~ 1 ~ Beginnings

'Mondays? Everyone hates Mondays. I can't think of one person who likes Mondays! Waking up on a Monday is annoying, especially when you've barely had time to relax during the weekend.'

Sofia's alarm clock rang, waking her from her dreamless slumber. She stopped the alarm clock with a slam and sat up. At the foot of the bed laid Nico, her dog. She softly stroked his hair before getting out of the bed. Sofia took a quick shower and changed into her school uniform. The uniform consisted of a white collared shirt and a black skirt. She often wore black tights to go with her black loafer shoes. Sofia took a glance at the mirror to adjust herself, starting with her light brown hair. Her bangs couldn't cover her forehead anymore, since they were too long and would've blocked her eyes. She adjusted one side behind her ear, showing her black earring. Sofia's hair was freshly cut the other day and barely reached her shoulders. Her green almond shaped eyes were relatively nice, even though they were from a result of a mutation at birth. Her nose was small compared to her oval face shape and her lips seemed too...plump. Even the mole under her left eye got on Sofia's nerves. Her long lashes were the only things she liked the most of herself. Deciding nothing was going to help, Sofia proceeded downstairs after brushing her teeth.

Greeted by the lovely smell of bacon, eggs, and some pancakes, she sat down and quickly dug into her food. Her mom walked in from the kitchen, putting some food on her plate as well. Sofia's mother, June Flowers, was a beautiful middle-aged woman. Her mother had dark brown round eyes and hair that reached her mid back. She almost always wore a pantsuit since she worked as an assistant at Poppy's Entertainment, a gaming company. When she wasn't wearing that, she wore pink pajama dresses.

Sofia's father, Michael Flowers, worked as a mechanic. He mostly worked with sinks and bathtubs. Her father had light brown hair that was shaved, and dark brown eyes. His eyes were almond shaped, passed down to Sofia, and his lashes were long. They welcomed those who spoke to him and charmed those who looked his way. Sofia's father was very childish and caring, especially towards his daughter. He always made sure she was happy and worked hard to provide for his family.

Sofia's older brother, Max, was a college student. He stayed in a dorm room with his friends, but always called his family on the weekend. He had dark brown hair that was pushed out of his face and waved down to his shoulders. He also had dark brown eyes that were round like his mother's, and an oval head shape. He always visited his family during the holidays, and always kept them up to date on his life. Max majored in nursing, aspiring to be an RN, to help his parents retire.

"Good morning, honey. Sleep well?" Sofia's mom asked. Sofia nodded and continued eating her food. "You know, if you continue eating like that, you'll choke." Realizing how fast she was eating, Sofia slowed down and looked at her mom. Her mother laughed and sat down in the chair across from Sofia. "Remember, I'm not coming home until late tonight, so you'll have to come straight home and call me, alright?"

"Alright, Mom." Her mother looked at her with a doubtful look. "I promise."

"If you say so." Her mother began eating happily. Sofia would usually forget to call her mom. It was a bad habit she needed to get out of and fast.

Sofia's father walked in the kitchen, sipping his cup of black coffee. "Don't forget, Sofia." Michael chuckled lightly and stroked Sofia's head. "It makes your mother worry sometimes." He dressed in his usual overalls and looked at the two women in his family. "I'm gone." He kissed them on the cheeks and exited the house.

After breakfast, Sofia got her purple bookbag and left to go to school. She didn't live that far from her school. She had to take a bus about 6 stops and walk for 2 blocks. It was always peaceful for Sofia. There wasn't a lot of people, which is weird, Sofia thought, since it's usually packed in the morning. She shrugged it off and focused on getting into school on time. At school, Sofia saw her two best friends, Desirae, and Monica. She walked up to her desk that was in between them and sat down.

"Morning, Sofia!" Monica said happily. Monica Araignée was a very chirpy girl that can make practically anyone smile. She was about average with her grades, but she could stand her ground against a group of people. She had dark brown curly hair that reached her mid back and blue round eyes. Her oval face shape matched her body and made it look gorgeous. Sofia always wondered why she didn't have a boyfriend, but who knew.

Yawning, Sofia answered back with a small good morning. "Sounds like Monday slapped you on the cheek, hard." Desirae laughed. Desirae Potters was very popular. Not with looks but with knowledge and skills. She got straight A's in every class she has taken and was good in basketball. She had short black hair that has a plain red pin on it and narrow hazel eyes.

Sofia looked at Desirae and sighed. "It did..." Before continuing their conversation, her teacher arrived and slammed his textbook on his desk.

"Let's open our books to page 109 and begin class," he instructed as he began to write on the board.

The class dragged on as Sofia took notes, trying to catch up with the teacher. The subject was history, a class Sofia was never good at. A small ding rang throughout the speakers and everyone lifted their heads from their books when the announcements came on.

"There is a code yellow in front of the school. I repeat a code yellow. Staff members please follow the safety procedures and wait for more announcements." Sofia blinked and looked at the teacher who seemed concerned. The teacher walked over to the windows and closed the shades. He then closed the classroom doors and quickly resumed his lesson. Sofia looked at her friends who simply just shrugged at Sofia before continuing their work. She tried to do the same with the slightly tense atmosphere when the announcements came on again. The principal, the person on the speakers, said, "There is a code red. All students and staff in the hallways, please go inside a classroom and remain there until further notice. Staff members please lock your doors and proceed with lock down procedures. We have an intruder in the building." Everyone started talking among themselves while the teacher tried his best to calm everyone down.

He gathered all the students onto the wall of the classroom and shut off the lights. He glanced outside the room to see if anyone was outside in the hallway before locking the door. He led everyone to a corner of the room and hid the students against the wall, waiting for something to happen. All Sofia could hear was breathing. Every student in her class was breathing heavily, scared. The teacher calmed each one of the students down slightly. No sounds were made. Sofia held Desirae and Monica closely, confused, and afraid. Until the last announcement came on. "Please, evacuate the building immediately." Everyone froze as the principal spoke in a rush and full of fear. "The intruders are severely harming anyone they see in the school. Please evacuate!" Suddenly, a big thud in the announcements was heard. The principal gasped and screamed. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Blood-curling screams erupted from the speakers for a few minutes until it was dead silent. No one made a sound nor moved a muscle, it was like time froze.

Once everyone realized that something terrible has happened to the principal, everyone screamed in terror and started to run out the classrooms, tripping over each other. Desirae and Monica quickly grabbed Sofia's hand and they ran to the roof of the school. Sofia's mind ran blank as she started thinking to herself. 'What is going on? Are we going to die?!' Her eyes watered at that thought and she stumbled, losing Desirae and Monica's hands. Sofia hissed in pain as she felt a sharp pain on her right knee. As Sofia turned her head to the front of the staircase for a few moments that felt like an eternity, she witnessed death. There was a student, a high school girl around her age, getting bitten by others and dragged down the stairs. She screamed in pain and reached out for Sofia, crying out for Sofia to save her. Sofia understood now what was going on. 'This is a zombie apocalypse.' Once the student disappeared down the stairs, Sofia felt Desirae and Monica help her up, dragging her upstairs to the roof.

Looking around, no one was on the roof, just them. Desirae quickly looked at Sofia's knee, noticing the small cut. "Are you alright, Sofia?" Sofia looked at Desirae and slowly nodded. Monica walked to the ledge and gasped lightly.

"Guys.... Look." Desirae helped Sofia over to Monica and on the ground were zombies. Dead, walking humans that were cannibals had taken over their school. Some of the zombies had on their school uniforms. "It's like a zombie apocalypse. Is this a dream?" Monica looked at her friends and all they can do was stare at her. She looked back at the world. "All these people... Dead. Killing our classmates and teachers." Monica's eyes watered and she looked away. The sight took Sofia's breathe away. The trio stood at the ledge for a moment, taking in the fact that their cruel but beloved world was coming to an end. Only one thought ran through Sofia's mind.

'Don't you just hate Mondays?'