Chapter 18 The Tree House

I heard Atouk's voice.

"Jezzy, he will be fine. I promise. You just have to wait and see."

I could feel Jezzy crying into my chest. I opened my eyes. I had been sat up against a rock. I reached up and put my hand on her head.

"What are you crying for?"

She looked up at me.

"What? How?"

"I won't go down that easy. Actually, we came down from quite far huh? I wont 'die' that easy."

"You had a sword through your chest, how would you survive that? And that fall? Your legs?"

I poked her shoulder until she looked at my hand. I pointed at my legs which were already regrown past the knees.

"What? How is this possible, this isn't normal."

I pulled open the large hole in my bloody tunic where I was run through and traced an invisible line on my torso.

"But... I saw his sword come out of your back. How?"

"There is no easy way to say this, besides coming straight out with it. Have you heard of the potion of Rage?"

She nodded.

"It is inside of me."

Her eyes narrowed.

"That's not possible, Is it?"

Atouk came over and sat next to me.

"It is true. I have seen many things happen that can not be explained without the potion of Rage."

My feet were fully formed at this point. I held out a hand for her to take. She grabbed it and I helped her stand while I did so myself. She looked down in surprise as we stood.

"You... You're walking? No one should be able to stand again after wounds like that. Do you just heal from any wound?"

"So far, that's how it's been."

I looked over her shoulder and Delicia was sitting down about twenty feet away. Her shackles were off and she was looking away from us. I think she is still mad at me.

"I guess you overheard us, Delicia?"

She moved her gaze further away from us.

"What did you do? She seems to harbor some hatred toward you?"

Atouk asked.

"I kinda lied to her and told her that I killed her sister in order to get her to bite me and break my wrist bone. I only did it to get out of my shackles. Though it may have been a bit overboard."

"That was... not smart."

"I know, I couldn't think of anything else though."

Jezzy squeezed my hand.

"If you have the potion of Rage in you, are you going to destroy Bastion?"

I gave her hand a squeeze back.

"Of course not. I didn't take the potion on purpose. I literally fell on it. I don't want to hurt anyone undeserving. I told you that earlier and I wasn't lying."

She let go of my hand and took a step back.

"But you said you killed people. The potion, doesn't it give you power when you are angry? If that's the case, were you not able to control your anger?"

While she had a good point, there were flaws in her logic that were not obvious.

"Well, I think the potion affects more than just anger. I've been learning about the potion whenever I can. I know that individuals in the past went berserk and destroyed a lot. I don't want that so I've been keeping track of my anger and doing my best to keep it under wraps. I was happy the other day a couple of times and that's when those people were killed. I have to try to keep not only my anger but also my happiness in check. I didn't know this at first. That's why those people died. I was ignorant of all of the effects of the potion."

She was processing what I said.

"Listen, we will need to move, the King ordered some guards to come look for Atouk and Delicia. I won't ask you to believe in me or trust me, Jezzy. I want you to be happy and I want you to feel safe. If you don't think you can feel safe around me, I completely understand. For now, we all need to move. If any of the guards that were in the King's room come down here for the search, they will recognize you and might kill you on the spot."

"Let us go then."

Atouk stood and walked over to Delicia. I followed behind.

"We should go, Princess."

Atouk attempted to nudge her as he spoke. She stood and began to walk away from the human kingdom of Bastion. Jezzy followed several steps behind me.

As we began our path, I felt the need to say something.


She did not stop but, looked back. I'm pretty sure that's the panther angry face.

"I really am Sorry. I didn't want to hurt you."

She looked away again. Atouk spoke up.

"He actually saved your sister, and me. He has also saved you now too."

She snubbed her nose at Atouk now too. At this point, I'm gonna have to cut my losses and just keep walking.

"We may want to move out of the ravine and into the forest. We are too out in the open. We should stay off the path too. They may travel down the path on horseback."

Atouk led us to a place that even Jezzy and I could climb. As we got to the top of the ravine I heard something behind us. I saw some guards scanning the area. We should be just out of sight up here.

"Away from the edge. Some guards are down there, headed our way."

I quietly called out. We moved more into the woods and hastened our pace. We walked for quite a while before we slowed our walk again to catch our breath.


Jezzy sounded meek.

"I have been thinking. At the brothel, there were many guests that were rude or mean. There were so many that asked for something I would never normally do. You were the first customer I had who was kind. I thought you wanted my body that night and all you asked for was a massage. After I left your room. I laughed. I was expecting something..."


"Yeah... Jazzy likes that kind of stuff but, I don't. Not with strangers at least."

She caught up to me and began walking by my left side. She grabbed my hand.

"You were different."

She still was not ready to look at me. I saw Delicia look back for just a moment before continuing. After more walking, it was starting to get dark out.

"We need to find a good place to hide. Nothing obvious like a cave."

Atouk pointed out.

"We may be in luck."

Delicia spoke up for the first time since we left the human castle.

"On my way here there was an abandoned tree house that was high up. No one would look up so far in the middle of the forest. It should be just up here if I remember correctly."

We walked for another five minutes before Delicia found what she was looking for.

"Here! This is it!"

I looked up the trunk of the tree. It was a straight vertical climb. The treehouse itself was practically out of sight. Branches didn't start until about 50 feet up. Atouk clawed his way up.

"There is no way either of us humans are getting up there."

I think Delicia let me see a grin.

"Maybe I can carry the female up. You are on your own."

A moment later. A rope ladder unraveled and nearly hit the ground.

"Must be your lucky day human."

She clawed her way up, just like Atouk. I climbed up the ladder ahead of Jezzy. Her dress would have made climbing distracting if she had began before me. I looked down to make sure she was not struggling.

I cant win in chivalry.

Her cleavage made me blush. I decided to ask her every so often how she was doing instead of looking.

I made it to the top without any problems. After Jezzy made it to the top I began to pull the ladder up. This thing was long.

It had a nice little cubby hole under the floorboards for out-of-the-way storage. Atouk was behind me when I finished.

"The girls have found their spots for the night. I will stay up to keep watch just in case. There is a nice view at the top if you are interested."

I patted his shoulder.

"Thanks, Atouk. I could not have gotten this far without you. I probably would have screwed it up and put more lives at risk."

I laid back onto the floor. My arms were still sore from climbing then pulling up the ladder.

"Just the same. I would not have been able to save Delicia without your help. Once again, I am in... I am... Grateful for our friendship."

I had an amusing thought.

"Atouk, hold up your paw and curl it in like you are trying to grab something."

He followed instructions. I made a fist and bumped his paw.

"Uh, What was that for?"

I gave him a smile to show my simple amusement.

"Where I'm from, It's a sign of friendship. Two humans would bump their fists. Almost like they are in agreement with something. Similar to that little ritual you do with Berthri."

He looked at his paw-like it was suddenly something strange.

"Let me try again."

This time we both moved in to bump fists at the same time.

"Like that?"

He asked.


I said. I closed my eyes and rested for a bit.

When I woke, I felt a bit chilly. It was probably the middle of the night. I sat up and looked around. The house had three main rooms that I could see on this floor. The room I was in was like a living room. There is a connecting room that must be like a kitchen. There were shelves, storage and a food prep area. Another smaller room was just barely visible in the kitchen. Maybe a throne room.

The girls were still sleeping. Jezzy was on a makeshift couch with a filling made from leaves and other soft vegetation from the forest. Delicia was resting on a large empty shelf on the opposite side of the house.

Atouk was at a window nearby me. I heard sounds below. I tried to keep quiet while moving to look below.

"They have been around a few times. They can not find us here."

Atouk whispered.

I could barely make them out. I'm surprised I could see anything at all. It's bright. The moon must be bright tonight. If Atouk feels safe here, then it should be fine.

I decided to check out the top of the treehouse. I got up and walked as quietly as possible. I found some narrow stairs that were almost as vertical as a ladder. One step near the top started to squeak. I let off and skipped it on the way up.

The second floor was a single room. Just a big open room with 3 windows and a narrow spiral staircase going to the top. The couch Jezzy was on must be the bed. There was nothing else resembling a resting place.

It was brighter up here. I still couldn't see very far through all the trees. I made my way up to the crow's nest on top of the treehouse. It actually went past the top of the tree. It was rounded at the top and had a simple circular cover for rainy days. It had a small shelf that I can only assume was a chair for long watch periods.

I sat on the makeshift shelf, leaned back against a wooden beam and put my feet up. I was able to see almost all of the trees for miles around.

This was one of the best sights I've seen since I arrived here in Eyse.

The tops of the trees were lit up from the bright full moon. The carved mountain called Bastion was just barely in sight to the east from here. I could only see a few mountains that were taller. One was covered in snow to the north. That was a great view of the moon. I could not tell if the moon I was looking at was alien. It was just a moon. I looked over to the west. I could not see the large trees covering Lak'Tambu. We have some distance to cover for sure. Down to the south, was a twin peak mountain, far in the distance. That one had to be massive in size. The moon poked over the western edge of the mountain...


I looked to the north then, back to the south. There were two moons.

Eyse must not be a simple alternate reality for Earth. Maybe I'm in a different area of the Milky Way. Hell, maybe I'm even in a different galaxy in an alternate dimension.

How did I even get here in the first place? Did someone use magic to get me here? How did they do it if the Earth had no magic and the magic from this world was used up? And why? Why me? Why so far up in the air? Was someone trying to kill me?

So many questions. No answers for now. Maybe that will be one of my goals in this world. Find out why.

I heard the squeak from the step I passed on the way up here. I saw only a shadow.

"Why did a human come to my rescue?"

Delicia revealed herself with her whispering voice. She finally decided to speak to me.

"Your father was impressed with me for keeping Mery alive in the elf prison she was put in. He felt I would be the best infiltration tool to get you..."

"No. I'm not asking about him. He will bow to a mouse if it can be useful to him. I want to know why you decided to help. You."

"Do you... care about your brothers and sisters? You must care about one of your sisters at least. The way you got mad at me for what I said."

"Of course I care about them. That does not answer my question."

I shifted in my seat a little bit. I still couldn't see her.

"Well. If you care about your siblings, I can only assume your other siblings also care for you. Mery, If she cares for you, why would I not help someone she cares about."

"What does this have to do with Mery. I know you rescued her. Why are you willing to go so far for her?"

I knew Atouk was downstairs and awake. Even if I whisper, his hearing is good.


I let out a sigh.

"When we... Mery and I. When we were in the prison, I think she was ready for death. She was not expecting to be rescued."

Delicia came out of the shadows and wandered up the spiral staircase. She was inches from me now.

"What makes you say this about my sister?"

I let out another smaller sigh.

"She gave me her true name."

Delicia made no moves. I think she is waiting for more about her sister and I.

"I didn't know what it meant at first. I was not familiar with any of the panther customs when she told me."

She hung her head low.

"She gave up her options to be with someone she loved, for a stranger in a prison?"

I never asked her if she had someone she loved. I only assumed Atouk was her lover for a moment.

"Did she have someone? Someone that she was in love with?"

"No. But she is still young. She had lots of time to find someone."

I let out a sigh of relief. At least I know for sure now that I was not the reason she can't be with some lover that she already had.

"So she is in a sort of relationship standstill because she gave you her true name. Is that it? Are you trying to make it up to her? By saving me? That won't do anything for her now."

I looked away from her. Almost ashamed to show her my face.

"After I got out of the prison, Atouk and I met and we were able to escape the elf city. Later we met up with Mery and her guards. Before we made it back to your village, she and I spent the night talking in a cave. Atouk was keeping watch outside. She told me about true names and their meaning."

"She did. So you knew the position she was in?"

"Yes. She made it clear to me. We were practically strangers and yet we were also partly a married couple due to her name being known to me. She told me of panther marriage customs and that they are not something that is normally done again in a single lifetime. I knew that she would be alone If I did nothing. I didn't blame her for her reasons to do what she did. She made a decision in the prison, and I made my decision that night in the cave. No one on Eyse knows of the other half of my name. Except her, now."

I turned back to Delicia. She was visibly taken aback.

"You... And her?"

"Our spirits are connected. We've sealed the pact. She is my wife and I am her husband."

She took a moment to think about what I just revealed to her.

"You know, that won't make you in line for the throne right?"

I looked back over the moon-lit treetops.

"Honestly that never crossed my mind. I just knew that I would feel horrible if I had condemned someone to live alone for the rest of her life. I was never the popular guy where I was from. I know what it's like to be alone. Just the thought of being alone for the rest of my life would make me feel... damned. Lifeless. Even If we are practically strangers, If I could at least make her a little happy by being with her, I would think that the better option to loneliness. That was the reason I accepted her with open arms."

I heard a sigh from Delicia. She climbed up onto me and curled up into a ball of fluff.

"If you want to make it up to me, for upsetting me earlier. You will let me sleep here. Where it's warm."

I was lucky that she is still so small. She was maybe 40 or 50 pounds. Her twin tip tail was still moving around a bit. I don't know what it is with these cats. I can't not pet her when she is this close. My hand just moves on its own. I spent some time petting her until my arm no longer had the energy to go back and forth. I slept quite well that night.

When I awoke, Delicia was still on top of me. She must have sensed that I was awake. She began to rouse almost the same moment I laid eyes on her.

She climbed down the spiral staircase without a word. I looked out over the forest. The sun was not yet ready to peek through the landscape. Almost though.

I made my way down as well. Atouk had scavenged some edible foods for the group already.

"We should get an early start. Eat up while we can."

Jezzy and Delicia ate their fill. I had to assume Atouk already ate since he had nothing. Jezzy looked up at my descent from above. She had a surprised look.

"Oh, The food is all gone. We didn't save any for you Lake. I'm sorry."

I saw her embarrassment. It was a bit cute.

"I'll be fine. I don't eat much nowadays."

Atouk clawed the ladder out of the cubby.

"I will stay up here and pull the ladder back up after you two get down."

I acknowledged Atouk and looked to Jezzy.

"Are you ready? Do you want to go first or second?"

"I'll go after you."

She stated. I began my descent. I could feel the ladder shifting as she got on after I was maybe fifteen feet down. I made sure to pay attention to where I was grabbing and stepping. We were maybe 30 feet from the ground when felt the ladder shift hard.

"Uhm... Lake? I think I'm stuck. I might need some help."

I looked up to assess her situation. She was not wearing any underwear... Both of her legs went through the same rung and she caught herself with her knees on the step. The front of her dress was stuck up between her knees and chest. She was holding on for dear life unable to pull her legs out. I climbed around to the other side of the ladder and started back up toward her.

"I'm coming up. I'll try my best to not look."

I closed my eyes and felt my way up. I eventually touched something soft.

"Oh. Uhm..."

Her leg was soft. I got myself positioned in front of her. My head was between her feet.

"Can you try to step on my shoulders and stand up?"

It was difficult not to think of the view in front of me. I could not see but... I felt her step on my right shoulder, then my left. Both of her feet were off in another moment. The ladder shifted a bit.

"You can open your eyes now."

She was right in front of me, face to face.

"Thanks... For not looking more than necessary."

"I'll let you go down first. We are almost to the bottom."

She nodded and made her way down. I was only a few steps off the ladder when Atouk began pulling it up. Delicia was clawing her way down. When she was around the same spot Jezzy got stuck, She looked like she twisted awkwardly away from the tree trunk. It was so high that I panicked and ran the few steps to her landing spot to catch her.


She screamed. I was hit with her full weight and felt her claws dig into me. All of them. I landed hard on my back.

"Are you stupid? Why did you do that?"

"Ho boy. That was a rough landing. I thought you fell so I tried to catch you."

She got off me but, as she did so I could hear my tunic tearing as one of her claws got stuck in it.

"Dumb human, I jump from those heights all the time. I always land on my feet."

Atouk made it down to us.

"Is everything alright?"

I stood up and began to assess my tunic.

"I'm fine. Those claws may have been the straw IN the camel's back for my tunic though."

My tunic was shredded and covered in dried blood. Maybe I should just toss it and go shirtless. I looked up. All three of them were looking at me cockeyed.

"Let me guess, you don't know what a camel is and what that has to do with straw. Don't worry about it. Let's go."