Chapter 8 Recovery

His response seemed so serious and his eyes showed such firm determination yet I couldn't help but ask out " So the girl you like was being tortured yet you stood by watching?" "Ah… I… I understand it may sound insincere but you should know that men from young are taught not to interfere with issues among women and let them settle among themselves. I knew my sister hated you but I didn't know to that extent and for that I apologise.." He kneeled and bowed ninety degrees. 

Seeing him not move the gloomy and silent atmosphere roamed throughout the chambers. "Go away. I won't tell his majesty what you did." I couldn't outright say as well that I actually needed his essence to complete my quest and that I actually enjoyed it but I'll keep it low about that for now. He gritted his teeth and muttered " Again his majesty… Do you not have room for someone else? That person you call emperor and your husband has tens and hundreds of concubines he could be with another anytime and you'd be discarded anyday. Why is it that I am always not even an option.." He had tears in his eyes as he finished his last sentence.

Seeing him so sad I couldn't help but reach my hand out and pat him on the head to calm him down. In an instant, I could feel myself being hugged and our lips pressed together yet it felt so different this time, there wasn't lust coming from him but he just seemed like a poor soul who just wanted love. It felt so intoxicating as we continued fighting with our tongues but then "Ahh…" My wounds were reopening as I felt Li Ming stopping and helping me lay down. "I'll help you dress up your wounds again, I'll also take care of you these few days and I'll hold back so you don't have to worry." 

True to his words, for the past few days he had just stayed in my palace while helping to take care of me. As for the reason why I was in bed the past few days, I explained to the emperor that he had been due to our previous "intense" nights and he was also busy dealing with the Li family and his ministers as that rambled about how I was a seductress and how he needed to spend more time with the empress and stopped neglecting state affairs. 

There were some awkward instances as Li Ming helped to "take care" of me, for one, my arms and legs felt like anchors as they still hurt a ton as I had much difficulty doing basically anything even the simplest of tasks such as having to eat, bath and going to the toilet.. I was hand fed by Li Ming whether I felt like it or not he'd force me using the excuse that he didn't want his darling to starve or not have energy for the next time we "ehem". The problem involved me having to go to the bath or toilet since it hurt for me to even lift my hands, it was hard to wash the upper parts of my body and well, Li Ming was more than happy to oblige but I had the urge to decline. He'd often say " What's there to hide between you and I? We have nothing to hide from each other~" As he reverted from being a nice gentleman to a perverted swine and analysed my figures from head to toe. "Not too thin or fat, such an hourglass figure and well grown in the right areas~ I should know~." 

Such remarks were getting on my nerves daily, although anyone would love to be complimented, if a person were to repeat it everyone, it'd become annoying and lose its effects.

Often I would tell him to go away, but I found him to act with mischief and take away my clothes until I called for him, specifically calling him "darling" , ugh my skin curled.

Despite his two faced behaviour, at night he didn't sleep with me and believe it or not, he knew self control, he abstained himself from touching me like a monk did to meat. At night sometimes I would stay up and see if this man would truly live up to the act he was putting on now. I waited, waited and waited… The heck! Don't tell me he could turn on and off his libido whenever he felt like it.

I didn't believe it, I got off my bed and tip toed as I saw him lying on the couch. "This man…" He was sound asleep on the couch by the side without a care in the world as he slept like a pig with his legs spread out and head tucked in the blanket. I saw something bulging from under his blanket and it was the very thing that was inside a few days ago.

A mischievous idea popped in my mind, I walked towards him and grabbed it as I gathered my strength and crushed with all my might! "AHHH!!!" Li Ming shouted as he jumped from the couch. He crouched down and hell his manhood as he glared around menacingly to see the person who did it. His face turned from an angry frown to a devilish smile which could make anyone run.

"Ah… It seems my Princess has recovered and become quite energetic…" He smiled so brightly you wouldn't know what he was up to. "I was saving this for when you got better but it seems it'd be better if I used it now hehehehe."

I quickly ran back to my bed to hide but it seemed to be a part of his plan as he let me run. I wrapped myself in my blanket but I could feel a massive force pull it away. "Oh Ling-er open wide." I felt his lips against mine but I could feel a smell pellet being forced through my throat.

"What do you make me swallow… Ahhhhhh" I felt so hot all of a sudden. I was huffing and puffing as my face turned a ted pink. "This is something I picked after raiding some western barbarians city. They called this an ecstasy pill? Those who swallow it, and will have their libido amplified. Luckily I don't need such an item as you would know but now…" He glanced at me but I had the uncontrollable urge to take off my clothes as I felt so heated all over and I ran for the thing between his pants. But, Li Ming actually ran away "Slow down now, naughty girls don't get things their way."