Chapter 2 - Teaching her the ways

Quick transmigration: Occupation, seductress chapter 31 continuation

He put his lips on my mouth and stuck his tongue in and tasted every corner. I tried to fight by biting on his tongue but he immediately retracked his tongue and frowned.

"It seems Ling-er still hasn't learned her lesson.."

He pushed me down on the bed and in one swift motion, he bit down on my right nipple as his other twisted kneaded the left.

I tried moving but his weight was on my body and it seemed my body wasn't responding anytime soon.

"Mhmm!" His touch was so painful and sensual yet I couldn't help but want to moan. My face was dyed rosey as I seemed drunk on the feeling.

As I stopped struggling, he became progressively gentler as he used his tongue to slither around my breasts from under to around my breast and as he finally bit on nipple, leaving a mark. As much I hated to admit it, he knew what he was doing and he knew it, his grin was all over his face as he looked towards me.

His assault was relentless, he groped, touched and licked all over me and left markings. He seemed to especially take joy when he lifted my armpits as he tickled and licked me. I was in a state of ecstasy yet I could not do much to cum.

"See Ling-er? As long as you behave I can treat you nicely. But punishment has to be given to bad girls.."

Suddenly, he flipped me and I still couldn't move so my crotch was facing him but I could no longer see his face and that instilled fear in me as I shuddered wondering what he was planning to do...

?! I suddenly felt a finger rubbing and rubbing around my crack! Slowly I felt something entering my forbidden hole and beads of sweat started to form around my crack. "Oh Ling-er, in order to teach you, sometimes you leave me with no choice."

His finger slithered into my asshole and wingled in and out, my asshole tightened as it felt an intruder entering, in hopes of preventing the attacker from entering but it was too late. Instead, it trapped his finger in and he was exploring my nether regions. It wiggled in and out like a worm and I didn't want to say it but it felt like my asshole was becoming accustomed to him entering in and out.

My body was actually getting off him entering my asshole as my hips bent towards his finger to allow it easier access. My pussy secreted nectar and he interchanged his finger between my holes. "It seems my little Ling-er body enjoys anything I do, its as if your body was meant for me and it reacts to my every touch" I couldn't say anything still and even if I could, I wouldn't as I wouldn't know what else he had planned.

This position was humiliating, my entire body was exposed for his enjoyment and I couldn't move or do anything yet I was still feeling so good and wanted more.

Next I felt something slithering around my crack, he.. he was using his tongue to lick around it..! He used his tongue to encroach on my crack as he licked the beads of sweat falling downwards from my back and drizzling my ass. He he he he!!! He stuck his tongue inside and he wouldn't stop! He used his thumb and finger to expand and tease my forbidden hole. All the while sucking in on my nectar and bringing it to my forbidden hole for easier access. "No matter what part of Ling-er it is, I'll accept everything~" He said as his tongue continued messing up my insides. I couldn't help but I had something that didn't agree with my stomach earlier and with his tongue was like a fish in water as it slithered in and out of me, I… farted. Li Ming didn't seem disguised but even more excited as he brought his nose closer and took a deep whiff and breathed in as he felt as if he was rejuvenated and stuck his face as close as possible to my crotch and took in the smell… "Whether it be how your sweat tastes salty or your innards smell, I will wholeheartedly accept them and love it all." I resisted the urge to gag at his cringey lines but still his tongue acted as if it was digging for gold and wouldn't let up and I felt that he was almost approaching something inside...

My face was blushed red and I couldn't stand the thought someone was toying with me and I was helpless to do anything about it yet the more I endured, the more I realised how my hips kept bending towards him as if demanding him for more. In response he noticed this and fastened his pace as his finger and tongue pounced relentlessly as more sounds of my nectar continued leaking as he savored every sip he took. He jammed his fingers inwards and what came out was an extremely jelly like substance mixed with my juices and he slowly sucked it all up. "As expected of my Ling-er, you taste delicious, I wish I could have you for breakfast, lunch and dinner~"

I was immobile and all I could do was continuously listen on to the sounds of him slurping on my nectar and relish the feeling of his tongue and fingers in my forbidden hole… I lost track of time and I didn't know how long had passed but I was under his relentless assault and the sun had yet to rise.. Please someone help me…

My thoughts were interrupted as I sharp pain "Eeek!" I hummed, Li Ming was pinching onto my clitoris and it was swollen stiff but at that exact moment, I cummed… Torrents of nectar leaked onto Li Ming's face as I felt relieved I continued squirting without stopping, I could finally let out all that tension.

My face still flushed and blushed, I moved my eyes and glanced out the curtains and realized it was still midnight… Oh no… I didn't have the strength to move nor let out a sound but I saw Li Ming in front of me smiling with an evil grin knowing that he had sent me into cloud nine and he seemed awfully proud of it.

"Sniff sniff" Li Ming smiled and walked behind me again and put his nose towards the bedsheets as he noticed a wet patch near my crotch. "It seems my little Ling-er is quite the squirter and must have felt pretty good hmm?Even going as far as causing a mess on the bed tsk tsk." I was still unable to speak and couldn't speak but he knew as well as I do how good he managed to make me feel.

Words were not exchanged as an awkward silence rose but Li Ming was behind me and I was still in a doggy position and I was too tired nor could I stop him from doing whatever he wanted. He stared for a while until I felt something poking my backdoor…

"At the end of the day, if Ling er doesn't feel any pain she won't learn. Don't hate me Ling-er, I'm doing this because I love you and I want us to get to know each other better and to teach you not to rebel. He pressed on my pressure points again and I finally regained control of my body but regardless, I melted like butter on the bed and tried crawling off the bed, maybe if I fell down hard enough, I could alert the guards.

Alas, my efforts were futile as Li Ming pulled me back and slid under me as he bit and sucked on my earlobes, he breathed heavily and sighed. "Ling-er it will take time for you to accept me but I really don't like it when you try to run away from me. Anyways I already knocked out all the guards and servants outside so no matter, what you do, you will accept me whether you like it or not~"