"What is your name?"
I asked the large lizard-man.
"My name is not worthy of your tongue."
I put a hand to my brow. This attitude of worthy and not worthy was annoying me.
"I don't want to go around pointing and saying, 'Hey you!' I want to know your name. You are obviously the leader here. How am I..."
"Ah, my apologies, Master Lake, for interrupting but..."
"Stop calling me, Master."
He looked alarmed.
"My apologies once again! I had interrupted you before to correct your assumption. I am only a temporary leader, now. The leader will be back soon."
Soon? Could it be?
"Either way. I command you to tell me your name!"
He bowed as low to the ground as lizardly possible.
"I am Kidj."
"And, who was it that just asked for your name?"
"You, L... Lake."
I let out a sigh of relief.
"Good. Thank you."
I lightly slapped him on the back a few times.
"See? That wasn't so hard. You and the others don't need to be so uptight. Is this how your last Master required you to act around him?"
"Yes. Though I was not alive when the previous Master was around, our matrons raised us and showed us how to act if another Master were to reveal himself."
"I appreciate that your people are not hostile toward me. At the same time, I am not a tyrant. You can just be yourselves around me. Just pretend that I'm a friend. Can you do that?"
He hesitated for a bit. He slowly began to stand from his previous bowing position. He was now in a full standing position but he was still lowering his head like a puppy who knew he was in trouble.
"This isn't some test that will get you in trouble with me. I'm serious. Just be yourself around me."
I reached out and used the back of my hand to raise his chin. His eyes were still having trouble looking at me. I could see his shoulders relax some.
"See, Kidj? Not so bad, is it?"
He nervously nodded. I raised my voice.
"This goes for all of you. You don't need to bow to me. I just want to be your friend!"
I walked over to a nearby lizard-man. I grabbed his claw and helped him stand up. I went around and helped another four up before some began to stand on their own.
"Now, Isn't that better than shoving your heads in the dirt? You don't have to bow to me. I may have this power from the potion but, I don't require anything like worshiping me. The only thing I ask is to be friendly with me."
One lizard-woman spoke up.
"Why would you ask this of us? We are lowly creatures. We have no right to be in your presence."
"No right? You 'are' in my presence, right now. I see no problem with it. I feel more comfortable talking to people I could call friends than being treated as a superior being. Do you want me to feel uncomfortable?"
That last bit seems to have worked. They seemed to understand the concept of being uncomfortable more than anything else I said.
All of the lizard-people were standing now. Some began to cheer and others clapped.
Honestly, I felt kind of dumb speaking like that in front of that many. I was never the center of a crowd type of person.
Kidj walked up to me and slapped me on the back a couple of times, like I did to him earlier.
"So, even you can feel uncomfortable? We can relate. The other races never give us a second look. They always ran at the sight of us. Over the many years since our first Master, this has devolved into mutual hate. The humans were one of the few races that actively fought us. My kind got used to just fighting. How were we supposed to 'feel' comfortable when every race we encounter runs from us or attacks us?"
"That's... unfortunate. I'm sorry your kind had to go through that. I guess you still do. If I ever have the opportunity, I will make sure all of my friends can consider your people friends also. As long as you don't attack them on sight."
"Any friend of the Mas... of you, Lake, Is a friend of the lizard-men."
"I'm glad. So, what is there to do, here in Oddasa?"
"Oddasa? That is another couple days away at the base of that mountain."
He pointed to the only mountains in view, further to the southeast tip of the peninsula.
"We are in Onala. There are a few other villages around, such as Odlara, Ortaga and Omera. We are at the edge of the lizard-man territory. If there were to be an attempted attack on us, this village would be the first to defend. We have horns to call the other villages out. They have horns to call to Oddasa. We are different tribes but we are all one people."
"That's good. I like that you all look out for each other. A solidarity among brothers, so to speak."
"Eh, more like a solidarity among sisters. The females are the lifeblood of our people. Men can lead but, the females are the warriors who do battle. They birth our eggs and teach us all we know."
"So, the males are lazy?"
"Not entirely. The males are the cooks, the crafters and the cleaners. The leaders are the ones who have exceptional strength or intelligence. As you can see from my size and strength, I am next in line for the leader of Onala. Wab is the current leader with strength and combat tactic."
"Wab is the leader? I already knew he was good in a fight. I thought he was just one of many."
"One of few is what he is."
I could hear a commotion from the west.
"Ah, Wab must be back."
"He is mad. His hunt must have not gone well."
Wab pushed his way into the center of the crowd. He saw me and stopped. He took a few steps closer and eyed me with an evil look.
"That face..."
He came closer.
"It can't be..."
Ever closer.
"It is! Lake? You... Your legs? How?"
He grabbed my shoulders and looked at me bottom to top. He then browsed around the area.
"How are you not food for them? Did you beat them into submission?"
"Oh, It seems I am a bit famous around your people."
"He is the new Master."
Kidj blurted out.
"Master? MASTER!? 'THE' MASTER?!"
"Yes, the Master."
Wab instantly hit the ground.
"Why are you fools not bowing?"
Wab was serious about this matter. It must be taboo to joke about the Master.
"We came to an understanding Wab. No more bowing. I don't like it. Just treat me like you did in the cage at Soup. I'm just a human who knows how to fight a little bit."
Wab stood up. He looked just as uncomfortable as Kidj did a few minutes ago.
"You are really the Master? I had no idea. I was so rude to you back then. I apologize, Master."
"Okay... Is there something you all like to do on a regular basis?"
"We have a desert night once every ten days where we chow down on grub. You can have your own share too if you like."
Kidj answered.
"New rule."
I shouted.
"Anyone who calls me Master, misses out on the next desert night. Call me Master twice, and you miss out on two desert nights. And so on. Understood?"
Several of the lizard-people ran and hid. Wab looked bewildered.
"That was your first offense Wab. But you will be pardoned because you were not here before I asked them to stop calling me that."
As stupid as that sounded, he looked relieved.
"What kinda grub do you munch on?"
"Uh, you just said it. Grub."
"Like... a worm, grub?"
Kidj and Wab nodded.
"You guys can have my share."
I had ZERO interest in that. They just looked at each other and shrugged.
Wab brought me to his teepee-like hut and showed me a map of the lizard-man territory. There were five villages in all. Three smaller villages made up the defensive line, including Onala. Oddasa was the center village and Omera was at the base of the mountain path that led to a Guru of Ages, who resides near the top.
"What is it that the guru does? What is he known for?"
"He is the last living being to meet the original creator of the potion of Rage."
"Really? Can I meet him?"
"Of course. Any lizard would have to complete a set of trials to see the guru. You have a free pass, because of your power. Cool, right?"
I looked at him cockeyed.
"Cool? I never thought I would hear someone on Eyse say that. Where did you learn to use that word in such a way?"
"Our old Master. He came from a different world called Earth."
"No shit. So did I."
"What did you do?"
"I came from Earth."
"No, our old Master did. I didn't mean you."
"I know. I also came from Earth. My name is Lake and I was born on Earth. I came to Eyse almost a year ago."
I nodded my head.
"You? Earth?"
"Yeah. That's what I've been telling you."
He was flustered now.
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Yes. Er, no. I... I don't know. It's hard to say. This could change a few things that we were told in the past. You need to see the Guru as soon as possible. I will escort you there in two days. I need to finish my hunt or my people will begin to starve."
This was an interesting reaction. More questions and then deflecting.
"I'll go on the hunt with you."
"No, I saw you at Soup. It would... Well. How did you survive?"
"Go ahead and stab me or cut my arm real quick."
I uncovered my forearm and placed it before him.
"What? I would never hurt you on purpose!"
"Do it. I can make it a command if that will make you feel better."
He reluctantly made an inch-long slash on my arm. It bled a little bit and quickly stopped. I wiped the blood away to reveal the wound was closed and healed already.
"How did you 'think' I survived losing my lower half?"
"You really are the Master."
He was lost in thought for a minute.
"Okay. You can come on the hunt. You defy all of our teachings of the previous Master. Non-believers are a guarantee but, maybe less with you in the hunt. You should get some rest. We will leave mid-day tomorrow and we will be tracking all night."
"Find Kidj. He can show you an open hut to sleep in."
"Okay, thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."
He nodded.
I felt like he was keeping a few things from me. Maybe it was something he was not allowed to say. I don't think he is the type who would mess with me on purpose.
I wandered a bit. I found a rock to sit on. There were some lizard-men playing a game with their hands. It reminded me of thumb war but, not exactly.
I tried to figure out the rules by watching. Just when I thought I had it down, something happened that threw my guess rules out the window. I gave up after ten minutes of watching and looked at the scenery.
There was still bright orange sunlight out. The kind just before dusk.
I looked to my right and spotted a group of five thin-figured lizards. I was guessing they were female by the body shape and clothes they wore. Though, they still had more of a male structure, lizard-like faces and more scales.
One saw me looking and began batting her eyes at me. She nudged the one next to her and they all soon found my sight in their direction.
Maybe they were... prostitutes? Escorts? Whatever the term is, in this world.
They waved at me but never approached. I was curious about them. Not enough to attempt that kind of interaction.
I was surprised when I was slapped on the back.
"You like the males, huh? I would never have guessed. If you want, I can call them over. All of them can keep you warm overnight."
"Those are the males?"
I felt odd, knowing that I was staring at them. Even though I had not looked behind me, Kidj could tell I was slightly bothered.
"If you were looking for the females, they are over there."
I saw his hand pointing to my left, between two tents. They were not looking this way. Four, much larger specimens. They could give most male trolls a run for their money in muscle size. Even with the muscles, they did have more of a feminine curvature to them. Two of them actually had hair on their heads.
"They are huge!?"
"Well, they have to be able to say, 'no' physically, when a male decides to ignore a verbal, no."
"So, the males don't need..."
He whispered into my ear.
"They never say no."
I got a shiver down my spine and almost gaged. I don't even really know their anatomy that well but, that was a disturbing thought.
Why did I ask?
"To each their own. Not my cup of tea."
"What's wrong? The females are few in number during hunts and if they are not willing to mate, the males like to have 'someone' to keep them warm at night. Another male can do that just fine. It is a common practice among our people."
"Sorry, I guess that was judgmental. I just have no interest in males, myself."
He began laughing.
"You don't have to be sorry. We do what we do."
He slapped my back hard. I regret showing him that. He likes to do it too much. I was getting a little tired. I think I should ask him about a hut.
"Wab said that you..."
"Let's go over here! I have an idea!"
He grabbed my upper arm and dragged me along. After walking through the village for about two minutes, we arrived at a large populated hut. It was lively with lizard-people coming and going.
"What is this place?"
"This is fun!"
As we entered, all I could see was drinking and games. Maybe some gambling under the table. Arm wrestling, between females and males.
He brought me over to a bar and sat me down at a chair. He ordered me a drink with a name that my tongue could not physically reproduce.
"Is this a sipping drink or a chugging drink?"
"We don't have, 'sipping' drinks."
Easy answer.
I watched him down his drink in a flash. I began to chug mine.
I was never a huge fan of alcohol on Earth. Usually sweeter drinks that were blended. This tasted like a sweet fruit. I liked it. I have never been drunk before either. I just hoped that this was all I would drink tonight and that I would not wake up with a hangover.
Kidj tried to order me another one. I waved it off.
"One was enough, for now. If I want more, I'll ask for it."
"Nonsense! No drinks, no fun!"
He practically forced a second drink on me. I refused to take a third.
He drank two more before he dragged me over to the games. We played a few card games that I lost horribly at. My understanding of the rules was flawed and the other players seemed like masters in comparison.
"Let's go over here!"
I was then dragged over to the arm wrestling area. Two tables were set up. After watching a few good matches and several bad ones, I was sat down at one of the tables.
The lizard-woman in front of me was mostly a black color with a few tiny yellow specks. She was built with more muscle and curves. All of the females won the previous matchups. I was sure my match would be the same.
Kidj sat next to me at the other table.
His opponent had a similar scale coloring to Wab. Blue with red stripes. Her softer underbelly started just below the neck. Her face and body were more human-shaped than the others I had seen. She had, maybe C cup breasts, or, at least I think they are. Lizards don't have nipples, last I saw.
She has a slender neck. Her humanoid lips had a red streak right on them, almost as if to mimic lipstick. Her skin was blue wherever she did not have scales. She still had some hard scales on the sides of her face and just above her eyebrows. She actually had medium-length crimson red hair. It was almost hard to believe the coloring was natural.
"Let's go at the same time."
He said. I placed my hand in the hand of my female opponent. Her hand was rough, strong and soft all at the same time.
"On three, Lake. One... Two... ... Wait. I have an idea. Let's up the stakes! If I win..."
He pointed at the female in front of him.
"You have to spend the night with Lake. If he wins, then you..."
He then pointed at the female in front of me.
"Have to spend the night with me."
The females looked at each other.
"What do we get if we win?"
"Those are fine results for you but, maybe we want something different."
I wondered about that myself.
"What would you girls want?"
One whispered into the ear of the other and they agreed.
"We will agree to your terms if you both win. However, If one of you loses, we get to spend the night with each other, while you two..."
She dragged it out for suspense.
"Make love to each other all night in front of us."
My eyes went wide.
"I'm not oka...."
Kidj yelled out.
The female began pressing against my arm.
She was playing with me to start.
Kidj won his battle easily. The female in front of him was a bit upset at the quick loss. She turned her attention to me.
"Win or lose, I won't mind."
The female in front of me exclaimed.
A, "Heh" was all I could let out while I could feel my right eyebrow twitch. I was annoyed with Kidj, beyond belief.
'Anger... PLEASE HELP ME!'
I thought to myself.
I prayed that he heard me. Wisdom said to remember the feeling of anger but release the image. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing. I never let my arm relax.
The last time I was able to harness my anger, was with Mik. That ass-hole treated Sophie like an unwanted child that deserved what she got.
That was the image. I had to remember the feeling and let go of the image.
I felt it. The anger.
My mind was blank and my arm felt strong. I began to open my eyes.
The room looked like it was spinning.
My fingers felt a soft sensation. Like a silky soft and warm blanket. My head felt like it was between a couple of pillows made of the same material as the blanket. I began rubbing my hand against the blanket.
I was tired. I did not want to open my eyes. I just wanted to rest. Was it morning, though?
The blanket was wrapped around me tightly. It was so cozy.
Am I naked? I don't remember falling asleep.
I was resting on my left side. I moved my right arm down lower to get more comfortable. I followed the smooth sensation of the blanket as my hand went down to my waist.
I felt the blanket move. Was there someone on the other side of it?
I began to reach up with my left hand, in order to find the top of the blanket and pull it down.
I followed the surface of one of the pillows until I found the edge. It curled over into a, still smooth yet, hard surface. I found ridges.
I then began to feel strands of something. Hair?
The section of blanket around my waist felt as though it was tightening around me. My right hand was squeezed against my lower stomach. I pressed back with my fingers. I felt more movement across the entire blanket, as though a wave went from one end to the other.
This confused me. I began to feel a light breeze on the midsection of my back. Only my shoulders and waist were protected from the cool breeze. I opened my eyes and gently pushed the pillows away from my face.
"You want to play this early in the morning, baby?"
A female voice.
The pillows were actually her soft yellow, nipple-less breasts.
The 'blanket' I felt, was actually her soft underbelly scales.
Her arms were around my shoulders and her legs, wrapped around my waist.
The hard but smooth surface was the scales on her back.
I woke up in a bed with a lizard-woman.
I woke up...
In a bed...
I have never sat up at the edge of a bed so fast in my life.
Across from me was another bed with Kidj with the female lizard-woman that I was arm wrestling the night before.
"So, you don't want to play anymore? You're gonna make me sad."
I heard the voice from behind me. I was reluctant to look back.
Did I really? She said, 'anymore.' Was that a reference to just now or something else last night.
"Uhhh... I'm sorry, I just... I don't remember what happened last night."
I then heard a female voice from in front of me.
"You beat me. I put my all into it. That was only the third time I have ever lost."
I was relieved to hear that neither Kidj nor myself lost last night. I remembered up to the arm-wrestling contest. This is not my ideal scenario but, the alternative is... Just no.
"You had her moaning most of the night, too. I was jealous. This oaf was out like a light within a few minutes."
Continued the voice from the other bed.
I was never curious enough to want this kind of interaction with this species. I felt lucky that I could not remember. It was probably for the best.
I stood up and began to walk out of the unfamiliar hut. I walked through the door flap.
I was met with cheers from... hundreds? Of lizard-people.
I felt my face twitch with irritation and confusion.
I began to feel the soft sensation of my partner's bare underbelly scales and breasts from last night on my back. She had emerged from the hut, behind me. She reached around me and her hands found themselves on my chest.
My next thought was...
That's right. I'm still naked.