The Palace of the Queen is kept very proper and even it's displays of wealth and history are done very tastefully.
Everything from hardwoods several centuries old to gem encrusted artworks are specifically designed with aesthetics and beauty.
This Palace is not designed to show wealth but history and culture.
Oris is showing the world her love and pride for and of her people.
We're shown to her small gatherings room rather than her Throne room.
It's like a VIP room. with a small buffet along one side.
Oris: Guests please refresh yourselves and partake of my country's bountiful food and drinks.
Children Please don't stay outside.
Bashfully Entering are 2 adolescent cheetahs.
I introduce my beloved son and daughter
My Princess Alpha Amana and Prince Sentinel Jamba.
My future leaders when I retire.
Amana: Devine Sentinel Thomas, We appreciate the boost you've given to our country It is already making a big boost in Education, Technology and Health and the future prosperity for our Country.
we cannot thank you enough.
Jamba: we will make you proud for thw foundation you've given us.
Whether heartfelt or practiced I appreciated the jesture.
my and my family thanks you for your praise.
Myself and my ladies have worked long and hard to share ourselves through our work.
Your country and its people have worked long and hard to bring my own dreams into fruition and reality.
Now with the stuffy stuff out of the way lets enjoy this bounty of your people, I'm very hungry smelling this wonderful food.
while eating Queen Oris sets next to me and actually said: if it wasn't for my Great niece Makena both my granddaughter Amana and myself would welcome you personally into our chambers young Devine Thomas.
My cousin Anu says that would be extremely detrimental.
You have many more miles to travel before you can settle down and enjoy your prosperity Devine Thomas.
Thanks my Queen I appreciate the jesture.
My only hope is that my ladies follow me over tje bridges I and We build not happily follow me over a cliff.
Anu and Shea both have had reason to council me today of my lacking of insight and training of my unused abilities.
Oris: It's good that family does that instead of enemies. In some aspects young Thomas you are still a newly weaned cub and woefully inexperienced in the world around you.
experience love and life before you get overwhelmed.
Run with the winds over the Savanah feel this world groaning as you race across it.
The device in my vehicle today was not extended for me Thomas remember this.
the device had no scent it had been completed wiped even while being installed.
You young one have apparent enemies that you didn't make yourself, but ones that for whatever reason see you as a threat.
Now tonight after supper we run until Amu takes you off for training..
eat to your hearts content the relax and freshen up we'll meet for supper in 4 hours.