Wu Yifei (1)

The recruits under the Red Batalyon camp were having their usual morning run, ignoring the bone-biting chill of Jiu Mountain. Advancing in steady counts, lining up neatly like worker ants - dedicated and full of passion. Several soldiers with high magick abilities used their strength to warm their bodies, focusing on completing their laps.

As the recruits in black uniforms descended from the mountain, three figures with extraordinary identities were waiting for them.

The guy in a fiery red robe glanced at the hourglass, nodding in approval. "They are not bad."

The man with short hair with a similar uniform from the recruit shook his head, "If this level of training impressed you, then you better stop being Qilin's captain."

The guy in red nudged him with the sword in his left hand, "That is uncalled for, dear brother. My method was quite humane, after all, not everyone can stand the rigorous training specially designed by our Young Chief."

The figure in white glared at him, the charcoal orbs full of warning while the chocolate orbs sparkling full of mischief. Nobody backed away, threatening one another in silence. Let alone a magika, any commoner could feel the air between them suddenly stagnant.

The falling snowflakes were surrounding the figure in white, condensing into a dozen daggers pointing at the red guy. The opponent wasn't idle either, the sword's scabbard was enveloped in a dazzling light of red and orange.

All of which they did without breaking eye contact.

"Knock it off you two!" The short hair man's sternness didn't faze them. Ji Huli put down your sword."

The guy sneered, "Hey, it's self-defense. She is threatening me first."

"Wu Yifei, don't waste your Magick."

She answered through gritted teeth, "You know this idiot started it, Xinlu."

Ji Xinlu felt a headache coming. If they were at their private training ground, he would let the two sparrings until one or the other bleed but now? Not under his watch, not in front of his recruits. "Don't make me say it again."

The two were too absorbed by their petty vengeance to notice the line of soldiers was approaching their location.

Xinlu took a deep breath, his eyes turned pitch black, and his right foot tapped the ground lightly. The impact was not small, the ground was cracked and the duo in red and white immediately pushed back by the invisible force. Yifei's daggers turned into a wall of ice preventing the debris and flakes from hurting her. While Huli swung his sword and burned those miscellaneous things to ashes at the speed of light.

"Damn, brother. Are you trying to kill your own twin?" dusting the nonexistent dirt, he moved to Xinlu's side.

Yifei chuckled, her malicious fire wasn't subdued yet. "Just me is enough to kill you, idiot."

The corner of Huli's mouth curled, challenging. "Oh, It would be my pleasure to be killed by the Young Chief of Black Temple."

"You little sh-"

"They are here."

Xinlu's voice interrupted her movement to take the arrow on her back. Yifei tightened her grip on her recurve bow. No matter how unwilling she still had to behave herself, she was after all Xinlu's guest here.

"At ease!" Their instructor commanded. The man in his thirties made a fist salute then walked outside the training ground. Undisturbed by the half-ruined arena.

The recruits were all lining up, their flustered face couldn't contain their excitement. All the youth knew exactly who the three were.

The man with short hair had a sharp jaw and cold gaze, emanating oppressive air. He was wearing a black uniform like them, but he was wearing a red headband with a one-horned rhinoceros embroidered to it - their Red Batalyon's emblem. It was their Commander, Captain Ji Xinlu. The eldest son of General Ji Hui - the Chief's Advisor.

The man on his left side with long hair was his twin brother, Ji Huli - the Captain of the taskforce Qilin. Always stand out for his long hair and his preference to wear red. He was the maidens' number one dream lover for his dazzling smile, but people in the army knew how merciless the man was.

Then the lady…

Wearing the white robe and red trouser, her hair was pulled down and tied in a white ribbon, giving her ink-black hair a contrast. She was the nation leader's daughter and heiress of the prominent Wu family - Wu Yifei.

Only a handful of people ever saw her, people said she was usually on a mission or too busy with the family business. Developing a private and mysterious public image.

Those who have met her said, she was efficient and resourceful. Especially in handling cases or mission, the public and officers have nothing but praises for her insight. It just those qualities often overshadowed by her tendencies of being unfriendly as well as her explosive temperament - she couldn't tolerate any grain on her eyes.

In the business world? The rival spite on her calculating and trickiness in conducting business transactions. Heiress Wu was known to never take any losses in life. The overseas merchant had the first experience regarding this, there was only one principle to make a business with her - upright.

"Attention, recruits!"

The youths straightened their backs and focused on their commander, Ji Xinlu.

"Today is the last day of your training. After today, you will have the privilege to have this headband on your forehead. You will officially become part of the Red Batalyon camp. You will have the chance to move up to the forward camp, or maybe even the taskforce. This honor is the result of your hard work. Congratulation and welcome to the Red Batalyon camp! "

The thunderous uproar and fist in the air embodying their excitement. The training was indeed hell on earth.

"Alright, enough." The arena quietened down, "I know no one needs an introduction to these two, but they are not here just to watch your inauguration. They are here for an important reason." Although the recruits had their guesses, hearing their commander confirmed it was another matter altogether. Their ears perked, "

Our neighbor, the Buckwheat Kingdom will celebrate the birthday of their king, and the young chief will attend the banquet under the escort of the Qilin. So, now the Young Chief and Captain Ji will personally choose some of you to join the escort team."

Another thunderous shout of upheaval filled the air. Anyone with a dream to advance in the military field only had two ways to elevate in rank, either made great merit or had a strong backing. This kind of opportunity both gave them a chance to showcase their skill with the high ranking officer and add an impressive resume to their duty list. In addition, if they really made a good impression, they might get scouted by the Qilin's Captain or the Young Chief. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. None of them will let this opportunity go away.

Ji Huli came forward, raised his sword in the air to shut them up. "Young people really full of energy, not bad, not bad." Ji Huli nodded in satisfaction, "I know you guys are excited, but I must tell you in advance, we only scout the top five soldiers who passed the test. Oh, and the test will be decided by the designer of your training." His smile was a little crooked, sweeping his eyes to the recruit's face before continuing, "The Young Chief."

This time, no uproar or shout of excitement heard. They had experienced the hellish training schedule, it was soul-shattering enough to make the Warrior with high aptitude crying in pain let alone the common people. Their back ran cold and for a split second, they were reconsidering their decision to apply for the test. But then a realization hits them, it was this elegant lady in white that made them suffer.

Those eyes filled with resentment directed at her. Wu Yifei could hear the inaudible scolding and curses inside the mind of the recruits. 'Ji Huli! This idiot really...' Keeping her face expressionless, she was thinking about ways to torture her so-called best friend.

"Alright, wipe those nervous look on your face. You guys make it this far, the additional test won't be a hindrance for you." Ji Xinlu raising their spirit while internally scolding his younger brother for his irresponsible remark. They were his recruits after all, how could he let them dispirited like this.

"Yes, you guys have been working hard all this while, therefore tonight the Young Chief will treat everyone with wine and meat!" This time a rip-roaring of the recruits caught both Yifei and Xinlu off guard. "Not just the recruit but the entire Red Batlyon camp!" This one-sided claim made the entire camp blasting with a festive atmosphere.

'This wretched fox!' Wu Yifei could only endure, this was his plan all along. He herded public opinion guilt-tripped her, and now she has to treat these recruits to dine and wine. "See how I clean you up, Ji Huli." She warned him through the mind link.

"Only if you not too busy to replenish your treasury, Heiress Wu."