Not surprisingly the wolves sent security for us. Also not surprisingly a not so subtle all female security detachment.
Wolves: Strength, Ability and Guile, very good when balanced.
Yeah several girls were the epitome of bitches and sent back home.
Camilla in a letter pretty much said. "if MY babies security is less important than being in MY mates bed you're out of here".
I whole heartedly agree.
You need to prioritize dinner before desert.
My family's security comes first and foremost, period, end of discussion.
My authority has apparently been proven and established.
strength being an Alpha as well as a Shaman and Sentinel. My new Shaman Cub.
A few Betas wanted friendly spars since no Alpha wanted to lose honor amd home to me.
I got to play and rough house a bit.
Evenings would find me wrestling with cubs from the various clans we visited.
Only a few times did we get hassled and that was from humans not beasts.
Our security was usually able to handle everything.
My transmission of calm is getting better and helpful with my baby girl as well as Human law enforcement.
Of course it also helps when Beasts are also secretly employed within human law enforcement.
Mostly smooth sailing.
every sleuth we drive to and through all help with fuel and provisions.
Of course we help set up investments and recommendations for the area resources to be used for businesses depending on geographical economics up to and including merging with other beast races in businesses. It's not just Bears im a Shaman or a Sentinel for.
Bear may be the first blessing but more need to know I'm there for them.
I've figured out that The entire Devine Council were all there and I was trained by every races Cheif Shamans. As well as Shamans or Sentinels show up as needed when I cross through various races territories.
So I'm going to help and be a blessing to any race which wants or needs me.
Soon I'm going to also need to set up community outreach programs to humans as well.
Yeah on a different track it took about a month before a young Alpha female wolf snuck into my bed.
Lauren actually got a smack om the head from Camilla when she was found nuzzling my crotch one morning.
Camilla can usually be found snuggling my back, Makena my chest and head, now Lauren my waist.
Camilla: proper turns Lauren and remember there's actually 4 more ahead in priority when they arrive.
You may be an Alpha wolf but at the moment an Omega Mate.
Lauren actually bowed and apologized.
Makena: if I recall your pack is 2 stops away?
Lauren: Yes.
we'll give your wolf 2 nights then, if you can hold for a week till then.
Lauren: I can still snuggle can't I?
Of course but you'll have to learn to share the first mate won't get her first cycle for another year so remember always where you stand.
Lauren: I, We thought..
Camilla I'm his first mate because of age but the first to be with him is still in school and this was accepted by all 4 original mates before even The Devine Council revealed Thomas to us mates.
We're the Devine accepted originals. And any beast being accepted needs to understand this fully.
Me: Your accepted Lauren and have full rights, You don't know the original hierarchy. Over the next 2 years the original mates will be arriving along with I'm sure others.
not all will have reached their first season when they arrive and will be given love and compassion until maturity. it's imperative that all of my mates love, understand, train and help eaxh other never looking down on anyone in this family.
Lauren: I understand my Alpha.
I Am the Alpha of my pack and as you begin my mate are also my packs Alpha and will be given that rank upon our mating.
We go through rabbit, bison and then the Denton Pack
the celebration is deafening, wolf mating can be very and publicly enthusiastic.
The wolves are definitely getting a head start in preparation for mine and Laurens mating.