Chapter One: Mystery Guy

"I'm so excited!! ", Maddie exclaimed after her bestfriend Kate finished doing her makeup.

"I can't believe you're getting married Maddie, I'm so happy for you." Kate said while re-applying her own lipstick in-front of the mirror.

"Thank you so much Kate. I really appreciate it. I hope Tina's here but she said she'll be out of town because of her job." Maddie remembered their other bestfriend who excused herself and was not able to attend her special day.

"Well, that girl seems strange these past few days tho. By the way, I saw her with Carl yesrterday before she left and thought that maybe they were talking about today." Kate voiced out her observation about Tina but Maddie ignored it.

Kate feels something unusual about Tina and Carl but she chose not to tell Maddie knowing that it might hurt Maddie's feelings. Kate saw them yesterday, Carl picked up Tina to go somewhere and saw them many times together. Kate's house is infront of Tina's house just across the street.

"I don't know. But Carl seems distant these past few days and I'm thinking that maybe he's just overwhelmed? After all, getting married is too much for him." Maddie once again exclaimed and sadly opened her phone.

Maddie decided to call Carl but there is no answer. Carl's phone is off. Maybe he's just busy getting ready.

Maddie put on her pumps and put her phone back to her purse. It's just a simple wedding. Maddie's family declined to attend due to their huge dislike on Carl and Maddie's relationship.

"Maddie, I think it's already time. We have to go to the church now." Kate changed the topic and tugged her friend out.


Minutes later,

Kate and Maddie arrived on time and was shocked that none of Carl's relatives were there and only her college friends who were invited were able to make it.

It was supposed to be a simple church wedding and there are simple decorations and flowers everywhere. Everyone's attention averted to Maddie and wasn't expecting her at all to be the first one to arrive.

The groom should always be the first one to arrive.

Carl Bentley is no where to be seen. Kate felt her friend Maddie tremble and so she tried to calm her down.


2 hours had passed and everyone started to go. Her friends were very sorry and each and every person started to leave. Kate stayed with Maddie and wasn't expecting her friend to make her leave.

Maddie stopped crying and raised her head and eyes to Kate's level and started to speak..

"Kate, thank you so much for being here today. I didn't expect that this will happen to me, to our marriage day. I don't know where to begin but this is a sign that Carl and I are done. I'd like to stay here for a while and see if he still wants me. I don't want to give up and leave just yet Kate. You can go home now and I have to do this myself." Maddie forced herself to stay strong and control her emotions. She squeezed Kate's hands.

Kate on the other hand, was shocked but chose to answer her friend with honesty.

"Right from the start Maddie, I always warned you about this guy. Carl is nothing but a douchebag and you gave him everything that you have but this is all he'll give you? Pain?". Kate hugged Maddie tightly and said, "I will leave you here but promise me to take care and tomorrow I'm going to your place and we'll talk. Okay?"

"I promise. Thank you so much Kate. Thank you for being my friend." Maddie pulled out of Kate's embrace and that was Kate's cue to leave.

Kate squeezed Maddie's hands for one last time and left.

Maddie was left alone. She bowed her head into the back of the long chair in her front . The only thing that she hears is her heartbeat and then followed by footsteps.

Wait.. What footsteps!?

She ignored the footsteps and decided to stay in her position and cried once again.

The footsteps stopped right next to her.

She felt a large hand in her right shoulder. She was shocked and decided to look up. A little part of her still hopes that the footsteps belonged to Carl. There's only one way to find out and the only way it to look up.

Tears blurred her vision and a man in dark grey suit with the greenest eyes looked straight at her.

"You should stop crying. Waking up tomorrow feels like hell and then you'll feel sand in you eyes. That hurts babe." Ohhh. This man is definitely not Carl. His voice so deep like that of Thor's in The Avengers.

Her whole body shivered and each and every piece of her body hair stood like they were summoned by a king. Maddie never felt this feeling and that is why she never noticed that a handkerchief was right infront of her face.

When she saw the handkerchief she was embarrassed and she immediately wiped her tears.

"W-wh-who a-are you?" Maddie asked still looking up at the guy.

The guy once again looks straight into her eyes and her abdomen churned. This feeling is foreign to Maddie. She'd never felt it with Carl.

"I'm your mystery man. And today, I'm your groom. Tommorow, I am yours and you are mine. Now come on, Let's get married." The guy stated without any doubt.

"I said, WHO ARE YOU!? Are you deaf?" This wild fire inside of her was never ignited but a stranger makes her feel this way?"

"I said I'm your groom. Stand up. Let's get married. Hurry up and an empire awaits for my return. .Come on." The guys said with authority. Offering his musculine hand to Maddie.

Maddie was shocked and all she did was give him her hand. It was like she can't control her feelings infront of this man.

The man pulled her gently and held her in an embrace. Maddie was shocked but again she let him do it. She didn't expect that an embrace coming from a stranger is so comforting.

She let him do it. She let him call his assistant and did the arrangements. She let him recreate the ceremony. All witnesses were 3 men in black but other than that, she felt stupid.

After the ceremony, she was led by the stranger into a black limousine.

Maddie is in a state of daze. She was dumbfounded and all she can do is look out of the window. The sun is starting to set and the road they were in is unfamiliar.

After an hour or so, the car stopped. The assistant oppened their door.

The mystery guyx announced, "Welcome to my humble home Mia Cara."
