Ch 37 The Village of Oddasa

I woke up as the big spoon to Sophie and the small spoon to Riksa. Goby was on top of my hip and the new blanket. Riksa's arm was over me and her hand was on Sophie's chest. I think Riksa gave Sophie a squeeze. I heard Sophie moan a little. I could have enjoyed this some more, but I decided to take the high road.

I lifted Riksa's arm and took her hand in mine. I kissed Sophie on the back of her neck. She began to rouse.

"Uhh. Lake? Was that you?"

Her voice told me she was still sleepy. I kissed her neck again.

"Yeah. It's morning."

She moved around a little.

"I guess I should get up. I have to pee."

"Yeah, it's probably best to get up for that. Don't want to get the bed wet."

She reached back and hit my face with a sleepy hand.

"Bad, Lake. That was a dumb joke."

"I know. Sorry."

She mustered up the energy to remove the blanket from her and realized how cold it is outside of the blanket. She found her clothes and put them on in an attempt at warming up. She went outside and left me with Riksa.

"She's gone. We can fool around a bit."

Riksa was awake.

"How long do you think it takes an elf to pee? Tell you what. I'll give you what I gave her."

I turned around. We were face to face. I moved in. She pursed her lips in an erroneous assumption. I passed her lips and kissed her on the neck. She was surprised and disappointed. I kissed her a second time in a different spot on her neck. I pulled away and began to roll backward.

"You tease!"

She stopped my roll halfway through. I was on my back when she mounted my stomach. She leaned in for another kiss. I was powerless to stop her. I could feel some of her dangling hair tickle my forehead. She stole another kiss from me.

"That one was for last night."

"You want the same treatment from me that I give to Sophie? A bit of a jealous streak?"

I raised a brow. She looked sad.

"I was teasing you. I don't tease anyone that I don't like."

I sat up and she slid down into my lap. Her tail draped over my left leg. Our breaths could be felt on each other's faces. Our eyes were inches from each other. Our bodies were in full contact, connecting front to front. I continued to look into her eyes. I could see there was still some form of uncertainty. She turned away from me, almost as if she knew I was looking into her soul and saw something she didn't want me to see.

"Do you... Not like me?"

I asked. She quickly turned back to me with a look of alarm.

"What? Of course I d..."

"And yet, you can't seem to look into my eyes. Are you afraid of something? Me?"

She looked down. She was lost in thought.

"I'm not afraid of you. I... I don't know what it is. It's nothing you've done. You have only been good to me."

My first thought was, maybe she still thinks that I am too good to be true? Someone who can see her as more than an anomaly. Maybe it's the complete opposite. Maybe she thinks I'm not worth the time anymore.

She embraced me in her arms. I rested my face on her neck.

"You don't have to force yourself for me. Don't ever think you 'have' to do anything for me. I don't think of myself as some god or powerful being. I'm just me. There are individuals that I like. There are few that I hate and even fewer that I love. You don't have to be the lizard that is ignored. You don't have to let others call you weak. When I saw you run back to Wab, ahead of me. My first thought was that you were much faster than the others were, during the hunt. I don't think you are actually weak. I think you let others call you weak and you take their word for it. You let them drag you down as a lesser being. If I am wrong, then I am wrong, but If you are being dragged down, do you know what that means?"

She considered what I said for a moment, then shook her head.

"If someone drags you down, that means that you were in a higher place to be pulled down, from. Someone on your level can't drag you down. I'm not saying to prove yourself to others. I just want you to be able to prove it to yourself. You deserve to be able to respect yourself. When you can do that, I feel that 'you' will feel much better about yourself. When you do, you will be able to look others in the eyes with pride and certainty."

I looked over to see Sophie in the doorway. Riksa followed my line of sight and found her also.

"Oh! My turn to pee."

Riksa leaped off of me and the bed in one bound. The blanket almost flew off with her tail. I grabbed the corner before it could go too far. I was a little relieved when she left. It was getting more difficult to hold back my arousal with two nude women so close to me. Sophie sat on the bed next to me.

"You sound like some kind of... sage of wisdom."

"I don't feel like it. I wonder if what I say sounds stupid or if I'm miles off base. It didn't look like she felt any better when she left. Maybe I just confused her more."

"Even if what you said didn't hit the mark, the sentiment is what counts. I'm sure she knows that. That's part of why I lo... Like... you."

Her cheeks turned red. I kissed her on the head.

"I love you too."

Her face turned even redder. Her face looked like she just got some huge news that she didn't know how to mentally digest. It was super cute. I think I also felt some flush in my cheeks when I said it.

I immediately thought of Mery. In my head, I knew that Mery was no longer among the living. I knew that she wouldn't want me to suffer alone. Still, in my heart, I felt like I was betraying Mery.

I got up and found my clothes. Sophie showed Riksa how to make the stew we had last night. It served as our breakfast too. Sophie used the travel bag I got to pack a few things for herself. The second I said I wanted her to come with me, she was happy to tag along.

We were ready to leave the cave behind for now. Sophie gave me Gleamour back. I arrived at the top of the entry cave. I opened the door with Gleamour and we emerged from the side of the mountain. I closed the door behind Riksa. Goby was riding in Sophie's new travel bag with his head popping out of the cover.

"Let's get the show on the road!"


Both of the girls asked in unison.

"A saying for, let's go."

We made our way down the tiny mountain and out to the path. It would be another long day of walking before we get back to Onala. Then even more time before I could see this 'Guru.'

Sophie and Riksa were talking to each other most of the walk. Every so often, Riksa would ask more questions about Earth. Sophie became interested in the world I was from as well.

We found the location where the first lizard-men ambushed me. Riksa stopped me and stepped forward.

"This is the Master. Let us pass."

"Okay. Have a nice day."

The lizard-men stayed in their camouflaged spots. We walked past without issue. It made me think that it was definitely the right choice to leave Sophie behind at first. We arrived at the village in the middle of the night.

"Would it be easier to find an inn, or..."

Riksa thought for a moment.

"Maybe we should just use our usual spot. Hild and I share a hut. The inns are not very private."

I agreed. This time, I knew the way to the hut of mating. When we got there, the girls did not even bother to get undressed. They both plopped down on the bed on the right. I decided to take the bed to the left.

Morning arrived in a flash of light. An old seam was beginning to come undone and allowed sunlight to hit my face. I sat up to get out of that tiny spotlight. Riksa was gone. Sophie was still asleep on the other bed.

I heard the door flap open. It was Wab and Riksa.

"Perfect timing. We can start heading to Oddasa at any time."

"Cool. Maybe some pee breaks first. Once Sophie is ready, we should be good to go."

"What about... *Yawn* me?"

Sophie heard us talking.

"If you need to go pee, now is the time. We are about to start walking again."

"Already? Okay."

Riksa showed her a private throne room, just inside the village. Wab and I waited here for them.

They returned after about twenty minutes and the four of us began our new trek.

The desert looked the same in all directions. I was thankful that we had our escort. Riksa slowed her pace to leave Wab in the front and walk with me.

"I almost forgot. As much as I like Sophie, elves are not liked by my kind in general. Oddasa is even more prejudiced than the defensive line of villages. It's probably best that you keep a close eye on her, just in case."


I stopped in my tracks. I was the center of attention.

"I went and got Sophie, just so I could bring her somewhere more dangerous? Never mind. Let's go back, Sophie."

I turned around and began walking away from the destination.

"Wait, Lake! I don't want to go back. I don't want to be there alone. I want to stay with you."

"Goby would be with you."

"That's not what I meant. When you were in that elf jail, I felt so alone. The man who rescued me was gone. I had Estheria and Luv. It didn't matter that they were there. I just felt so lonely. I don't like that feeling. I put up with being at the new home inside the mountain because you said you would be back soon. And you were. I don't want you to leave me behind. Ever again. Please, Lake. Don't make me leave your side."

Against my better judgment, I abandoned my plan to return home and went back to her. I placed a hand on her head and kissed her forehead.


Her face quickly brightened up. I know from personal experience that being alone can be painful at times.

Wab came to me after we resumed our March to Oddasa.

"So you really are also from Earth?"

He began.

"Also? I knew there was another from Earth. Did you know him too?"

"Her. I did not know her. My family passed down the stories of her. She was another human user of the potion of Rage."

"So she was banished by the Magician? She was evil?"

"No. That man was evil. She was different."

Sophie interrupted Wab.

"But, the books I read, they said that there was only one human who used the potion and he was the one who was banished."

"That story is true. That he was the only other human to use it, is a lie."

"So the third person to use it? That was her?"

Wab nodded his head.

"Her name was Kelly. She was our previous Master. She helped us with the Dragon pact. She helped us arrange our villages. Most of this information was lost to our people. My family and maybe the King's family are the exceptions."

"So Kelly was from Earth? Do you know how she got here? I still have no idea how I was brought here myself."

"She did not know. She tried to find out. Without luck."

I scratched my arm. I had touched a random splinter along my skin. I unconsciously responded with an "Ow." I knew It didn't hurt, but It did bring another question to my head.

"Was she immortal, like me?"


"But, she is not around? Where did she go? Another part of the world?"

"She fought against the fourth user of the potion. We never knew what happened to her after that. She never came back to us."

So there were still more questions than answers. Great.

The rest of our trip allowed us to arrive before nightfall. We were met with armored guards at a large wall surrounding the city. Wab addressed the guards.

"I am Wab, leader of Onala. I wish to bring this human to the King for assessment."

"Assessment? For what? Humans should have been food by now. Wait... Is that an elf? That should have been food, too."

"This human is the new Master. Do you dare deny the Master entry?"

The two guards looked at each other. With an angry face, the guard spoke.

"Okay, the human can pass for assessment. The elf can stay. It be our food now."

I stepped in front of Sophie. Before I could speak, Wab took the lead.

"You can't have the elf. She is..."

Wab was lost for words.

"She is what? Food works for me."

"She is MY slave. If you harm her, consider the new Master an enemy of the lizard-man race."

I made sure to assert my dominance. It was a failed attempt.

"Ohhhh. Human get mad. If I just poke her with my spear, I'm sure you will forget about her in a few days. Slaves are easily bought."

He began to circle to my left while the silent guard circled to the left with an equally evil look on his face. Riksa watched the guard on the right while I was ready to fight the guard on the left.

"She is more than a slave to me. I will not kill you if you harm her."

"Oh no? How generous."

"I will, however, bring the King and his army to their knees. When he asks why I will present him with your corpse. Still want to make an enemy of me?"

Wab was just looking on for that exchange. He began to actively approach the speaking guard to stop him.

The guard slapped the ground with his spear tip and threw dirt in Wab's face. He lunged at Wab. The spear caught Wab's right arm. Nothing too serious. It was bleeding, though. Wab quickly moved back until he hit the wall near the door.


His eyes were still blinded. I watched what happened to Wab. That was a mistake on my part. When I looked forward again, the lizard-man was thrusting a spear at my stomach. Dodging the hit could result in harm to Sophie. If it goes all the way through me, there could be similar results. My only recourse was to attempt to grab the spear and hold it before it gets to Sophie. He was stronger than me for sure.

I stepped forward allowing the spear to pierce my stomach sooner than later. I grabbed hold of the spear handle in the middle. My feet were flat on the ground but were pushed back. When the spear was pulled from me, I looked back at Sophie to assess her condition. The side of her stomach was grazed. The cut cloth revealed that the wound itself was not deep. I was relieved of the stress of her condition. She could heal from that. I had also seen Riksa fighting to hold back the other guard. I was thankful for her presence.

As my anxiety left me. I was being filled with anger. The realization that Sophie was hurt, sent waves of heated anger through me.

I have had spots of anger in the past. Idiot drivers. Lagging video games.

This was different. Almost like something was fueling me and not letting me say no to the feeling. I stepped forward with my right foot. I could see the lizard in front of me was disturbed at the sight of me. I had no idea why. I charged at him. My speed was unparalleled. I found myself next to the lizard that hurt Sophie. He had not even followed my movement. It was like he was moving in slow motion.

He slowly began to turn his head toward me. I backhanded his face with a force I have never known.

His head disappeared from his torso. There was instantly a large red splat against the wall.

The guard's headless body took a step forward before it fell. It seemed as though time had come back to normal as I watched the body fall.

I looked behind me to the guard that was fighting Riksa. She was no longer struggling with him. He was instead, clawing at the door he was supposed to guard.


I began to walk toward him. I only took three steps before I saw something over the top of the wall.


Sophie was still wounded. I had to protect her. My speed was still with me. I rushed to her in less than an instant and faced my back to the archers. I watched over her as she was protected by my body.

I waited for the arrows to come for me. I felt nothing.


I heard Wab call out.


I watched Sophie's wound. It was still bleeding. Maybe it was worse than I thought. I tore off some of my shirt and folded it over before I covered her wound. She gasped in pain.

"I will make sure that you will survive. If I have to destroy the village to get you treatment, I w..."

"No. Eh... Don't kill anymore for me. I won't accept any kind of treatment if you kill others to get it."

I let out a sigh. That felt frustrating. Like she had pulled a viable option off the table.

Admittedly, killing was never my personality. Was this part of the potion's power? To make the user think death is a good means to an end? Was this why the other users went berserk?

"I understand. I won't hurt anyone. Just... hold on."

I heard Wab stumble behind me. I think Riksa helped him up.

"This is the new Master. Don't attack if you value your lives! I have befriended him. Don't ruin what I have cultivated with him."


One of the lizards on the wall called out.

I stood up and removed my shirt. I held it up.

"The hole in the middle of my shirt was caused by your bloodthirsty guard's spear."

I revealed my stomach. It was still healing from the spear wound. I reached in and pulled my hand out, covered in blood. I concentrated and activated my explosive healing. The wound was gone.

I heard some of the lizard-men above gasping and awing. They began shouting different things amongst each other. The doors began to open. What must have been a commander, walked through the door first. He was decorated with silver plate armor. Unique armor that I had never seen before. There were feathers donning his helm and shoulders.

"What happened here? I was told the new Master has revealed himself."

"Your guard attempted to take my life and harmed MY Sophie."

I meant to say, slave. It didn't bother me that I said her name, though. I saw her look at me when I said it. She was still in pain. I could not make any other facial tell tales, out.

I looked over my shoulder to give the commander an evil eye.

"If you want to attempt to appease my anger at this outrageous greeting, you will have my slave taken to the best doctor in this village. She WILL be given the best treatment. I can't promise anyone's safety if she were to die here."

His eyes almost comically bugged out of his head. He had a look of true terror on him. He turned around without a word. A few lizard-men came out with a makeshift stretcher. Sophie was carefully placed on the stretcher. I followed along with her. I never let her hand go.

I head Riksa call out.

"I will stay with my brother and find you later."

That was fine with me.

I still felt anger in my gut. It was a slow fading sensation. Almost like a channel-sized inlet with a pinhole outlet.

This power of anger is scarier than I thought.