Ch 30 The Goodbye to Lak'Tambu

I found myself in the same audience chamber that I had first met King J'Hosh in.

I recalled the elven court where I was sentenced.

Sophie was out of sight.

I had bad memories of situations like this.

"What do you have to say, Brother Lake?"

His deep voice was hard to forget. I stepped forward.

"J'Hosh, I..."

I was blocked by several guards before I could take a second step forward. J'Hosh sighed.

"Guard, back away."

They looked back in confusion.


They cleared a path between us.

"Come. Follow me, Lake."

As I walked forward, the King's guards followed.

"ONLY, Lake."

He commanded.

The panthers to my sides bowed and stopped following. When I got closer, J'Hosh turned and began to walk, himself. I followed him into a smaller room.

Some sort of delegation chamber for high-ranking officials?

It was just the two of us. He found a long chair on one side of a small table to lie on. There was a humanoid chair on the opposite side. The chairs and the tables were furnished with a lavish red color cloth and gold trim. I sat across from him.

"I think it is best we talk alone. Without interruptions. What is it you have come to say?"

I lowered my gaze as if to show I was not worthy to look him in the eye.

"I'm sorry. I never wanted any of these tragedies to happen. I still don't have the kind of control over myself, that I should."

"So, you admit that you possess the power of the potion of Rage?"


"There are stories of the last human user of the potion. None of those stories are happy. Every single one is a story of tragedy, destruction and loss. What do you think that means?"

I felt worse. It was like I am headed down the same path.

"That, I am similar."

I struggled to say it out loud.

"To the contrary. You are very different."

I raised my head in time to watch him lower his and lap up what I can only assume was alcohol from a raised cup.

"You think you are similar? How long have you had this power?"

"Close to a year, I believe."

While I spent time in Lak'Tambu, I learned of the calendar here in Eyse. The years were slightly longer than Earth, by 53 days. The days and nights themselves were two hours longer as well. I only found this out by taking the time to count the minutes on a day when I was completely alone.

There was no real-time in Eyse like minutes or hours. Though, the term 'hour' was used to explain a longer amount of time passage than moments. Learning of this made me think that there was some sort of Earthly influence from the past.

It made me want to see the lizard-man, Wab, even more. He seemed to understand some sayings that I would not expect anyone from Eyse to understand.

The King continued.

"Close to a full year. Yet, you have happy stories as well as a few sad ones. You rescued two of my daughters. You fought giants to protect the very elves who had imprisoned you. Or, so I had heard from Atouk. You married one of my daughters and lived a comfortable life without any problems for a good amount of time. These are stories of your deeds. They are not terrible nor sad. These alone show you are different from the others who would use potion for evil. You have had a few bad stories, yes. You managed to cause quite the commotion in troll territories. I lost... my daughter."

He almost choked when he mentioned Mery.

"Would it be a reasonable assessment to say that, you are the cause of last night's commotion?"


I hung my head low again.

"These sad stories from you are nothing compared to the human that nearly destroyed Eyse. He intentionally caused harm. He made sure there were no survivors. He enjoyed bloodlust and embraced it. I know for a fact that you are not like him."

I looked into his eyes. He was sincere. It made me feel a little hopeful.

Just a little.

"When Mery came to me for visits, she could not stop talking about you. How much care you showed for her. She loved being around you. I could not have asked for more in a husband for her. If you were truly a terrible person..."

He got off of his chair and walked around the table. He stopped just in front of me.

"If you were really that bad, Mery would not have been so, in love with you. I believe you when you say that, you never wanted these bad things to happen. A terrible result, from unfortunate circumstances.

I brought you here to grieve. Father and son. Together."

Tears were welling in his eyes.

I felt some begin to form in my own eyes. I couldn't help myself. I reached out and hugged him. He brought a paw over my shoulder. I could hear him sob a little.

I felt bad that I had to hold myself back. He would not get to hear the sounds of my sorrow. I felt a single tear begin its descent down my cheek. I wiped it with the back of my hand.

I saw small amounts of blood released from the odd void shape, left from my tear on the back of my hand. I felt more fluid on my cheek. I wiped again. Another small amount of blood. My tears can't even travel down my cheek without leaving destruction in its wake.

We pulled away. He saw the wiped blood on my cheek and the back of my hand.

"What happened?"

"Urm, my tears are a bit... volatile."

"My son, Your stories are not destruction or violence. Your stories are of your own tragedy and sadness. Do not take the good times for granted. Stay loyal to your friends. These may be a boon for you in the future. As much as I recognize your plight, I can not say that our people see you in the same way. I regret it but, I can no longer grant you shelter here in Lak'Tambu."

"I understand. I knew that I couldn't stay here anymore."

I remembered that Gleamour was a treasure of the Setangyan people. I pulled it out of my pocket.

"This belongs to your people. I shouldn't keep something so important."

"No. It was a gift from the start. It is yours, forevermore."

"I will take good care of it."

I pulled it up to my chest, as though I was making a promise with it.

"As we leave. I am sorry to say, the best way to let you leave without much trouble may be to announce that you are exiled. Otherwise, the Setangyan people may attempt to take matters into their own hands, after so much death last night. I would never renounce your integration into the Setangyan tribe, though. You will always be, my son. Where will you go next?"

"I was thinking of heading to the homeland of the lizard-men. I made an acquaintance in Skara Magna. I think he may be able to help me out with a few things."

"Oddasa? I can not stop you. Please be careful though. They are not so friendly to anyone weaker than them."

"I have heard as such. It seemed as though I had made an impression on the lizard-man that I had met before so, I don't think it will be that hard."

He shrugged. J'Hosh turned to the doorway we entered from.

The Queen, Dee, was standing there. How long, I don't know. I began to follow the King through the doorway. Before I could pass her, Dee leaped up and placed her front paws on my shoulders. She nuzzled my neck and I leaned into it.

She whispered into my left ear.

"Don't let the bad things in your life drag you down. Remember the good times fondly. Create new good memories out of your adventures and keep these close to your heart. Never forget, those whom you cherish."

"I will never forget Mery, nor any other friend of mine."

She went back down to the ground. I jogged a bit to catch up to J'Hosh. He stopped just before the entryway to the audience chamber.

"Wait here for a moment."

He called out to a guard and whispered something into his ear. The guard left and returned with Delicia and Inu. I kneeled down and hugged them both.

"Will, I ever see you again?"

Delicia asked.

"Maybe. I don't know at this point. I would like that though."

Inu almost knocked me over with her head.

"I will go with you if you want me to."

"I'm not going anywhere safe. Honestly, I would prefer that you stay here where I don't have to worry about your safety."

"Is it because I look like Mery? You don't want to see me? Is it too painful for you?"

"It's because you look like Mery that I want you to stay safe. You aren't her but, you are so loyal. You have a good heart, just like her. You can help your people like she did. You can do more good here than tagging along with me."

She still looked sad. I could tell she understood though. I patted the girls on their heads and walked through the doorway. King J'Hosh and his family took their place in the front of the room while I returned to my place in the middle of the room. I turned and faced the royal family.

"Our brother, Lake, Is the one responsible for the tragedy last night. He is responsible but, I believe there was no malice behind this attack. This was an unfortunate happening. Not, an intention to harm."

The panthers on either side of the room were in an uproar.

"How can you say that?!"

"Are you going to free this murderer?"

"Behead him!"

"Burn him!"

"BE QUIET! I will not have harm come to him. That said, I can not allow him to stay here where he could cause more harm. He shall be exiled from Lak'Tambu. Any other action against him before he leaves will be seen as defying the King's order and punished with exile as well."

The crowd was still murmuring but, not loudly.

"Lake. May the gods be merciful to you on your journey. Leave this place."

The last line sounded as though it had malice behind it. Probably just to sell this rouse.

"I am truly sorry. To you and to all Setangyan. I will do as you command, my King."

Some of the panthers began shouting at me randomly.

"Get out."


I felt hated.

I suppose it's for the best at this point. I felt as though there was a light surrounding the royal family and darkness around the citizens. Most of the stories I'm familiar with are usually the opposite. The people are the ones who help the hero and the royals are the despicable greedy bastards holding the hero back, or causing trouble.

Then again.

I caused the people trouble.

I deserve this hatred.

I'm no hero.

I was walked directly to the exit. I began to worry about Sophie. The guards were not letting me take any shortcuts.

An unfamiliar guard approached me. She whispered to me.

"Inu has made arrangements. You have nothing to worry about."

She knew what I was thinking. Still loyal as a dog. Stupid big sister. She is too good to me.

I was led to the southern exit of the city. There were still patrols ahead but, the main guard stopped at the edge of the exit, blocking re-entry. I still saw no sign of Sophie. I began my lonely walk down the path to the south. After an hour of walking, I managed to find the more strict front-line scouts. One of them spat on me as I passed. I thought nothing of it. By the time they were out of sight, I began to really worry about Sophie's whereabouts. As if to answer the questions in my head, Atouk emerged from the side of the path with Sophie riding on his back.


She ran to me and grabbed hold. I wrapped my arms around the backpack she wore.

"Thanks, Atouk. You are a good friend."

"I still owe you my life twice over. Just say the word and I will go with you."

"So you can leave your kittens behind? Sorry, You're stuck with them."

I stuck out my tongue and pulled down a lower eyelid. I had seen this done in many anime. It just confused him.

"Be good to your wife and kids."

"I will. You keep Sophie safe."

"I will."

I kissed her on the top of her head.

"I will."

We waved to Atouk and began our travels south.

This was my goodbye to the people who were good to me in the northwest half of this continent.

I was going somewhere more dangerous now. The southeast half is known for its non-hospitable races.

I had to be careful with Sophie. I couldn't have a repeat of any tragedies I have experienced so far.

I couldn't let anything harm her, myself, or otherwise. This was going to be a difficult task.

I was ready though.

I had to be.