Pain of Yesterday (final part)

Woohyun knocks on the door a few more times. He then hears some light footsteps before the door swings open. He eyes Jieun's swollen eyes and messy hair. He know by what he had witnessed, Jiuen probably cried again last night. He wants to tell the other so badly about what had been talked at the previous meeting that make him hold the other by her shoulders. 

"Jieun. You gonna like what I'm going to tell you." He says brightly. 

"What? Don't smile like that. You make me want to slap your face." Jieun speaks dryly. 

"It's about Sunggyu! We saved him." He says excitedly, ignoring her threat. 

"What! Oh! My god." She already crying on her knees as she hears that, too contented. 

After she waited for Sunggyu at the lake when she failed to followed him, she never sleep soundly. She waited and waited for Sunggyu for days but he never returned. She reported his missing to the alpha after three days of his missing and they started searching for him. They make a group to go outside their village searching in the forest, looking for his traces or his died body.

They also continued searching in human town and make some contact with nearby packs to gather informations about the missing. 

After a month of searching, they gave up on him. It was impossibleto trace the other so it will be a waste to furtherthe searching. But Woohyun never gave up. He continued searching for Sunggyu and end up didn't returned to his village for days.

That was then he met with a pack that just lost two of their member. They worked together and through the hints they got, they managed to tracked down the location of human illegal activity. They spied that place and went home when they confirmed that placed was where the missing werewolves were brought to. 

And if course,  Woohyun was scolded for being missing.

But Woohyun couldn't feel anything. The moment he knew Sunggyu had gone, he had this guilt killing him from the inside. So he had to find Sunggyu at any cost or else he cannot die in peace. Woohyun then waste no time to inform his father about his progressin searching Sunggyu and they worked together with the other pack to search for that said place.

That placed was deep inside a forest. The white painted building with seven floor was guarded by sixteen men complete with weapons.

 After some research about their organization, they found out that the humans were carrying out some crazy experiments on werewolves. The head of the organization was said to be an former alpha before all of his pack were killed by other pack due to a battle for territory. That said male then collect money from doing dirty works and start being a leader for a dirty organization. But due to his hatred to werewolves, he allow the humans to captured some of that creature to study about them. 

After they had enough information about their enemy, they prepared to ambush them. They split their men into four group, attacking from all four directions. The two main groups attacked from the front, distracted them from realizing the other two group that coming from the back door. The two minor groups went straight to where the captured werewolves were kept. Woohyun was one of the minor group who was in charged on saving the other from that place. 

But they cringed in horror as they reached their destination. The condition of that seventh floor was way too frightening. There was blood everywhere, dead bodies being killed cruelly were on the floor and the fire that spreading wildly emitted unpleasant smell of scorched flesh and bones. Woohyun's stomach make a flip  as he thought Sunggyu could not survived through all that. 

Frantically, Woohyun began his search for the other. He ran into the fire, checking every room that he saw. He did not want to take risk of skipping any room that possibly where the other could be. The black smoke became thicker and thicker as he went closer to the rooms that were on fire. He could manage to hold his breath but not for a very long time. Some other werewolves that were with him already giving up on searching. Woohyun started to feel suffocated with the lacked of oxygen and increase of carbon monoxide there. 

He lowered his head to the floor to take a rest before he began his search again. He was too far away from his team when he heard a loud noise coming from the last room. The door to that room was made from steel, make it impossible for him to get through. His head started to ached dully as he felt his body became weak. Black spot began to appear as his vision became blurry. He then, fall on the floor in front of that metal door, no longer conscious as he fell right on his face. 


Woohyun opened his eyes, narrowed it a bit as the light hit it. He then realized his condition where he was being carried by someone on his back. He turned his face to see who was carrying him. It was someone from his team, Sungyeol. That male then stopped when he saw Woohyun was awake. Woohyun tried to get down but Sungyeol halted him. Woohyun still need some rest. Woohyun then allowed the other to continued with his task, that was running. That was when Woohyun realized his surrounding, they were in the forest again. Why were they here instead of the building? 

"Why aren't we with the other at the building? Let me down, Sungyeol. I need to find him." Woohyun struggling behind the other weakly. 

"There's no need to do that anymore Woohyun. We got them already." Sungyeol said as he saw Woohyun tried to go back to that building. 

"What? Really?" Woohyun asked in disbelieve. 

"I'm not lying to you. Why would I do that." Woohyun stopped struggling and he was in peace when he heard that news.    

They reached their base after a long ran and both of them rested with the other werewolves that arrived. Woohyun and the other werewolves who having carbon monoxide poisoning were treated.

Werewolves at their base served food and drinks for all the werewolves that involved in the rescue mission.

The other two team were not there yet. That team gathered at a truck placed nearby the building that they had attacked since they needed it to transport the missing werewolves and the injured werewolves from the battle away from that place. Woohyun was resting when the rescue truck arrived. The healers quickly checked the condition of the survivors and treated them. They moved to their village after everyone had enough energy to do that. 

Everyone in the village have heard the news of the saved werewolves and most of them crowding the healer hut to see those humans' victims with their own eyes. Woohyun had been running to Jieun hut as soon as he was awake and told that poor woman about that good news. He is running with Jieun follows after him to the healer hut, sneaking between the crowds to get in. Sunggyu and the other missing werewolves were still unconscious. Jieun stays near his bed all the time, taking care of his little brother's hygiene. 

"Thank you, Woohyun." Jieun thanked the male beside her who is watching the pale unconscious male lying on the bed.  

"For what?" Woohyun asks her without moving his eyes from Sunggyu. 

"For not giving up when other already give in. For bring him home... for everything." She says, smiling at him. 

Woohyun stay silence hearing that. He still feels the guilt for breaking Sunggyu's heart before. He was the reason for Sunggyu's disappearance. If he just being honest with the other about his feeling, all of these will not happen. Woohyun walks away from the bed and go outside the hut. He take a deep breath as he steps further from the hut. His eyes are glistening with tears that threaten to fall. It hurt him everytime he remembered what he had done to the other. He sits on the rock near him and rests there for a while, clearing his clouded mind.

"…covered with dried blood. His skin was rough. But after he was cleaned by the healers, they could not find any wound and his skin was in a perfect condition, without a single burn or stretch."  Woohyun hears a male voice as he walks into his hut. 

"One of the missing wolves said that he was the one that caused the fire." Another male adds. 

"Have the other two missing wolves said anything?" His father asks. 

"They said that they had no clue about what had happen and how it happen. Both of them were blindfolded that time." Someone answers his father's question. 

He continues walking, passing by the room where all those voices coming from. He wants to sleep even he is not tired. He just wants to get away from reality as soon as possible. But he halts in the halfway of pushing his bedroom door open when he hears someone mentioning Sunggyu's name. 

"… Sunggyu was the beast that went berserk and killed the humans." Woohyun stands there breathlessly. 

What are they talking about? There is no way his Sunggyu done all that! There must be a misunderstanding somewhere. He stands there for a long time tries to eavesdrop some more but the meeting stops. His father commands everyone to be quite as he sense Woohyun presence. He knows Woohyun is not entering his room yet. 

"Get inside your room now, Woohyun." His father's strict voice commands him and that make him panicily rush into his room, locking the door behind him. 

What was he thinking. His father is an alpha and it was stupid for him to be unaware of his father's doubled sense. He is not an alpha and neither did him know what it feel to be one but from what he had learn, as soon as the beta become an alpha, his sense will be doubled. It is a gift for the alpha to make it easier for the alpha to lead his pack and gain respect from others. His father got his alpha ability from mother nature was after a ritual for him was formed when he was officially got picked as a leader. Woohyun then lie on his bed, ruminating what he had accidentally heard from the meeting. 

Woohyun go looking for Sungjong as soon as he awake this morning. He searches for the other in the citizens' hall, place where all the werewolves from their alliance pack were placed. When he finally found the other, he bring him to more private place to talk. Woohyun analysis the other's face and appearance. Sungjong has a matured face compared to his young age and the other looks innocence with big round eyes and fair skin but Woohyun cannot hide his terror when he see three big cuts on the other's cheek.

Woohyun asks Sungjong about what he had heard before to confirm it and Sungjong answer him with shaken voice. Maybe because he told Sungjong that he was the alpha's son, that makes the other comply to his request even it is obvious that Sungjong still traumatized by what he had gone through during that day. Sungjong also tell him everything he know which is not really much help to Woohyun. Woohyun then thanks Sungjong for the informations before he leaves the other but then Sungjong stops him. 

"Wait, Woohyun. I told you that I feel like I've seen you before. Now I remember where. You were there when Sunggyu broke the cage. You've save me!" Sungjong sudden exclaim make him confused even more. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Sunggyu was trying to kill me after he broke the cage, but then he stopped when someone tried to break the door. He left me and broke that door but when he got near you, he stopped acted aggressive. I saw him sniffing and licking you before he fainted next to you." 

Sungjong is telling the truth. That were what happen that day in that 'cursed' building. After Sunggyu broke the cage, the door to that room was automatically locked due to the fire system installed. Just by one hit from Sunggyu make him flew a few feet away and his blindfold ripped apart and fell from him. Sungjong eyed the beast in front of him as that beast come closer to him. That beast was also blindfolded like he was, make him gasped in surprise as he realized Sunggyu's scent was there, thought it was mixed with other's smells.

As the brown furred beast tainted with blood all over its body growled showing his lines of canines, a loud sound from the steel door attracted the beast attention. Maybe because that beast was still blindfolded, so it only respond to sounds.  

The beast howled loudly as it went to the door and smacked it down, broken the door in one strike. Sungjong was too shocked and relieved at the same time.

But that was only for temporary as he saw a man lying lifelessly on the floor in between the two pieces of the fallen steel door. The beast was standing in front of the man, moving its head right and left. Sungjong wanted to move and ran to the man, saving him from the beast but his body cannot move not even an inch.

He felt sorry to that man but then he saw something unpredictable happen. that beast sniffing the air before it continued sniffing toward that man. It sniffed around his face and his body before it licked that man face. As it lick, he saw that beast's tears fell as it slowly fell next to that man. 

Woohyun's jaw slack opens as he hears that. He does not know what to think anymore. Could that beast is really Sunggyu? His heart skips a beat at the thought of Sunggyu being experimental by the humans. He then wanders all alone in the forest, feeling incredibly guiltier than ever. He was the reason Sunggyu had to gone through all that.

He should just died in agony as a punishment for his ill doing.

He solace there, ashamed to return back to his village and show his face to everyone especially Jiuen. Jieun sigh when she reaches the lake. She knows that Woohyun will never go there, but still she tries her luck. That place is full with memories of Sunggyu, Woohyun will never dare to show his face to the lake anymore. And as what she just predicted,  Woohyun isn't there.

She heads back to the village but as she is halfway through the forest, she smells Woohyun's scent. She looks for Woohyun around that place. She then sees Woohyun sleeping under a big willow tree. She nudge his shoulder with her muzzle which makes Woohyun slowly opens his eyes and gasps when he sees her. 

"Woohyun it's me, Jieun." She speaks when she sees Woohyun shocked by her action just now. 

"Oh it's you. You brown fur make me thought it was someone else." He says as he rubs his chest. 

"Who? Your crush? C'mon, sleep-head. Everyone is looking for you." She says, joking around. 

"Yes, my crush." He says while yawning. 

"Really? She's someone I know? Is she beautiful? She is older than you're? " She asks like a machine gun as she knows Woohyun would better with an older girl. 

"Yes and  yes, except... the she part." he answers her honestly since he just woke up from his sleep and does not really thinking. 

Jieun's smile dies as she hears that. Something clicking in her mind. Suddenly everything become clear to her. She was  very angry with Woohyun after she heard the rumors about Woohyun's harsh words towards Sunggyu. She really thought that Woohyun was a bastard who only care about status and broke his friendship with Sunggyu due to it. But then Woohyun confused everyone by searching for Sunggyu like a wolf who had lost his mate. It didn't make sense at all but now, it become crystal clear to her about what actually  had happen between them. 

"Actually I've news for you. Sunggyu has awake last night." Jieun says and Woohyun quickly stands with eyes wide open, no longer traces of sleepiness can be found on his face. 



Everyone has treating him differently. The mid-ranked werewolves did not bully him anymore. He scores higher and higher each day and he no longer seems like an omega. But there is one thing that does not change, that is he is still alone. Nobody wants to be his friend. Everyone is frightened with him. News about he went berserk and destroyed the whole humans' building alone already spread. No one dare to look straight into his eyes and some of them slightly bows when he passes by. 

But what make his heart swell the most is the fact that Woohyun is avoiding him again. Even Jieun had told him about how guilty Woohyun was when he was gone and  that the other had searched for him when everyone stopped searching. But he does not believing her words every time he sees Woohyun from afar. From his view, Woohyun does not seems to be sorry, like the other does not really care what happen to him. Does their friendship before really did not matter to Woohyun? 

"How are you today?" His healer asks, throwing him back to reality. 

"I'm fine." He answers. 

It is his new routine now. He has to meet his healer every single day until the healer can confirmed that his existence is not a threat to this pack. That young healer who clearly younger than him now is in control of his life, adding one more reason for Sunggyu to feels regret of being alive. For the past few weeks, he had to undergo a few test to learnt how to control his new strength.

He feels the same as he was in the humans lab, running some tests for them.

But here is worse since his only friend Dongwoo, Howon and Sungjong were not there with him to company him, leaving him all alone to endure all that. They had returned to their own packs after they had recovered. 

Sungjong told him before he left, that he was sorry for telling his people about him being a beast and make his life harder. He surely cannot blame Sungjong for that, the other just telling what he witnessed. Sungjong also told him the full story about what had happen the day they were saved. He told him about he saw Sunggyu's beast form and he thanked Sunggyu for helped him escaped from his cage. And Sungjong told him to thanked Dongwoo and Howon because they had saved him by carrying him when he was unconscious.

He believe in Sungjong even he did not remember a thing about what had happen. 

But still he cannot believe his eyes when he first time sees his reflection of his wolf form. His fur is no longer smooth and shiny and his skin was so thick and harder than steel which is also fire resistant. His regent ability is no kidding too.

It is super fast now, healing the cut he got within a few minutes.

However, he cannot change into the beast anymore. Due to his healer, he said maybe he needs to be injected with the chemicals they used before to be like that. Guess that is better because he never want to be that beast, again. 

"I've a good news for you. Your concentration level are excellent. You're good at maintaining your control. So I had to done one last test after this." His healer says with a wide smile to him that he quickly reply. 

"Really? That's great, healer." 

"I know. So for the last test, I need to know when was your last rut?" That question make him stops smiling. 

"I... I don't know. I never had rut before." he answers hesitantly, clearly embarrassed for never gone into rutting. 

"You never being stimulated before? Hmp... I guess we need to stimulate you in this test then. I already thought what to do. We will put you with a female ripe with hormone and give you stimulant. so whether you lose control or not during mating is..." 

"What? No!" Sunggyu half screaming with his face blushed like tomato. 

" Relax. I'm kidding. You don't have to mate. We'll tied you with chains and give you stimulant. If you break that chain and forcefully claimed the female, she will press the emergency button and we'll end the test." He says, patting Sunggyu's shoulder and chuckles again. 

Sunggyu looks away instantly from the other's gaze. He does not want to run this test but he had no other choice. he needs more time to think about it, so he asks the healer to let him think about it and the healer allows him in no time. He is really thankful to has Myungsoo as his healer. The other is still too young but his skills are no joke. He really admiring the job as healer. He wants to be a healer too but he is not born in healer family.

Sunggyu go to the forest for the first time after he come back to his village. He does not allowed to go there but today, he is going to the lake. He really missed that place. He missed how the air feels moist to his skin and the wind that always there, playing with his fur softly. 

He opens his eyes slowly as his eyelids feels heavy. He looks around and realizes that it already dark. He must had fall asleep there. He become panic and quickly turns into a wolf. He runs as fast as his four legs could but maybe because he has not been in the forest for a long time, he lost his direction. The way he used before did not has a cliff, take him by surprised and he fall down.

It is not really high but still it hurt as he begins to roll down further. Few of dried leaves stuck on his fur and his fur is covered with soils. He carefully stands, thankfully there is no severe injuries at all, thanks to his new skin. He spend more time searching for his way back home. 

He could heard the sound of his people, so that's mean he already near. But still, around his wins nothing but trees and bushes. He need to find a way to get to his village. As he is wandering alone, he hears some voices talking. He go closer to the source and he can see his village, or to be precise, his alpha's house. He sees two man standing near the forest, talking to each other. 

"You need to keep practice, Woohyun." He hears the alpha's voice. 

"I know, dad. I just want to get some fresh air for awhile." Woohyun answers in annoyance. 

"We don't have time for that. You need to practice all the time. Or do you want Sunggyu to be the next alpha?" Sunggyu is shocked when he hears alpha's


Why does he needs to include his name? Have he been on his rival list now?

"I don't care if he win. He deserve it. He is much more stronger now. Plus, he is my friend. Even though he does not need me anymore, he still my friend." Woohyun says, feeling small suddenly when he remember how strong Sunggyu looks now during his practice with his healer. 

"Don't lie to me. I know you hate him. I heard the … " 

"No! I never hate him. What you had heard before, I... I did it for a reason. Personal reason... he is always a dear person to me." Woohyun speaks, cutting his father's sentence.  

"Just do what you want. You'll regret it later." His father says and turns away from him before he walks into his hut. 

Woohyun bits his lower lip as he feels bad for making his father said that to him. he then changes into a wolf and strolls into the forest. He passes by Sunggyu just a few inches far from the other but Sunggyu's scent has been covers by the soils and leaves on his body. Woohyun has been feet away from him when he decides to sprint away from that place. his movement makes Woohyun turns but when Woohyun walks to his previous hidden place, he already far away from the other's sight. The only thing that left is his lingering scent an a tree where put his paws before.

And Woohyun somehow manage to sniff it.

"Sunggyu." Woohyun recognizes his scent and thinking that Sunggyu might heard what he said make Woohyun slaps his forehead hard. 

Woohyun walks faster when he sees Sunggyu  walking towards him. He give incredibly nonsense excuse to his gang before he sprint away from that place. Sunggyu watches Woohyun runs as he reaches Woohyun's gang at the table. He know Woohyun is avoiding him again. He eyes Woohyun's plate that not even half of his meal was eaten. Yes, he really sure the other is avoiding him. He eyes everyone there on that table and all of them quickly dismiss. Sunggyu pouts seeing their reaction towards him. Sunggyu does many other tactics to talk with Woohyun but Woohyun is an expert when it comes to running away. 

"What the hell! Woohyun." Sunggyu clenches his fist as all his effort gone waste. 

As stupid as it may sound, Woohyun really afraid to be rejected by Sunggyu. He know Sunggyu heard what he talked with his father that night, so he is afraid if Sunggyu decides to revenge on him or laugh at him or worst hate him for having feeling to the other. Sunggyu now is the strongest werewolf in history, so why would someone like him accept a mere werewolf like him.

He feels small, too small to be compared to Sunggyu.

Plus, he had take the other by surprised before. Sure he did not mount Sunggyu that time but still what he did was wrong and he can never forgive himself for doing that to the other.  He still remembered how hard it was for him to hold himself back from Sunggyu since that time, it was nearing rutting season in late autumn where his hormones had began to raise. He really does not know how he can hold himself during rutting season that is around the corner now. He first met Sunggyu in the forest where his shiny ginger brown fur waves smoothly as he ran through  the orange-red forest. 

Woohyun actually followed her sister into the forest but he lost her sight in the middle of his chase. He felt lazy to turned back to the village so he stay there, practiced hunting on his own. He was hunting down the deer before he saw Sunggyu not far away from him, tried to hunt that deer too. he really thought Sunggyu was the female wolf he was following earlier and as he watched that 'female' wolf with 'female' skill of hunting, he fell for the other. And as he went closer to that brown wolf, he smelt the other's intoxicating scent that make him fall deeper. 

It has been three days in a row that Sunggyu looking for Woohyun and the other is always noticed Sunggyu was coming to him and fled away. So Sunggyu use his last tactic to get Woohyun talks to him. He go to Myungsoo and asks the other's help.  

"What? Are you crazy? A male!" Myungsoo crocks his brows. 

"Exactly. I don't want a female. I'm afraid I can't control myself and she will be affected by me and submit to me. If I do it with a male, it is impossible for him to submit himself to me." Sunggyu says his half-true theory which he strongly believe that was true. 

Myungsoo thought for a while. Sunggyu's idea actually a great idea. The risk is lower if they use a male. About the pheromones, they could use the females'. It will be the same. But who will do this willingly? It is harder to find a male voluntarily do this than to find a female since he only good at convincing female so far, thanks to his face. 

"But I can't guarantee I can get for you a male." 

"Don't worry, I already has someone in my mind. But I need you to talk to him. It really simple. What you just has to say is that I really need his help." 

Myungsoo doubt what Sunggyu is saying but true to his words, Woohyun easily agrees after he says that Sunggyu needed his help badly. Woohyun actually feels relieves because he can help Sunggyu and Sunggyu still need his help. That make him feel needed. He even coming to Myungsoo's hut with a huge smile on the set date.

It is nearly end of December which is the beginning of rutting season. 

With their natural hormones are high, Myungsoo adds more  hormones for Sunggyu, make his condition the same with the peak of mating season. But not for Woohyun since the other does not need to be tested. The preparations are ready, Sunggyu has been chained to the stone wall at one of the corner of the room with Woohyun on the opposite corner, sitting on the bed that has the emergency button on it.

Woohyun has been sprayed with females pheromones and that room being filled with that strong scent that makes both of Sunggyu and Woohyun cocks slightly harden. 

They are left in that room alone to give Sunggyu some privacy to feel stimulated by the environment. The hormones injected to Sunggyu starts to show its effect. Sunggyu tries to hold his breath as the scent make him harder and harder until he is fully erected. Woohyun squirms on the bed, feeling uncomfortable as the scent keeps arousing him. Precum already squirts from Sunggyu's cock. And now Sunggyu is struggling with the chain. He need to touch himself as he feels the burning pleasure on the pit of his stomach.

He starts thrusting his hip into the air. His cock is still in his pant and he is going crazy for not being able to take it out from its confines. He is too occupied with his throbbing cock to realizes that Woohyun already throws away his shorts and brief.   

After Woohyun throws his cloth, he lean on his back as he palms his erection. He then fist it and start pulling on it, moving his hand up and down along his shaft. He moans as the pleasure builds up in his gut and he fasten his speed. Sunggyu is shocked when he hears Woohyun's moans and he looks at the other direction. He regret his action because Woohyun masturbating makes his cock twitches. He watches Woohyun and starts to imagine how Woohyun's hand feels like on his coth.

Sunggyu could not hold it anymore, he is too desperate so he turn to the wall behind him and start grinding to the wall. the delicious friction between his cock and the wall make him arches his back. He moans as his breath hitches. As his pupil dilated, he lose all of his control and his body begins to expand. The chains that tied his upper body to the wall harshly clanking as tension begins to increase. Sunggyu snarls as his upper body being compresses by the chains. 

Woohyun stops his action and eyes Sunggyu's condition. His jaw slack open as he sees the chains one by one breaks and fall on the floor. Sunggyu's breath become heavy and when he turns, Woohyun gasps as he sees Sunggyu's eyes are no longer dark brown. the shimmering golden iris that glowing brightly glare at him with lust and need, slightly send shiver to Woohyun's spine. Sunggyu looks like a hybrid human and wolf, with his wolf eyes and teeth but his body is still a human. 

Slowly but not hesitantly, Sunggyu steps towards him and closing the distance between them. Woohyun moves backward instantaneously, his left hand is finding the emergency button. But when he found it, he just hold it does not push it yet. Saliva is drooling down Sunggyu's chin from both side of his mouth as he is showing his clenched canines. Sunggyu lean over him and he starts sniffing Woohyun's skin before he licks Woohyun's face. 

"S-s... Sunggyu?" Woohyun asks stutteringly, his heart is beating madly inside his chest. 

Woohyun is afraid of Sunggyu since the other's canines are really close with his throat as the other is licking his Adam apple. But he could not deny the existence of thrill and excitement mixed with his fear. His shaken right hand reach out to touch Sunggyu's face and Sunggyu looks at his hand and growls, stopping his hand in the mid air. Sunggyu then sniffs his hand before he opens his mouth and takes Woohyun's fingers into his mouth. Woohyun closes his eyes when he feels Sunggyu's hot cavern around his fingers. 

Precum squirt off his already fully erected cock. Sunggyu stop immediately, leaving Woohyun's wet and shaking fingers to look at the other's another 'finger' between his legs. A strong scent from it make Sunggyu kneel at the bedside and licks the tip of Woohyun's cock. Woohyun's breath hitches as Sunggyu continues licking along the shaft, clearing the precum. 

Woohyun fists the bed sheet with his right hand. Sunggyu is being a tease with realizes it because he keeps on licking Woohyun without taking him in. Woohyun's hand left the button to cups Sunggyu's cheeks, forcing his mouth to fall open. He then shove himself into Sunggyu damp and hot cavern. 

He hold Sunggyu's both cheeks with both of his hands on each side, pressing on the other's jaw bones to keep his mouth open to avoid his canines. Sunggyu growls for Woohyun's rough treatment but Woohyun ignores it and keeps fucking the other's mouth. As he gone deeper, Sunggyu closes his eyes as he shivers. He opens his glistening eyes and looks straight at Woohyun with a frown. 

"Uu yon?" Sunggyu mumbles Woohyun's name  hardly before he tries to take out the big rod inside of his mouth. 

"No, no please don't." Woohyun begs and he quickly hold Sunggyu by his nape to stop him from moving. 

Sunggyu stop from retreating as he eyes Woohyun needy face. Woohyun arches his back as Sunggyu take him whole again and starts bobbing his head along that shaft. Sunggyu's wet muscle that keeps rubbing his cock make him moans loudly. He thrusts speeding up before he comes inside Sunggyu's mouth. Sunggyu release his cock with his seed drooling down from Sunggyu's mouth before the other spits it out to the floor. Sunggyu looks at him and so does him, both having eyes competition before Woohyun finally speaks.

"I'm sorry I couldn't hold it. You make me feel so good." Woohyun apologizes after he realized that Sunggyu is Sunggyu again. 

"Did... did I forced myself on you just now?" Sunggyu asks, feeling anxious since he really cannot remember a thing. 

"No. It's okay I... I like it so it's okay." Woohyun says trying to lessen a bit of Sunggyu's guilt.  

Sunggyu blushes hearing that, also makes him remember his own member that aching again. That room now is filled by Woohyun's scent and that arousing Sunggyu more. Woohyun just in front of him, completely vulnerable with legs partially spread apart to show off his cock at Sunggyu. Sunggyu's shorts become impossibly tight so he stands and walks closer to the bed headboard, searching for the button. Woohyun seeing this, quickly grabs Sunggyu forearm. 

"Wait, no. You can still pass this test. Just, let me help you with that." Woohyun suggest and pull Sunggyu to sit on in front of him on the bed. 

Woohyun then grope his cock, forcing out a string of moans from him. Woohyun massage lightly his cock under his short for a while before he pulls down the annoying fabric. The fiction between that cloth against his cock is indescribable. Woohyun licks his lips as he eyes Sunggyu's angry cock spring out before it standing proudly with precum flowing down it. 

Woohyun grabs Sunggyu's cock and rubs the mushroom tip with his thumb, make Sunggyu throws his head back by the pleasure that building in his stomach. Sunggyu thrust his hip into Woohyun's hand as Woohyun presses tighter on his cock. He licks his fingers of his other hand and press lightly his wet fingers on the place between Sunggyu's balls and anus. Explicit groan escapes lips and Woohyun rubs around it before he press again. 

Sunggyu grasps the sheet under him as Woohyun keeps stimulate his external prostate before Sunggyu shoots out a creamy white liquid from his cock. Sunggyu fall on his back after his orgasm, breathing heavily as he riding down from his high. Woohyun looks at the mess that he made and smile before he lean closer to Sunggyu, hovering over the other and claimed his lips. Sunggyu is too shocked to respond but after peck by peck from Woohyun, he begins to respond to the other. 

"Si–since when?" Sunggyu asks when they break the kiss for air. 

"What? Since when did I start liking you?" He asks Sungyu and seeing the other nods , he just smiles.

"It was from the very beginning." Woohyun answers as he rests his forehead on Sunggyu's. 

Sunggyu looks into his eyes with wide and teary eyes, completely touched by the other's answer. He wants to at least have a friend that will stay with him through sad and happy moments, a friend that will accept him the way he is but what he gets is far way better than that. A lover, if he might say. He will not live his life alone anymore. Finally, there is someone who wants to love him in that way. And that someone is no other than Woohyun? He wonder did he save the world in his previous life to get rewarded with this?  

Woohyun's cock that had been fully erected when he gave Sunggyu a handjob earlier, is throbbing again when he sees Sunggyu's reaction to his confession. That glowing golden iris –he had been falling for since the first time he saw it, is looking at him with so much love. He knows it is wrong for him to fall for a guy and his father will definitely after his head if that old man knows about it. But what  else can he do when his heart wants what it wants. 

Woohyun kisses Sunggyu again, this time more fiercer and passionate. His teeth clashing with Sunggyu's canines as their tongue wrestling. Sunggyu's tongue stay at the floor of his mouth as Sunggyu keeps on sucking and licking his tongue. He licks roof of Sunggyu's cavern and the other's sharp canines which cut the surface of his tongue. Sunggyu opens his eyes when he taste Woohyun's blood but Woohyun keeps his eyes closes and continues his exploration. Sunggyu closes his eyes again and continues sucking Woohyun until they part for air. 

"Do you need me?" Woohyun asks darkly as he grinds his erected member with Sunggyu's cock, urging Sunggyu to say yes to him. 

"Yes. Please, Woohyun." Sunggyu answer after he moans. 

Woohyun shoves the first digit into Sunggyu, using Sunggyu's cum before as lubricant. He kisses Sunggyu to distract the other as he quickly, he adds another two fingers. He gently rubs around the Sunggyu's wall before he spread the other's hole. Sunggyu whimpers into the kiss deepen the kiss for him, tongue thrusting Sunggyu's throat as his fingers thrusting Sunggyu's ass. His fingers then hit jackpot when Sunggyu breaks the kiss to scream out his pleasure. Hips automatically thrusting into Woohyun fingers and Sunggyu's cock come back to life. 

"On your four. At the floor. Now." Woohyun commands as he withdraw from Sunggyu, make the other whimpers at first before obeys him. 

Sunggyu rest his arms and head on the bed while he is on his knees on the floor. Woohyun goes behind him, licking his lips as he watches Sunggyu's glory hole is right in front of him. He know Sunggyu will be mad at his action, but he had no other choice than to mated the other now. Werewolves only knot one person in their life and never allow to knot another werewolf if they already knotted. 

So if he knots Sunggyu now, others cannot do anything.

They cannot separate them after a knot was tied. Slowly he lowers himself and silently, he change into a wolf.  He already offers his blood to Sunggyu and now it's time for him to taste the other's while they do it. That's what it takes to form a knot with werewolves. He tries to avoid Sunggyu's tight as he does not want Sunggyu to feels his fur. He put his front legs on each side of Sunggyu's head, carefully so he does not come in contact with the other's elbows. His wolf cock already out of its sheath and he searches for the other's hole by poking the tip of his cock to Sunggyu until he found his destination. 

"Woohyun!" Sunggyu screams as Woohyun thrusts into him, completely unaware of the fur that rubbing his butt cheek.  

Woohyun stucks his tongue out as he pants. Sunggyu's wall is clenching on his cock painfully but pleasurable at the same time. Sunggyu closes his eyes tightly, tears running down his flushed cheeks and bites down the bed as Woohyun thrusts deeper into him. Woohyun heart threaten to jump out from his mouth as he hears Sunggyu's cries while his hole sucking Woohyun's 9 inch cock inside. He lean down to licks Sunggyu's face, cringing when he tastes the salty liquid on the other's cheek.

Sunggyu relax a bit by his action so Woohyun does not waste even a second as he pull out from Sunggyu, only to ram inside again. He begins to jackhammering the other as he feels burning desire piled up deep in his stomach. His cock grow painfully bigger as he mount the other.  

Sunggyu grasps the sheet tightly as he buries his face into the bed. The pain and pleasure make his mind clouded and he still not realize the strange things about that situation. As Woohyun pushes deeper into him and he feels hot seeds filling him, his eyes go wide as he realize it now. He feels something grows at his rim to the size of tennis ball and quickly he looks behind him. His jaw falls open when he sees a big black wolf is mating him.  

"Woohyun, what the hell? Get off me now, you motherfucker." Sunggyu shouts at the top of his lung, really furious at the other. 

Woohyun moves his hips away and his knot that stuck at Sunggyu's rim make the male beneath him moves together. A pained cry escaped Sunggyu's mouth. They are stuck together by the knot and that make Sunggyu cry again, feels betrayed by Woohyun. Woohyun had tricked him to knot him without his consent. He thought Woohyun just maturbating with him like what the other had done to him before. Or Woohyun would do it in his human form because humans did not have knot so it is not counted as knotting.

Woohyun then humping on him as the other tries to reach his climax again. Woohyun then bites Sunggyu's neck lightly, does not want the other to bleed too much as a final act for their knotting.  But it still hurt, makes Sunggyu's breaths come out short as he still sobbing against the bed. 

Myungsoo strolls towards his hut with a big grin across his face. He glare at his watch and realizes, he is a bit late than his original plan. He been treating a beta, a very handsome beta that he never seen just now that make him lost the track of time. Maybe that beta is not in his pack before since his pack got some additional werewolves past few weeks ago. His name is Sungyeol and that pretty male had make him spend more of his time on the other.

They been chatting and knowing each other for hours, makes Myungsoo keeps feeling that they somehow were connected. He tries to focus on his work now as he approaches another healer that sitting on his chair and taps the other's shoulder before asks him about the result of Sunggyu's test so far. 

"Woohyun never press the emergency button. It been a few hours by now, I guess he pass this test." His fellow healer says and he smiles at the other hearing that. 

He starts walking to the room where he left Sunggyu and Woohyun for the test. He pushes the door open and happily shouts Sunggyu's name, ready to tell the other that he has passed his last test. But what greets him is a very erotic sight in where Sunggyu is on his four near the bed without anything cover his hip and below, while on top of him is a big black wolf that is licking his neck from behind. Even he cannot see that wolf's penis, he could guess what business it had down there and the strong scent of sex in the air explains everything to Myungsoo.

That wolf who he barely remember was Woohyun, is now looking at him with angry glance and growls darkly. Myungsoo is at lost of words, utterly shocked. There is no way there are knotting. No fucking way! A male being knotted by other male is impossible. He eyes Sunggyu's pale face and he can see slight blushes on the other man's cheeks. That wolf now moving his paws that are on Sunggyu's back to the bed, trying to cover Sunggyu from Myungsoo. That is an act of protecting the male underneath him and he growls again, louder this time to show his anger. 

Myungsoo eyes the wolf, looking straight into Woohyun's eyes for awhile before gasps loudly.

Myungsoo is shaking with terror when he realizes the dark aura emits by Woohyun and by the color of his wolf's eyes. Myungsoo shakenly takes a step backward, aware of changes of status that Woohyun has now. Woohyun is not a beta anymore! When the strongest male beta was chosen to lead a pack, the priests of that pack will perform a ritual to ask the mother nature to bless their leader and turned him into an alpha.

But of course there was another way for a beta to be alpha. That beta need to be chosen by the mother nature himself without using the priest to pray for him . And somehow Woohyun succeed on doing that. Myungsoo slowly retreat and closes the door behind him as he exits the room. 

He leans his back on the wall near the door as he tries to stop himself from shaking. A few more minutes pass before he hears someone approaching the door and swings it open. He looks at his side and sees Woohyun is standing at the door frame with worried face. He knows that Woohyun is an alpha now but somehow he is brave enough to throw a punch right on Woohyun's cheek. As Woohyun is an alpha now, even if he is still a beta he could easily dodge that but he does not do that. He let himself receive that punch. 

"What the hell are you thinking you're doing? You fucking knotted a male!" Myungsoo yells right in front of his face but he keep his cool because he knows Myungsoo will understand if he explain, like Sunggyu just now. 

"I'm doing this because I love him. My father surely can sense that if I see him after this so I not going to let he done something terrible to Sunggyu. If I claimed Sunggyu, nothing can separate us now. Not even death." Woohyun explain in serious tone, make

Myungsoo relax a bit. 

"But you could've been killed. He is not stable and you don't know if he can lose his control at times. And you could've killed him too. You're knotting his human form for God's sake, Woohyun. What were you thinking!" Myungsoo spurs the rest of his anger at the other. 

"No he won't. I just know that he won't. Plus I didn't care if he is the one who kill me. And I know that he won't die if I do this. I believe in him." 

Woohyun had done his calculation in no time when they were alone just now. He just knew that he need to knot Sunggyu in his human form so he kept it as secret first because he knew it would take more time to coax the other and explain everything. He could not care if the other hate him or kill him just now, because the other safety was his priority. Plus, he knew Sunggyu's ability.

The claim cannot be completed if Sunggyu was in his wolf form because the other's skin was thick and harder than a steel which make it impossible for him to sink his canines, also the other was quick at healing so he believe Sunggyu could take him in. He licks his lip as he remember how greed Sunggyu's hole was in sucking him whole. Myungsoo knocks his head before he walks away, leaving that horny man alone.  

Woohyun is thinking about second round with

Sunggyu as he walks back into the room but then he sees Sunggyu is sleeping soundly on the bed. Too exhausted for using too much energy as he lost control and changed earlier, also for his self healing. Woohyun leaves a kiss on Sunggyu's template before he exits the room. He come back again with a bowl of water and a towel. He strips Sunggyu and wipes the other using the wet towel. Sunggyu flinchs in his sleep but he does not wake up. 

After Woohyun is done with his task, he climb up the bed and settle down beside the sleeping male. He hugs the other and buries his face into Sunggyu's broad chest, inhaling the other's scent that mixed with his own.

He is beyond happy that Sunggyu listened to his explanation just now and trusted him. Suddenly, he feels stupid for keep making Sunggyu misunderstood with him when he actually can told him straight about his intention. Sunggyu suddenly smiles in his sleep which make him smiles too.  

Sometimes the happiness we have today come from the pain of yesterday. Its scar remind us how thankful we are to have it healed.

A/N: thank you so much for those who read until the end. I hope you like this story and give me some more chance to write more stories. I truly appreciate support from you and feedback are deeply needed here. Pretty please ;)