but also very painful. Fynn was feeling like he was a mortal who was thrown into a pool of boiling spicy lemon juice after several cuts were made on his body.

'A body destruction and reformation using medical baths like this can speed up the cultivation of my techniques too, but my body is still that of a teenager, making it go through such a torturous process is not a good idea when I have a better choice,' Kale thought.

After saying that much, Kale turned around and left.

He arrived at the secret underground hall, on entering the place, Kale lit the pale green essence stick positioned near the wall, when the essence stick was lit, it gave off intense smoke with a tinge of green colour similar to the cigarette he used earlier.

Kale had made it using the same material he used to make that cigarette, the purpose of both of them was to slightly poison his body and help with his cultivation of ‹Nether Venom Body›.

'Let's see where should I start with…' Kale flickered his finger and a bone nail covered in blood came out from the tip of his finger, he dragged it on the ground and started drawing the formation.


Blazing Sun Kingdom, Vatican City.

Vatican City, one of the ten great cities of the kingdom, every great city has significant importance to it, they aren't great just because of their size, economy or development but are like strongholds of the kingdom homing one of the greatest force or restraining it.

Vatican City is a great city and the entrance to 10,000 Beast Legion Forest. A forbidden zone for all the mortals, dangerous enough to even threaten immortals. A place that Blazing Sun Emperor, the founder of Blazing Sun Kingdom failed to conqueror.

At that time, Blazing Sun Emperor may have failed to wholly conquer it but it didn't stop him from discovering a human tribe freely living inside the forest, treating it like a harmless background.

The fearsome beast who didn't hesitate to fight immortals to death were acting docile and harmless when coming in contact with the humans of the tribe.

Blazing Sun Emperor was an insightful person, when he wasn't able to defeat or conquer a force, he chose to join hands, after paying a big price and promising a lot of benefits, he managed to make the tribe of that human tribe promise their allegiance to him and join the Blazing Sun Kingdom.

In the start, the human tribe could only be treated like a barbarian tribe in the eyes of modern citizens of the kingdom but due to the decree passed down by the late founding emperor, even the later rulers didn't dare touch them.

The whole tribe followed only one profession, Beast Taming.

Normally, such a profession would easily make them rich but the tribe treated beasts as companions and never participated in beast trading, making the other aristocrats dissatisfied.

It was only after a certain incident that things changed, the leader of a previous noble family in Vatican City found out that a youngster Beast Tamer from the clan was travelling as an adventurer with a Legendary-Grade Beast. In a fit of greed, the leader of the family planned and silently killed the youngster to snatch the beast but strangely, the beast died soon after the Beast Tamer.

The leader was truly disappointed, he hid the traces and decided to lay low but the next morning, a beast tide broke into Vatican City, slaying the whole noble family together with 1/4th of the total population of the city.

When the news got out, all the other aristocrats flared up, the duty to manage the beast in the forest was of that human tribe, so this should be their responsibility, they took the chance to bring up the issue and report it to the Royal Family hoping it to punish them, and the Royal Family did take action, they issued a 100 Gold Coins penalty for the tribe and told them to take responsibility by managing Vatican City from then on.

The decision silenced all the aristocrats in the whole kingdom, from then on, no one again dared to seek trouble with the tribe anymore.

To this day, Vatical City comes under the rule of that tribe that is now a giant clan, even now, the clan still lives in the 10,000 Beast Legion Forest like their backward, treating it as their true home.

The biggest Beast Taming Force of the Blazing Sun Kingdom, with the current leader being one of the Guardians of the kingdom, Lionheart Clan.


10,000 Beast Legion Forest, Lionheart Clan.

The Lionheart Clan is the only human settlement in the whole 10,000 Beast Legion Forest, but it has no defences or boundary around it. On the contrary, it is spread around several areas, the different factions in the clan live in a different area that is more suitable for the beasts they tame.

At present, a young man wearing a white robe was standing in front of the dense tree forest area, he had long black hairs and tender baby-like skin, the white robe on his body was fluttering due to strong winds but his stance was firm as an unmovable mountain.

The man had no fluctuations of energy around him, at first glance he seemed like a normal mortal, yet his appearance and disposition was on a completely different level to that of a mortal. His eyes were radiating mysterious light, they seem to ignore all obstacles in his field of vision and see everything in the direction he looked.

Several minutes passed but the white robbed man was still standing motionless, eventually, he slightly frowned, his gaze became somewhat anxious 'It's been already 3 days, how long is she going to take? Did something happen? Should I interferer- no, doing that will ruin her chance,'

Just when he was frowning about what to do, he felt a faint breeze passing by him and his eyes brightened, he turned to the side and gasped "Brother, when did you come?"

The area which was empty a moment ago was now occupied by a robust man and a big lion-like beast respectfully standing by his side.

The man had a huge body, he was wearing a brown long coat made of beast fur, his chest was mostly bare showing the claw marks like scars on it, his muscles were hardened and tightly packed like an armour giving a feeling that even a mithril sword can't put a scratch on it.

The beast standing beside him looked similar to a lion but it was twice as big as an adult lion and all the fur on its body were crimson, the long furry mantle around its neck made it seem like it was on fire, the beast had the prestige of a king to itself, every breath of the beast contained fearsome energy making others feel vary.

"Hmm… Just got here, that aside, what about the little lass?" The robust man said while giving a profound glance to the forest in front of him.