Ch 35 The Lesson In Sharing

The flight was short. Possibly because of the size of the thing flying. It landed near a lizard-man village.

"Lake! Come down."

I heard Riksa call out to me. The dragon was eyeing me something fierce. I decided to take the fast way down. I jumped. I felt like I was base jumping. I'm so high up.

I was not even halfway down when I was hit by the dragon wing. It was on purpose. He got revenge on his rider. I was launched out into the desert.


I heard Riksa cry out my name. I watched as the dragon tore a large chunk of the elephant off with its powerful legs.

I hit the ground and began to roll, losing sight of the dragon. When I stopped, the dragon flew over me with two-thirds of the carcass. I lifted my head and slammed it back down into the ground.

"Ass hole."

I could feel my body was in disarray. I decided to just sit still and regenerate for a bit. I didn't want to use the explosive regeneration I recently learned. It seemed to sap energy quite a bit. I should only use it in emergencies.


'My Lake?'

I repeated in my head. Riksa came to my side and lifted my head.

"Getting a bit possessive, are we?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you in pain? Can I help you at all? There is so much blood."

Her eyes began to tear up.

"Slow down. I'm fine. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be good as new."

"What? I don't understand. How?"

I lifted my broken right arm.

"Hold this for me."

I placed my wrist in her hand. She was upset and confused but, she held my wrist tight. I repositioned my bone to allow faster healing. After a few moments, I could feel my fingers again. I lifted my arm away from her hand.

"See? All better. In a little bit, I will be better overall."

"I still don't..."

"I have regeneration from the potion of Rage."

"Rage... Oh, I'm... I'm so stupid. I never thought about..."

"You aren't stupid. You just care a lot."

I could still see the lizard-man village in the distance. There were lizards crawling all over the meat left behind. Cutting, eating and storing.

"No one else even attempted to come to my aid. Immortal or not. Thank you. For caring about me."

She let out a short, pitiful laugh. I pulled her to me for a hug. She gladly embraced me. I knew she was strong. Her hug was so gentle though. All of these recent interactions with her made me think that last night might not have been as big a mistake as I thought.

It still wouldn't diminish how I feel about Sophie though.

She released her hold on me and straightened up. I felt better after that hug. My body seemed to already be fully healed. Riksa stood and offered her hand to help me up. I took the offer and stood up with my hand in hers. I know she did not have any red spots on her cheeks before. She was blushing.

"Aren't we doing this a bit backward? Usually, it's the shy blushing moments that come before the sex."

She let go of my hand suddenly. Her face twisted into uncertainty. She began drawing circles in the dirt with the long talon on her right foot. I couldn't help but think of a kid who knows she is in trouble for lying.

"I uh... I have a confession."

I was curious now. What could she have hidden from me?

"Last night... Nothing actually happened. Kidj asked Hild to carry you to the hut of mating. You were already fast asleep before you got there."

I must have looked like I had an epiphany and had forgotten how to move at the same time. Riksa tapped my shoulder.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I lied. Hild said that stuff before I could respond. I just went with it. I understand if you are mad. I won't bother you an..."

"Heh. Hehehe."

My out-of-place laughter stopped her words in their tracks.

"Psh hahahaha! Oh my god. You had me. You had me good. I totally believed you."

I relaxed a bit and calmed down. She looked a bit concerned.

"Listen. I'm not mad, either way. For some reason that just hit my funny bone."

She lightened up and looked more curious now.

"You have a funny bone? Where is it?"

"Ah hah! The lizard-people haven't heard that saying? It's another Earth saying. Sometimes you hear something that was not intended to be funny. At the same time, you just feel like you have to laugh at it. Almost as if you have no control over your laughter. Like someone pushed a button that causes you to laugh."

She closed her eyes in understanding and let out a smile.

"I see. I think I understand. How do you know of Earth sayings?"

"Wab told me to keep it a secret. I think I can trust you to keep it. I am from Earth."

She opened her eyes wide and looked at me in amazement.

"Really? I have so many questions! What is it like? How are your buildings structured? How does... Technolloy? Tacknogoloy? Uh, how does that stuff work? OH! I also want to..."

"Might be better to address that stuff another time. We should probably get back to the others. Where did they go? Why did they leave Onala?"

She shook her head.

"This village here is Ortaga. They should have stopped by Onala already. This is how our hunts work. These beasts are hunted once every forty days. The horn that calls that dragon was an item that was given to our kind as part of an agreement. The Dragons and the lizard-men don't normally get along. This Dragon was ousted from his family. His ability to hunt is limited. He is not allowed to kill for himself what the other dragons hunt regularly. However, the lizard-men are not under the same rules. We kill it and he gets a piece for helping transport it to our three defensive villages. He could hunt other prey on his own if he wanted. He just really enjoys the meat from this hunt."

"Can the Dragons talk?"

She nodded.

"They can. Only a few can speak Eysian though. They all speak an old language that my people never let go of. Not that we speak to them regularly."

"I think I would like to meet a Dragon one day."

"Like getting eaten, do ya?"

She raised an eyebrow.

"Their personalities are that great, huh?"

"Always. If not for the deal with Danrobious, he would have eaten us a long time ago. Let's start walking back to Onala. We may get back just before dark if we leave now."

I nodded and began to follow her lead. I kept pace with her.

"So the defensive villages share the hunted prey?"

"It is important to keep each village fed. We rotate which village does the hunt. In forty days, Odlara will lead the hunt. They will call the dragon and the flesh will be shared again. If one village falls. The others will be soon behind."

"What could cause that?"

"If one village does not eat, where do you think they will get food? Stealing from the nearby village is the only source. Worst case, cannibalism."

"Why not just do another hunt?"

"The hunt is balanced. If you hunt too often, the prey will die out. There used to be many more. The same is true of my people. Overpopulation and multiple hunts a day caused breeding problems for our prey. They mate and grow amazingly fast for their size. It still was not enough to feed my people. There are three breeding grounds. The hunt rotates villages to accommodate alternating the location of the hunt also. This gives 120 days to allow the prey to repopulate each area. If you can call one or two offspring as populating the area."

"So it's a bit of a balancing act to keep what lizards are left, alive."

She nodded her head. She had a sad look.

"This world is dying. Ever since magic left, nothing was ever the same. The greater spirits. Plants and trees that thrived on mana. There was a race that was called 'The Saviors of All.' Their people could consume mana to gain strength. They had heroes who saved people all across Eyse. They were looked upon with respect. Even from my kind. The Dragons were their close allies."

Riksa kicked a rock in her path.

"When the mana was used up, their race was wiped out in a day. Their lifeforce was mana itself. Many people lost hope. More than just the Saviors were lost. There were many that took their lives to be with the Saviors in the afterlife. The day of the battle between the Magician and the human that drank the potion of Rage, that was the beginning of the end for this world."

"Is this world really that close to dying?"

"It won't be mere days away. There may still be a few thousand years left. That is a short time for an entire world though."

"So very true."

Ironic. I wound up with immortality in a world that has so little time left.

That last bit of conversation was a downer. We stopped talking for a while during our walk.

Around the time it was starting to get dark, we could just barely see signs of Onala in the distance.

"Almost home."

Riksa commented.

"Lake? Can I... Would it be okay if... If I stayed the night with you again?"

I let out a sigh. I was ahead of her on our walk at this point. I could not see her face. I could imagine her begging puppy-dog eyes, though. My mind kept wandering between her immediate simple request and my desire to see Sophie.

My ears picked up a difference in the sound around me. Rather, the lack of sound behind me. Riksa had stopped in her tracks.

I turned around. She was standing in one spot, moping. She looked so dejected from my lack of an answer.

I opened my mouth. Nothing escaped beyond my breath. I took a few steps closer to her and tried again. Still nothing. What do I say? I have only known her for a day. I can tell, she has a good personality. Again, Sophie is always on the back of my mind. I felt like I betrayed her from the night before. Not that Sophie and I have done anything like that. Now that I think of it. My laughter from Riksa's confession must have been a released weight from my shoulders.

Sophie was asking about children before I came here. Maybe... She was not here now, though. This sight before me was, heartbreaking.

"I never gave you an answer. Why do you look like I already said no?"

"I only got to spend time with you because of blind luck. I know I am weird. Besides Hild, the others don't talk to me. I only got to sleep next to you because you were already asleep. I was only paired with you because no one else would pair with me."

"I don't see how you are considered weird. Before I came here, I had only met Wab. I had no idea what the lizard-people were like. You all seem weird. If I really think about it though, you seem to be the least weird person here. At least, that's how I see it."

I walked up to her. I placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked away from me.

"Why do the others not like you?"

"I'm weak. I don't like all the same things as other lizard-people. I'm... Female."

"Uh... You didn't seem weak during the hunt. I'm not following."

"My family lineage. These colorings on my scales represent more than just strength. In my family's bloodline, to have these colors is to be a true warrior. It means I was expected to lead. I was expected to be better than most. My brother is a perfect example. My, more slender female frame is seen as a weakness."

I haven't seen anyone else with these colors. It sounds like she is just got stuck with the right colors but the wrong body. Wab was large, strong and a leader. Riksa looked small compared to the males and she was a bit clumsy. She was strong though. I saw that for myself. She has a good heart, too. I think she really just wants someone that won't reject her like the others.

"Riksa, I can't say I understand your... situation. I do know that I enjoyed our time together today. If you are okay with 'just' sleeping, I suppose you can stay with me tonight."

I could tell that she perked up a bit at my approval for sleeping arrangements. She stopped herself from looking at me.

"If you are just trying to be nice because you feel bad for me, then I would rather you just tell me to go away."

"I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't feel bad. I..."

"Then just let me be."

She turned away from me and tried to walk away. I reached for her hand. In my successful latching of hands, she tried to pull away. Her face was distorted in sadness. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"Let me finish."

Riksa stopped struggling with my grip.

"I feel bad because... I like you. I feel bad because no one should be alone and rejected like that."

She turned toward me with hope in her eyes. I managed to collect her other hand. Her eyes found mine and mine, hers.

"I talked with you because I wanted to. I didn't feel like I had to. I came here expecting to find a warrior tribe. I got a bunch of goofballs that can really kick ass when they want to. You included."

She squeezed my hands and looked down again.

"How can you say those things about me? You like me? What have I done to make you like me?"

"Your company. You shared your time with me. Your words, your care and your worry. Almost everyone here only sees me as 'The Master.' You, Wab and Kidj are the only ones to talk to me like I'm just some guy. I appreciate that more than you know."

I saw a smile peek out of her lips.

"You are more than 'just some guy,' to me."

"All the more reason to acknowledge you as a friend."

She let loose a tear.

"You have no idea how much that means to me. To have a friend. Why do you seem to be so intent on avoiding me as a lover though?"

"I have someone I care for. I care for her a lot. I think of her all the time. I worry about her and I wonder what our future can hold. At the same time, I lost my wife recently. I think, for me, It feels like I am betraying my wife by caring for this other girl already. So soon after her death..."

Riksa saw the pain I had in my eyes. As soon as I saw the worry on her face, I remembered. I can't let these feelings overwhelm me. She pulled me close to her and wrapped her arms around me. It felt good. She held me tight. I returned the sentiment with my own arms.


"What? I didn't..."

"What is her name? The one you care for?"


"Sophie? It's a good name. It's gentle on the tongue. Is she a gentle person?"

"She is."

"Then, I think she will become my rival in love."

She whispered that last part. I have no idea what she said. We broke away from our embrace. The village was in sight. I lost the urge to get back as soon as possible.

"That... hut of mating... do you think people will show up in a large crowd again like this morning?"

"Maybe a few. I doubt there would be a repeat of those numbers from yesterday. Why?"

"Let's go there. It's nearby, right? Just no m..."

"I know, I know. Sex is off the table. It is nearby, let's go."

She had a good smile. It made me happy to see her like this. I followed her. I recognized some of the terrain. We were close to the hut. It was a ways outside of the village. She found it quickly in the dark. We entered. She found a couple of rocks that she used to spark a fire on a single candle.

"We only need the light long enough to get into bed."

I nodded in agreement. She had already seen me naked. I did not shy away from getting nude and under the covers of the same bed I woke up in. In a short while, she was just as nude as this morning. With the candlelight, I could see she had no nipples on her chest. I was curious. I was about to ask when I watched her begin to pull up the blanket on the bed across from mine.

"You don't want to come over here? I said it was okay. I didn't think we would be back in a hut with two beds."

She stopped in her tracks.

"I just thought... You said you had..."

"I guess you don't want me to keep you warm. What a shame."

I turned over. I was facing away from her now. I felt like an ass. I knew exactly what I was saying. My words were pure manipulation. They worked too. I heard a light breath. The light from the candle went out. The blanket that was on top of me began to rise behind me. I shimmied closer to the right side of the bed to give her more room. She snuck in behind me. Her warm and soft underbelly scales felt so good on my back. Better than soft silk. Her right arm wrapped around my chest.

"Is this okay?"

She asked shyly. I placed my hand on hers to reaffirm that it was okay. Her face was nuzzled into the back of my neck. Her tail went between my legs and wrapped around my right thigh. It felt a bit different. The scales on the underside are just as soft as her underbelly. The hard scales on the outside were cool, smooth and firm. The contrast between warm on my right thigh and cool on the left was nice. I felt so comfortable as the small spoon. I could fall asleep any second.

She pressed her breasts against my back. I remembered my question.

"I know reptiles and mammals are different. I never thought I would see a reptile with more human-like features, like you."

"Does that bother you?"

"No. For a lizard, you are... I think you are attractive."

She squeezed my chest.

"Still, some of those differences are making me curious. Your kind hatch from eggs, right?"

"We do. Though, our eggs are placed in a hatchery. Unless there is a special marking on an egg, the parents won't know which hatchling is theirs. In the case of my brother and I, who our parents were was obvious from the coloring."

So, most of the lizard-people don't even know their own parents? That sounds harsh for the young ones."

It reminded me of one of my favorite movies where the hero was sent to mars and one of the aliens there had a similar practice with their young.

"Well, mammals give live birth. When the baby is born, the mother has nipples on her breast to allow her child to ween on the mother's milk."

"Yes, we have some animals in Oddasa that are used for milking."

"I mostly brought this up because I was wondering why you have breasts? Your kind don't have hidden nipples under the scales or something, do you?"



So they aren't actually breasts?

"The rounded parts on the top of your chest."

She giggled for a bit. She was unable to hold in a few louder chuckles.

"These are not breasts. They are not used for their original purpose anymore. Many, many generations of lizard-men ago, females had only one way to attract strong males. It was to puff up their chest. I don't mean to just inhale a bit of air, these are actual airbags. The strong males would only choose the females with the largest air sack. They only protrude now because of all the extra skin that can be used to hold air."

It was my turn to chuckle.

"Airbags... You would make good steering wheel attachments."

"A string wheel? What?"

"An Earth joke."

"I still... *Yawn* want to hear about Earth. Will you tell me, someday?"

I nodded.

I felt her squeeze me all over one more time before I lost consciousness.