Ok let's get everything straight.
that Dragon is not of this world.
The storm was a transportation summoning.
Someone didn't want you transferred somewhere, possibly not here.
You might have fallen through time and space.
Your memories didn't even come with you.
Your mind is trying to catch up with you here.
Your body is accelerating to be the age you were on your home world.
That's all I have headmaster.
Sorry that's a lot for me to figure out, my head feels like it wants to explode.
I can't even get up, the world is spinning.
Just rest son.
We'll take you to your room.
It's almost midnight now.
6 hours, felt like minutes. I said.
Camilla is sleeping outside my office I'll wake her and have her take you to your room.
I think all three of us will have tomorrow off.
I actually slept till almost supper time and my girls were all waiting in my room when I woke.
Jesse says "Headmaster wants to see you when you get up.
I slowly arrived at the headmasters office and was called in before I could knock.
Well son we're surely in a odd situation now.
Shea suspected something like that but not as confusing.
we figured reincarnation, time slips etc. not a situation as ot happened and I can actually remember it completely Thomas.
Sir I still cannot remember much outside of my vision.
I think my actual name is also Thomas and I was at my college graduation or coming home from it.
So I figured I'm actually around 24 now, but not 24.
Well Thomas well call it 18 so you can graduate.
Ok sounds good.
So professor I've actually got 2 auras?.
Yes and I think now your were aura will be even growing sharper.
Your developing a scent I'm actually unfamiliar with.
that night the girls and I talked into the night.
Each girl says that I smell like their were species.
I have a new dream.
I'm in a forest and being beckoned to a glade I find the voice encouraging me to sit at a table where several figures ar at.
Upon sitting the figures become clearer.
well young Thomas we finally meet.
Your not supposed to be here yet you are.
Who are you people If you don't mind me asking?
We're the spirits of the Were folk.
God's if you must.
Can I get some answers then.
young man it's actually interesting that you of all people even after knowing we're superior beings you don't treat us any different than anyone else.
I'm sorry I guess I'm still a bit overwhelmed with everything meaning no disrespect.
that's fine. we're not wanting some groveling neophyte priest or anything like that.
Then please why am I here.
someone elsewhere messed up and did want a groveling individual to do someone else's bidding.
now you're here and they can't touch you.
We've masked your existence from everyone.
Unfortunately a little too well.
You now are unique in that you can call upon every beast you've met.
Your beast thanks to that Shamans fiddling around has now awoken.
all were specis have 2 entities inside. one human one animal and as they grow older they learn to communicate and meld into one special being.
you've met dozens and sleep with several, now your beast will resonate with the type you want to and change.
you as of be granted Sentinel status among Beasts.
Think of it as a master Shaman.
Your Tiger and Cheetah Professors shall teach you.
Their Beasts have been informed and will let the human side know what they need to do.
And my friends.
they will adapt if and when you leave, The desire for you will lessen.
If you notice you only have one of each female with you.
have a good heart and never lose ot or you will only come to ruin.
your body will rapidly grow to your actual age and you will have every beast ability even in human form.
Females of every beast will desire to meet you but only one of each. so choose wisely. When you choose one rabbit for instance no other rabbit will be able to connect with you on that level until she leaves then another will be able to take her place.
Beasts don't always do monogamy and will be accepting of your little group but adult child *** is frowned upon.
the girls will listen, whether they like it or not.
you are their leader and mate they will let you take the lead and even grudgingly follow your lead.
of course they will not do anything that goes against their morality or personality.
like getting a devout pacifist to become a serial murderer.
The girl will never be robots for you to pull strings and manipulate.
Love them and help them grow into the Beasts they are meant to be.
These are our instructions for you and your mates present and future.
Now rest and wake with the new day.
Upon waking my clothes feet tight, shirt feels painted on my shorts are squeezing my *****,
I need up and new clothes.
I wiggle and squirm my way out of the pile to find some loose fitting sweat pants. and hit the shower.
Suddenly I find I'm not alone.
girls anyone not of age go to your own shower please. Only Camilla left and we Only a shower Cam ok? I've gotten lots to do and I need breakfast new clothes and a long chat with the headmaster.
Tommy what's gotten into you today.
I kinda got summoned tonthe Heavenly Beasts Council last night and I've been given too much information.
Let me try something Thomas and she shifts hybrid.
I shift Bear hybrid as well.
I knew you are a bear.
Then I shift rabbit, then fox,
Then back human.
I'm every Beast actually.
A Beast Sentinel.
I draw power into me and my body is covered in glowing runes and patterns that fade when I release the energy
I am now suddenly 6 1\2 feet tall about 2 meters with faint tattoos that won't go away.
Every beast I've encountered so far is tattooed somewhere on my body. Chest, Back, Arms and legs.
Camilla I definitely need now clothes.
Got ya love and she drys herself and rushes out.
She comes back shortly with a bear linebacker from our football team.
Jared stops short wide eyed.
Jared " Oh Crap" and falls to one knee.
No Jared we're classmates never kneel to me.
But you're a Sentinel right?
I'm "The Sentinel" actually, Jared the more reason my classmates should never kneel to me.
I'm still just me, maybe A little bit suddenly over powered.
I'm still your math tutor and classmate.
Sentinel Thomas Everyone will know and see you differently now.