6 school life

I'll skip the boring ceremonies with too many speeches.

The only highlight was Simone as her years rep.Yeah she's wicked smart.

Aside from standard classes I take gymnastics to bring up my agility and overall strength.

I'm not and never will be as good as some Wbeings like the cats or rabbits.

I'm better than most humans my age.

and it's fun to me.

Johnathan is a physics whiz.

Callie is actually a chemistry and mathematical buff top 10 in the school overall grades will make any university hand deliver applications of automatic acceptance.

Allie is an amazing gymnastics phenomenon. lithe, powerful, intuitive.

I also have found out economics and determining stock market trends are simple for me.

I actually asked and received a weekly allowance which I invested most.

I've made a killing under my girls names Within a month we created an investment company and are accumulating money at an extremely fast pace.

I have made only a few high profit investments in country, most are international investments.

Nothing to make us instant millionaires or make the stock market look at is for insider trading etc. but we should be by very wealthy by the time we graduate.

I'm also top 10 in my year there are around 100 kids per year in this Academy which runs 1st year middle school to high school graduation so a little over 600 students plus staff. My dormitory is 2nd floor behind the mansion. The science wing is next to the dorms and the gymnasium is on the opposite side of the dorms.

we have a few other teenage couples and siblings that join us for meals, homework, studies, and video games etc.

My herbivores and carnivores friends actually tolerate each others eating habits and the cafeteria doesn't do a monthly BBQ day out of difference to the herbivores in general.

we do occasionally have a massive school wide annual End Of School Party I'm told.

Occasionally I get crap for being human but that is usually taken care of quickly.

I sometimes have to get physical due to being in areas without many students and usually can take care of myself.

One time I ended up in a hospital. 2 days later everyone who beat me up was there too.

I do have a good following just because I try to be likeable and I help anyone with school work that asks or I can at least set them up with tutoring for free.

so I have friends that will and do come to my aid.

During second year almost all bullying has stopped. I just have to deal with normal academic jealousy but not a whole lot of physical prejudice. Can't stop all bigotry but I have more and more support and now a lovely fox vixen biology major sleeping on my feet in full form

now 14 years old and I've actually gotten used to being covered in furry girls and I suspect the Academy is fully aware of my predicament.

I have been undergoing testing throughout the school year to find ways to suppress my unique aroma and have been making very good headway.

bear, bunny, bison, panther and fox.

I was actually able at my expense to get a bigger bed.

I'm just glad no one has gone into heat.

my bear Camilla has occasionally woken me up with her hand wrapped around my ***k. but that's been it so far.

Simone has to stash super absorbing pads on my bed, apparently it's normal for Bison and other bovine related to lactate even when not pregnant.

Myself and the others help her drain those huge fun bags of Simones we all get a quick breakfast of very nutritious milk in the mornings now.