Ch 20 The New Setangyan

I was a moment away from just walking down the pyramid and finding a place to be alone. Someplace I could just sit and think to myself. The King and his daughter felt relief, Atouk felt accomplished. I was in no way dissatisfied with the result. I just felt...


The King began walking toward me. Delicia was in tow.

"Lake. You find yourself in an unusual position."

No shit. Could he tell I didn't want to be here?

"In hundreds of years, before even I was born, no other race has put so much effort into saving our own. You have saved not only two of our people, You saved two of my daughters. You put your life on the line for them. The dangers you faced, beyond my expectations. The humans I have known throughout the years were all cowards. They do not ever show the kind of loyalty you do for myself and my people."

"It's no big deal. I wanted to help."

King J'Hosh shook his head.

"Not a big deal? Lake, I will never bow my head to you again."


"From this day forward, You are my brother. You are a brother to all of my people. You, are one of us."

He began to walk toward the ritual area Atouk had just finished using.

"Come with me."

I looked at Delicia, hoping for answers. She was not paying attention to me. We walked past the bloody ritual table and continued toward the edge of the pyramid where there was a different table. There were 4 jars by this table, unlike the one jar by the first table. We stopped before reaching the table. I could not see over the edge but it was close.

The King motioned one of his guards to retrieve a bird from the cages. A bird was brought over and the King killed it himself in the same fashion Atouk had employed. He dipped his paw into one of the jars. The color was not red.

"Remove your upper coverings."

He casually demanded. I took off my torn bloody tunic and dropped it to my side. He hobbled over to me on three paws. He stood up on his hind legs.

"You, who are human, have come to the aid of this tribe. When some of the most valuable members of the tribe were thought lost to the outside world, you brought them back. You risked it all for our people, who you barely knew. To us, you are someone we can be proud of. Someone we would like to be part of our family. I will mark you now with the symbol of our people. This will make you one of us."

He placed his paw on my left peck. When he removed his paw, a perfect paw-shaped mark was left. It was a vibrant royal blue.

He walked over to the jars and dipped his hand in what must have been a jar of water or cleaner. It removed the blue blood from his paw.

He then bloodied up his other paw and reached into a different jar. He came up to me again and placed his paw on my right peck. This time the paw print was purple.

"This mark will show your bravery and loyalty. You must do the final part yourself. Come closer."

I walked up to the stone table and as I got closer, I could see more and more over the edge. It was a sea of black. There must have been thousands of panthers at the base of this pyramid.

"You only need one finger for this part. Get some of the blood on the tip of your finger. Then dip it into this pot here."

He pointed at the one pot he did not use. He then cleaned his other paw in the water. I did as he asked. When my finger came out of the pot, my finger was a brilliant reflective golden color.

"Trace your finger along the edges of the marks I put on you."

I looked down somewhat awkwardly and traced around the paw marks the best I could. I circled the toe prints first, along the blue paw-print. Then, I moved on to the central pad. After that, I cleaned my finger before I dipped it in the blood and gold powder again to do the purple side.

I looked back to him for more instructions.

"Go and stand on the left side of that overhang, so they can see you."

He motioned over to a balcony nearby in front of the crowd. I walked over and could hear them cheer, roar and even whistle.

I was amused at the idea of a cat whistling.

"Did my father tell you what the purple mark was for?"

I knew that voice. It was my wife.


I had to restrain myself from hugging her. She wore a covering over her body. It looked like it did not fit her well but, it was the same color as the mark on my right.

"He said it was for bravery and loyalty."

She giggled a bit.

"Well, loyalty is right. It is a mark of marriage. This is our wedding ceremony."

I was so conflicted at that moment. I could only think of one thing. I began to tear up. I was fighting my emotions to the best of my abilities. If I let myself be happy, she could die right here in front of my eyes. I felt the wind begin to blow. No... NO! I fell to my knees.

"Are you okay?"

I could hear the worried sound in her voice. I couldn't look up at her in this moment, I had to dull my heart.


I looked at the rocks that shaped the ground I was standing on. I saw lines. I began to trace them with my eyes. I followed a line to the edge of the platform. Mery was still talking to me but, it was just a muffled sound in the background.

"Just breath."

I whispered to myself. I closed my eyes. I swear I saw the outline of the boy in the darkness. I could see his lips. It almost looks as though he is mouthing the words 'let go.'

Let go of my happiness?

I imagined myself as a jar. This jar was full and overflowing. There is a label on the jar. It reads, happiness. A hand picks up the jar and begins pouring it out. I could feel the emptiness replace my emotions as they drain from me.

As I felt more and more empty, I could hear around me.

I felt... Calm.


I opened my eyes and stood straight up as if nothing had happened.

"I'm sorry, I was overcome with emotions. I was so happy I couldn't stand."

How true that is, she may never know. I heard her sigh with relief.

"Lake. You frightened me. I thought you were, I don't know, regreti..."

"I regret nothing with you."

I looked her in the eyes. I could see her smile. She was so happy.

She stepped a few feet away from me. She began her transformation. The odd clothing made more sense on her. It was human-shaped clothing. She filled it out and kept her decency.

She stepped back toward me in her slender human form and held me. I heard even more cheering than before.

"Is this the part where we kiss in front of everyone?"

She blushed.

A slightly red hue on jet black skin. So cute.

I brushed away some of her long white hair from her face. I leaned in to kiss her. I was caught by surprise when she leaped up into my arms and wrapped her legs around me.

She kissed me. Just like last time, her lips were so very soft.

I had to re-envision that jar of emotions, emptying. It helped.

I couldn't help but feel things for her when she is near. As long as I kept it to a minimum, It seems like it's safe.

The King made his way over and sat between us.

"There is enough time for that later. Now, we celebrate our new brother."

He got closer to the edge and began talking louder than I had ever heard.

"My people! This human. He has done so much for me. For us! For my daughter. I feel that there is no better reward for his determination and dedication to our people. I deem this human the right to the name of our people. He will be one of us forevermore! He is now, my son."

He took in a deep breath.


After the last time, I thought the crowd could not get any louder. I was wrong.


The name of the panther people. I now have a place to call home in this world. Only time will tell if I can feel at home.

J'Hosh turned around.

"Come, we have merrymaking to attend."

Mery took my hand. We followed him together. Her hand felt so small and frail. It was warm and soft too. As we walked to our next destination, I began to wonder about some things.

"Why is the marriage symbol on my right? I would imagine something like that to go right over the heart? I feel like it would have more meaning that way."

She giggled again. I can't get enough of that.

"You have a heart there already. If there is no room for another heart, how will love blossom? It is placed elsewhere on the body to represent an empty void to be filled with the heart of your lover. Just like you, I have that symbol on my right side. My heart stays where it is, and your heart has a space to belong right here within my body."

She pulled her clothing down a bit to show me. She exposed herself a bit more than I think she meant to. I touched the already dry purple mark on my chest.

"So your heart can be here, with me? That's an idea I wish my people had. It has a different romantic tone to it. I like that."

She squeezed my hand. At this point, I felt like poking fun.

"So if the King is my brother now, am I your uncle? If I am a brother to everyone here, are you my sister?"

I know we had no blood relations but I thought it would be funny to poke a little fun at her.

"Well, Kinda. It's not that unusual among our people to marry our own family members. It's more common among royalty. My oldest brother, O'oguan is going to marry Delicia after all."

"Wait, really? I was just joking."

She let go of my hand and slapped my arm.

"Hah! No! That's what you get for joking about incest."

She laughed and ran away making faces at me.

"Oh, you little..."

I chased after her and caught her.

"You had me going there for a second."

We kissed again.

"Well, it usually never happens. A few generations ago in my family, the King and Queen were brother and sister. That's why some of us have a split tail at the end."

She hit my side with her tail.

"Oh, what? I didn't notice you had your tail out in human form."

"Only when I want to. I can bring my ears out, too."

She brought her finger up and touched the side of my neck with it. She looked at me with seductive eyes. She began to walk away, dragging the tip of her finger along my skin. she never let her finger leave contact with my skin until she reached the very tip of the underside of my chin.

"Do you want me to?"

I nodded yes.

"Okay. Maybe I'll do that for you later when we have some personal time. We will?"

We made our way to a pyramid I had not been to before. We followed King J'Hosh down into a dark hall.

At the bottom was a room that was brightly lit. Tables were filled with food and drink of all kinds.

I saw some Setangyan already lapping up some drinks as we got there. Some were laughing. Others were playing games. I saw some open areas where Setangyan were dancing in the shapes of different races. Only the females were dancing. Some were topless.

The King brought us over to his table and we sat. Delicia and some of the other siblings were at a table across from us.

I saw her chow down without restraint. She's a kid alright.

The festivities went on for a while. I met with some of Mery's siblings. Her oldest brother, O'oguan seemed to take after their father quite a bit. I felt as though the Setangyan people were in good hands, at least, for one more generation.

As it became late, more and more disappeared. The King wished us a happy marriage and left with his Queen for the night. Most of Mery's siblings had left at this point too.

Mery was out having fun. She was talking to friends, playing some games and she got up to dance a couple of times. I was mesmerized by her dancing. I had the occasional guest stop and ask a few questions about myself and how I managed to rescue two Princesses. I made sure I left out any details that could involve the potion of Rage.

Mery found me and pulled me away.

"Where are we going?"

She looked back and only winked at me. She led me out of the pyramid. It was dark out. Not so many people were wandering out this late. She eventually stopped before a large stone wall. She walked over to a gate.

"Go ahead."

She waved toward the door, motioning for me to open it. The door opened up to a great-looking house. This is a bit more refined compared to Mik's house and nothing like Atouk's. It was two stories, had a great balcony, tall walls around the property. Lots of privacy.

"I envy the owner of this place. Why are we here?"

She slowly walked up to me and kissed me.

"It's ours."

My eyes grew wide as I began to take in the sight of this place all over again.

"This is ours?"

"It belongs to the hero. It belongs to my husband. I may always have my family home but, this is the first time I've lived outside of it."

"You can stay here, I'm gonna go break it in."

I walked in without her and closed the door. I waited a few seconds before opening the door again. She had her arms crossed and I had a stupid grin on my face.

"You really think I'd just leave you out here?"

I raced up and picked her up off her feet. I brought her in and closed the gate door with my foot. I began making my way to the new house with Mery in my arms.

"Where is the bed?"

She put her arms around my neck.

"Second floor. Is it?"

I raced up the stairs skipping every other step. I looked into the first two doorways. Nothing. I found the third door. This was it. I brought her in and gently sat her down on the bed.

"This place is huge."

"Perfect for children, don't you think?"

I stopped in my tracks to look at her.

"Wait. Are you? Last time? Is..."

She giggled.

"No no. I'm just thinking of the future. I am?"

I was disappointed and relieved at the same time. I would like a child of my own someday. At the same time. Would the potion of Rage affect my reproduction? Would my children have immortality or the anger and happiness problem? Could I be sterile?

"Do you want children?"

"Heh, I was just going through that in my head. I do want children. I'm also afraid of something. What if the potion of Rage gets passed on to them?"

She lit up a little. I could tell she had not considered that. She thought for a few seconds.

"Sometimes, when you need travel and you know you will eventually have to cross a river, you have to figure out how to do it. You don't know if there is a bridge. Will you have to make a bridge? Can you jump across rocks? Is it shallow enough to walk across? So many questions for something that you have yet to face. My point is, you shouldn't worry about a river that you don't have to cross yet."

"My home has a similar but, shorter saying. 'Let's cross that bridge when we get there.'"

She stood up from the bed and made her way over to me.

"I like that saying. I do? Right now, we are at a different bridge. We are? Let's cross it together."

She unbuttoned my pants. They fell to the floor. She took off her dress. She walked back over to the bed and jumped onto it before rolling over onto her butt. Her feet were hanging off the bed.

"Come. Let's make this night as memorable as the day."

I dropped my underwear and walked toward her.

"I think we are going to have to put that on hold for just a bit. There is something I want to do first."

She looked confused.

"What is it you want to do? Yes, what?"

I grabbed her feet and pulled her lower half to the edge of the bed. She let out a playful yelp. I got down to my knees.


I went to work on her with my tongue. I had my arms wrapped around her thighs. She was definitely enjoying 'this.'

When we had our fill of each other's bodies for the night, rest overtook us.

Darkness surrounded me. The last thing I remember was... was... Mery. Yes, I was enjoying my official wedding night with Mery. Where am I now?

A light in the darkness showed itself. I remembered. This darkness was a place I have been before. I walked over to the light and stood in the center. It turned red like the times before. The boy's outline was more obvious this time.

"You were even closer this time than the last. I am disappointed. I even told you what to do."

I shook my head.

"You told me? What? I don't remember you telling me..."

I had flashes of this afternoon in my head. When I was overwhelmed with happiness and I was trying my damnedest to hold it back.

"You told me to let go, didn't you? I did that. I let go of my emotions. Mery was saved because of that."

I saw one of the boy's eyes. It looked like it was dead inside. Like someone had their reason to live taken away. That's not all. He had a red hue to the outer edges of his eye.

Almost evil looking.

"Yes, I told you to let go. You m..."


I heard Mery.

"Yeah. What's up? You okay?"

I was still half asleep but the darkness was gone.

I opened one eye. Mery was still in her human form. And still naked.

The night air was neither hot nor cold. We didn't need blankets. She grabbed my chin with her finger and thumb to bring us close, for a kiss.

"I love you, Lake Andrus."

"I can't say the same."

She knew I was about to say something stupid this time. She was catching on to my personality and quirks.

"Because your name is not Lake Andrus."

I rolled her over onto her back while kissing her cheek multiple times. I was now on top of her. I leaned in close to her ear and whispered.

"I love you too, Meryt-Neith."

Her eyes lighted up so much.

"I don't think I'll ever get enough of you."

I told her. I brought my right leg up to my side and stepped down onto the bed. I wrapped my right arm around her and pushed both of us up off the bed. I flung her over my shoulder. She let out a surprised scream.

"What are you doing?! What, What?"

She playfully hit my back with her fists.

"I'm hungry. Where's the kitchen. Is it stocked? Let's get some food."

I carried her downstairs until I found the kitchen. I brought her down and sat her on a chair at the table.


She said that with a smile.

"Well, If you don't want food I don't have to make you any."

I heard the wind outside. Was I too happy again?

That sound will probably take the metaphorical, wind out of my sails from now on.

I began to feel empty again.

"Are you okay? You looked down all of a sudden. You did?"

I took her hand and placed it on my cheek.

"Your hand. It feels so good against my skin. Any part of you on any part of me. I found out in Bastion, that my powers are not limited to anger. People died when I was having fun. When I am happy, the wind begins to blow and the earth begins to rumble. The ground shattered and the wind cut through while I was having a good time telling stories with other men at a bar. I was lost in a moment. That resulted in death. I collapsed next to you during the ceremony, not 'just' because I was so happy. I really was feeling so happy to be with you. But, that was the problem. I was scared that you would be killed by my powers. I was trying to concentrate on anything but the happiness I felt. I had to empty my feelings. Shit, now that I'm saying this. We just had our marriage ceremony yesterday. I feel like I'm telling you I can't be happy with you. Do you even still want to be with me?"

I brought my hands up to cover my face and leaned against the kitchen counter. She did not even hesitate. I felt her hand slide along my midsection as she brought her still naked body ever closer to mine. She embraced me. She slipped her head between my elbows and arms until I released my face.

"You said that our bodies touching felt good, right?"


"I'm still here, alive. Right?"

I reached for her wrist and began feeling for a pulse. She giggled.

"As long as we feel good together. As long as I am alive. As long as you can make me laugh. I will be your wife and I will stay by your side."

I hugged her tight for a while.