Wab was quiet and sat in the corner until a few heavily armored troll guards came along.
"All of you are up."
Wab was visibly upset.
"What do you mean ALL of us? These bastards will hold me back!"
One of the guards laughed.
"I thinks, that be the point, scales."
Wab rammed the cell door.
"If scales don't calm down, We will just get the blob to move you."
"Scales don't want to play nice. BLOOOOOB!"
I felt the ground tremble. My first thought was my own powers. I felt it again. And again. I saw something in the distance behind a bunch of cages. Something massive. I don't know what it is but, it is massively round and about twenty feet tall. I don't think it's a massively obese troll but it had the right skin color to be a troll.
"What is that?"
To my surprise, the frightened elf was the one to answer.
"That is a hobgoblin."
Not what I would have guessed. My first thought would have been ogre.
This hobgoblin got his hand over the top of the cage easily. He lifted the cage like it was a simple loaf of bread. He wandered over to a couple of large doors. They were big enough to let him through, and then some.
The doors opened for him and he walked through. He placed us about 50 feet past the door. He then slowly returned back through the doors where he came from and they were closed again.
A key was thrown to us from one of the guards on a nearby ledge. One of the other humans grabbed it and reached around to open the door. We got out in no time.
"What's happening?"
I asked.
The large doors on the far side of the colosseum began to open. There was no hobgoblin. A group of nine trolls emerged. They all had weapons. Swords, a spear, throwing weapons and one had a spiked ball and chain.
"This can't be happening. Group fights almost always end with mass casualties. There are usually only one or two survivors. The trolls even have a number advantage! This isn't fair!"
The elf continued to prove himself valuable for information. Wab seems ready to fight. He looked confident. He may be a good combat ally. If it comes to it, I'll try to prioritize keeping Wab and Thool alive, at the very least.
"So our side is the one to bet against, huh? No weapons to defend ourselves?"
Wab was in a ready battle stance when he decided to respond.
"Hah, I knew you were scared. Just like the other humans. You are, ALL A BUNCH OF PUSSYS!"
He charged at the enemy team with ferocity before their gate could even finish closing. I decided to follow suit.
I was not as fast but, I kept going.
Wab dodged several throwing weapons already. He drew his hands back and revealed his claws. The moment he got close to the first opponent, he slashed the troll so deep that you could see through his torso in the gaps between flesh.
One sword user down.
He quickly dodged the spike ball and ran his hand straight through the face of another troll. Wab had already killed two trolls before I could get near any.
My first opponent finally drew close. He had a one-hand sword and began charging at me.
When we were close enough for striking distance, he raised his sword high for a strong slash downward.
My training in Bastion and Lak'Tambu was not forgotten.
I dodged quickly to my right. His sword came down and I reached out to disarm him in a flash. He had only enough time to gasp in disbelief before his own sword decapitated him.
The troll behind my opponent must have seen the blank face on me, covered in blood.
I fought with no emotion. Fighters with no emotion are feared. They have nothing to lose, nothing to gain. Emotions would only hinder. He saw me and despaired.
I saw a throwing weapon on the body of my recent kill. I grabbed it off of the body before it hit the ground and threw it at my second target.
I hit an eye. It was only a distraction while I sped up to him and ran him through the heart.
The next closest troll was closer to the lizard-man. Wab had already killed two more.
Six down, three to go.
Wab was dodging the spiked ball over and over while the other two trolls were throwing blades at him.
I made my way over as quietly and quickly as possible. I slashed one of the throwers from behind and landed on top of his corpse.
The spiked ball had a new target. It came straight at my head.
I couldn't think fast enough to dodge from my position. I held my hand out in front of my face and caught the ball with my hand. I think a bone in my arm broke. A spike was mere inches from my eye, poking through the flesh of my hand.
I grasped a spike on the ball with my other hand and pulled the line tight. I was not letting the troll pull it back. Wab made quick work of him.
One left. Where is he?
I glanced around. He was running at our teammates. Wab and I both went after him.
I dropped the ball and tore a piece of cloth off of my shirt to wrap my hand. I wanted it to bleed on the fabric and cover the wound that would heal in seconds.
My immortality may hinder my escape if others learned of it.
The troll caught up to my team and slaughtered both of the humans.
Something was wrong. The trolls on our team were holding the elf and fairy. Were they planted for the enemy team!?
I heard Wab grunt and watched as he sped up considerably.
The enemy troll killed the fairy and was looking at the elf next. Wab jumped and drop kicked the enemy. Wab's target flew backward and knocked down the "friendly" troll that had held the fairy.
I had no more need for this sword. I threw it. I nicked the elf's ear. Luckily, I also killed the other "friendly" troll that was holding him.
Wab looked at the elf, then me. He grunted again and went back after the last two trolls. They both stood up at the same time. Wab ran his claw through the chest of the first troll and wounded the second from the other side.
I made it to Thool to see if he was okay. He was shivering and mumbling something.
Wab was walking back toward me. He missed something. I ran toward him. His eyes opened wide and he took a fighting stance toward me.
I yelled.
I leaped over his low stance and kicked the wounded troll in the face. I stole the weapon he was about to attack Wab with and stabbed him in the chest.
Cheers from the crowd nearly deafened us.
When we could hear again, Wab spoke.
He was breathing hard.
"You protected me. You fought with a ferocity that I, have never seen in a human. Who are you?"
I tilted my head and gave him a smirk.
"I thought you heard me the first time. I'm Lake."
He just stared at me.
"Meat! Get back to your cage and close yourself in. You will be taken by force if you do not comply!"
The announcer was stern in his words. Many lost bets today?
Wab was not happy. I walked over to Thool and reached out a hand to help him up.
"Come. Let's just comply."
He stopped shivering and looked up at me. He grabbed my hand and stood. He nodded and we walked back to the cage. I motioned to Wab as well. He was furious but, he followed. I closed the door when all three of us were inside and tossed the key away. The hobgoblin returned and brought us back inside.
We were replaced in a different location from before. There were only three other cages near us. They had strong-looking guys.
"Are they slated to fight the champion, too?"
I asked.
Wab turned his head away.
"Like I would know."
Wab went silent for a moment.
"Honestly, I've never fought with someone at my side like I did with you today. You aren't so bad in a fight. I think you are the first non-lizard I feel comfortable acknowledging in strength."
"Thanks, bro."
I was going to give him a thumbs up but, he didn't open his eyes to see it.
"Can we really get out by beating the champ? I actually have business at a troll camp called Juiyo."
The lizard-man began to laugh.
"What's so funny?"
"They are doomed. That is the only troll camp that accepts non-troll visitors as equals. The mermaid attacks have been getting more fierce. The coastal village between Juiyo and the mermaids will fall sooner than later. If it hasn't already."
"Shit. Is there a safe evacuation spot for the non-trolls nearby?"
He shook his head. I hit the bars on the cage.
"Oh, you do show emotion."
He chuckled again.
"I have someone I want to protect in Juiyo. I need to get out of here."
I began to hear the announcer again.
"Now! Tonight's events will end with the appearance of the champion!"
Wab grabbed the bars. He was listening intently. The meat in the other three cages were interested as well. I was looking toward the large doors. I was waiting for them to open, or for someone to come tell us who would go first.
I heard a sound behind me. The sound of metal sliding on metal. It ended with metal in flesh and a splashing sound. I glanced behind me. One of the troll guards ran Thool through from between the bars. Thool had fallen forward. The blade was sticking out of his back. I reached out with my arm and foot. I stepped on the blade guard to prevent the troll from pulling his sword out of the dead elf. At the same time, I grabbed the armor on his chest and brought him face to face with me.
Fuck, This place is getting on my nerves. So much meaningless death.
"This one was useless in his last fight. The champion will only fight true warriors. Like you two."
I was about to let go when I saw a flash of red and blue go right by my face. I was covered in blood.
"I told you last time, that I would kill you!"
Wab took advantage of my hold on the guard. I let go of the now-dead troll.
"You really do have huge balls on you, Lake. I've never seen someone grab a guard like that from the cage."
He was in a much better mood than before.
"For the first time ever!"
We got quiet. The announcer was speaking again.
"The champion will have multiple opponents in a row! He will fight, not two, not three! Not even four opponents tonight. He will DECIMATE, FIVE, OPPONENTS! One after the other!"
Wab began looking at the other three cages.
"The one in the middle, there."
He began whispering to me.
"He may be able to do it. I may not get a chance if he goes before me. Damn!"
I looked at the middle cage. This creature was no giant but, I'm sure he could take a giant down with ease. I wonder if my angry strength could be on par with him. Or if I would have the floor wiped with me.
His muscles were insanely huge. I'm surprised he even fits in that cage. It was dark in this area so I could not make out many more details.
A guard came over and let one of the other three out. It was a beefy-looking elf. He had a long beard. A master of fighting, in some fashion?
"That one is too scrawny. He can get in some good hits but, he won't do any damage."
"Once again, you keep me impressed. You have insightful combat assessments. Have you been a warrior all your life?"
He nodded.
"I have been a warrior for over 50 years. I was only thirteen when I began killing prey for food. Where I'm from, the prey is as deadly as any warrior."
"That sounds rough."
"Live or die is the only way you can live in the three southeastern peninsulas. My people are from the southeastern point, dragons reside in the southern point and lastly, a demonic tribe lives in the eastern point. They are a collection of different races, corrupted by an evil essence. They are mostly made up of morcs. They are about waist-high, upright pig-like creatures with tusks. That used to be their land until the corruption took over. Now anything that is corrupted becomes part of a demonic legion."
The announcer's voice was heard again. The fight was already over. The champion won the first round. A guard came for yet another cage. Again, it was not ours.
A dark fur-covered beast was released. He was kept at a distance from the five guards with spear points from five angles. They slowly walked him to the doors. He was not aggressive, he knew his place.
"What is that one? I haven't seen his kind before."
"That is one of the supposedly extinct wolven. He is only the third I have seen. It is said that a small tribe escaped the destruction of the troll's potion of Rage rampage. The remnants are all that remain. This one is strong but if he has not been trained, he will be killed in moments."
We waited in silence.
"Here comes the second challenger! A rarity indeed. This beast has been set free and... WHAT! HE IS ALREADY DOWN! This has to be a new record for the champion!"
"Shit, really? This champion sounds like a beast of his own."
"He is powerful."
"Just don't make the same mistake as last time and not kill him."
He growled at me. The guards came for the last of the three cages across from us. They refused to let him out. Two hobgoblins were summoned. They hooked the cage up to two large bars and one took the front while the other took the back. Similar to an emergency stretcher for a wounded sports player. They slowly made their way out. The cage was dropped off in the arena and the hobgoblins made their way back in before the doors were closed.
The announcer was mostly quiet. Were they engrossed in the match? A large clang was heard, followed by wood smashing. The now-empty cage that was carried away, broke through the giant doors and caused a large amount of damage.
I heard a loud beastly roar come from the coliseum arena. Another moment and the crowd cheers rose up once again.
"THAT WAS AMAZING! I haven't seen such an amazing fight between the champion and meat in a long time! Today has been full of surprises!"
Wab stood up. He knew we were next.
"The champion even beat 'that' thing. It's supposed to be one of the strongest creatures on the continent. He was a BB. They don't speak but, they like to fight. BB is short for battle beetle."
"That thing was a bug?"
"Yes. They have four arms and a powerful external shell for skin. They are almost as rare as the wolven."
Two guards showed up.
"Are you going to give us... What happened?!"
They noticed the dead guard behind our cage. Wab spoke up.
"That damn elf nabbed the guard's sword and stabbed him with it. The guard wasn't dead yet so he returned the favor. We had nothing to do with it."
"BLOOOB! I won't go near these two."
I said as I smiled at the guard.
We were brought out like before. They had removed the cage that broke through the doors and did a crap patch job. The key was thrown to us and I let us out.
The BB's body was to our left. It had a massive gash down one side of its torso. The Master elf's body was embedded in the wall next to the door behind the champion. The body of the wolven was torn apart all over the floor in front of us.
The champion before us was a troll roughly three times the size of the average male but, she was a female? There were coverings over her masculine breasts. Her face had some feminine features and her hair was longer than any male I have seen thus far.
"It's a female? Gah, I'm not interested anymore."
"Afraid to get your tail kicked by a woman?"
I teased. He simply grunted.
I guess I'm up.
I wanted to talk to her first. Maybe see if I can make some sense to someone who is considered powerful here.
Just in case I remembered where my pen-sword is. I had Berthri add a modification. The stone that amplifies the life detection bracelet, I had him attach one to the sword. It can grow twice as long now. Almost a two-hand sword but still wieldable in one. These WoM objects can come in handy.
"If you are staying here, Don't bother me while I am dealing with her."
Wab grunted again. I casually strolled over to the champion. We were maybe twenty feet away from each other before I stopped. She obviously had no concerns over me. A seemingly average human.
"Are you ready for death, human?"
Her voice was... strangely, very feminine. I was expecting something deeper than King J'Hosh. She brushed some of her long deep purple hair away from her face with one hand while she held a massive battle-ax in the other.
"Honestly, I was not interested in fighting when I got here. I only want to go to Juiyo to find a friend who may be in danger from the mermaid offensive."
She let out a short but hearty laugh.
"Then you better make quick work of me."
I sighed. Maybe I should let out some anger? Maybe I could beat some sense into her.
Then again, it could backfire and I could destroy the entire area. Inu is still close by. I can't risk it. I'll have to try to make use of my immortality.
"Want to play a game?"
She dropped her smile.
"What do you mean?"
"How about you attack me. If I survive, I'll attack you. Back and forth until one of us is dead or calls it quits."
She laughed real loud this time. She seems a bit deranged.
"YOU SERIOUS?! This is too good. You really think you can survive one of my attacks? You have to have a death wish. I'll agree to your little game if I can go first."
I gave no pause in my answer.
"You got a deal."
She must have been slightly disturbed by that quick answer. She stopped in her tracks and looked at my unwavering face for a moment.
"You have something up your sleeve. You think you can dodge my attack? It won't happen."
"I promise I won't dodge if you promise not to."
"BUAHAHAHAHA! You are by far the most amusing and demented pet I've had in ages. Get ready."
"I've been ready and waiting."
She wound up her massive ax.
"Any last words?"
"Sure. I will give you an opportunity to become my ally before It's my turn to attack."
She lowered her ax down to the ground in more laughter. When she regained herself, she got back into position.
I stood there with my hands in my pockets. I just smiled at her.
She began her swing. I was expecting her to cut me in half but, she twisted the handle at the last second. The flat side of the massive ax was slammed against me.
Before I knew what happened, I felt something slam into my back. Did I hit a wall? I managed to open one eye. The champion was on the other side of the arena.
I was launched clear across the coliseum.
I could see Wab looking on in surprise. I'm pretty sure they both think I'm dead. I blacked out.
I was back in the darkness. The boy with the empty-looking eyes, even-tempered voice and evil aura was before me once again. I was already on the source-less red light.
"If you would just let go, This could be over in an instant. Why put up with this barbaric form of entertainment. I can even give you a push forward if you desire."
"What do you mean? I thought letting go was a good thing. The way you say it though..."
"I can enhance your receptors to your emotions. I can help you raise your anger. I can not make you go berserk. That is the decision of the owner of the body."
I looked at him. He looked vaguely familiar in some fashion. He did not move.
"I refuse. I don't have a good feeling about you. I would rather do this myself."
"Disappointing. I will remain with you forever. Come to me any time you wish."
I was beginning to hear a constant sound. Like a wave constantly hitting a shore.
The boy turned around. His voice was gone but he said something. 'I'm...' I can't tell what he said.
I knew what the sound was. The crowd in the coliseum.
I opened my right eye. Wab was in the middle of fighting the champion. I still felt tired but, I think most of my body has healed at this point. I decided to watch the fight to see how Wab fought. He was skilled at dodging her attacks. He got a few good slashes in with his claws. She managed to get a good swing on Wab's tail. It was severed. He looked annoyed but, otherwise un-phased.
I felt like I had enough energy to get down now. I shimmied my way out of the crater my body was stuck in. I fell out and landed about five feet down.
Damn, that was a hefty blow.
I began walking toward the champion again. She and Wab had their sides to me. They were too obsessed with each other to notice that I was not dead. The announcer had not noticed for a while either.
"Wha...What? The human lives!? How can this be? He does not even look injured!"
Both the champion and Wab looked in my direction. They both looked like they had seen a ghost. I made it about ten feet away from her and stopped.
"My turn."
I cracked my knuckles, then my neck.
"Hahaha! You are a LOT tougher than you look. Okay. Come at me. I'll let you get a hit in. Don't expect me to go easy on you like last time when it's my turn again."
"Last chance. You can be my ally, or you can die."
She let her guard down.
"You surprise me. As tough as you are, I have no interest in being your friend or anything else."
Wab began to charge.
"Give me a boost Wab!"
I took a few breathes and focused on my target. I reached into my hidden pocket and grabbed my pen-sword with two fingers.
I began my run at her. Before Wab could reach a position where he could help me, the champion brought her ax down and switched from her right hand to the left. I began to skid to a halt.
She had no intention of letting me get a hit in.
She began to swing from a low position. Wab was at a loss as to what to do. She hit me again with the broad side of the ax.
This time, I flew up.
Mid-flight, I felt my back snap hard. My limbs shifted from the front to behind me, violently. I hit a bar among the cage above the arena.
Wait, I'm not falling.
I'm still flying away from the arena.
I began to spin mid-air after I hit the bar. I saw my lower half flying off in a different direction. I could hear the announcer's laugh and the crowd cheers begin to fade.
I think I'm going to clear the entire village. That's one way to get out, I guess.
I landed in some trees and hit a few branches on the way down. I managed to catch the last branch with my hand, before hitting the ground. My landing was softened considerably because of that. I still have to grow back my lower half from my belly button down. Maybe fifteen minutes at most.
I pulled myself up to the base of the tree and rested underneath. After my thighs began forming, I heard footsteps.
I still had my sword in hand. I was ready to use it if need be.