Ch 47 The Plots of Princes: Part 2

I closed my eyes. I felt free. The transition was almost instant. The lights around me were unchanged from last time. No new guests to distract me.

I found Fear's light and activated it.

"What do you want, Fear?"

"Such a nasty greeting! Why do you make me out to be some plotting pretender? I am nothing like the Prince you encountered earlier. As a matter of fact, I wanted to help you. I always want to help you. I had an Idea for your power!"

"More shadows? What, destroy the palace? Free all the slaves and make an enemy of all lizard-kind?"

"Nothing of the sort! The opposite in fact. No destruction at all! I propose a stealth mission. Why do people destroy what they don't know? They fear the unknown. Once the unknown becomes known, It is no longer feared. It is then taken advantage of. Lightning was a thing of fear until the humans of Earth figured out how to harness electricity. Now they take advantage of it in immeasurable numbers. That Prince is currently an unknown. I say, we make him a known and take advantage of him."

I liked where he was going with this.

He began to pace around the circle of lights.

"The way our power works is, it is imposed onto a target. Your will is what gives said target all of its power. What if... You give a target only minimal power. Not enough to make it grow, only enough to let the shadows take control. If you do it right, I am sure that I could help you see through the eyes of the target while you control the body. A remote drone with a camera, so to speak."

His knowledge of Earth's technology surprised me. I don't know why, he is part of me.


"How do we do this? We need a subject. A bug. Something small and hard to spot. A random target in the castle would be no good. We need something near your body to get a sense of bearings and have an understanding of the surroundings."

"Should I..."

"Yes, yes. Break the meditation and go find something nearby."

I stood there, annoyed. Fear stopped pacing and looked at me.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Seconds in here are minutes out... there..."

He finally noticed my annoyance. He was commanding me and interrupting me.

"I'm sorry. I just get in the zone when I know what needs to be done. I'll try not to do it in the future."

"Thank you."

I broke the meditation. I have no idea how long I was out. Riksa was closer but she was laying down on the floor now. I think she is asleep. I stood up quietly and began looking around the area. Nothing immediately caught my attention. I started searching outside of the cell. The guys were asleep. Jazzy was too. Jezzy, however...


I whispered. She heard me and approached.

"Lake. What were you doing over there?

I heard you talking to someone. Is it someone you know?"

"That's my wife over there. She seems troubled and she won't tell me why."


"Anyways. I am looking for insects. Are there any in your cell?"

She narrowed her eyes and shook her head.


"Uh, science experiment?"

"Let me see..."

She was not amused at my odd request. She browsed for a moment while I looked more around the outside of the cell.

"Here. Will this work?"

She held her closed hand out. I held mine open under hers. She let go and a cricket-like insect fell into my palm. I gently grasped it as quickly as I could.

"Probably. Thanks."

I began to walk back to Riksa's cell.

"Lake. Just don't give up on her. That would make me feel so alone if the man I loved gave up on me just because I didn't want to talk right at that moment."

I showed a smile.


I saw her smile back.

I returned to the cell. Riksa had not moved. I held the insect in my hand.

'Now what, Fear?'

'Just concentrate. You remember how to make use of your powers, no?'

I had to concentrate on the feeling of fear.

I spent over an hour building the feeling and releasing it onto the test insect. Several failures forced me to try over and over. Either there was not enough power to take control or the shadows began to grow too big for my hand.

"This isn't working."

I felt as though something was not mixing right. I reeled my hand back and was about to throw the six-legged creature.

My eyes were forced to focus on something close to my face. Something that was not there before. I dropped the insect and observed the wonderfully timed spider descending before me.

This was what I needed. The spider represented fear across the surface of Earth. Here before me was a willing participant. It came to me. I felt confident about this attempt.

I closed my eyes and changed my body over to a common meditative form. I used the feeling of fear to imbue the creature before me with the shadows.

'This! This is it!'

My eyes were shut away from all light. Even so, I began to see. My vision was coming back.

No. Not my vision. This was the spider's vision. The wide-angle gave me a feeling of sensory overload. It took time to get used to the sight through a spider.

'It's working! Try moving the body of the spider.'

I moved my right arm. I saw movement next to me. It was one of the spider legs. I tried to move a leg. Another spider limb moved. I was easily able to move four legs. The others were not so easy to figure out. A creature with four limbs does not have the understanding of an extra limb, let alone four extras.

The spider was still attached to a web. The sensation was... unusual. I fell from my secure line and landed in front of my human body. Seeing me from the outside was... interesting.

The fangs and palps were easy. Over time, I learned to use the body almost as my own. I am sure that anyone watching would call my movements awkward but, I was moving.

My movements got faster as I moved further away. I began to wander down the center path of the prison. I heard sounds that were not familiar. They were loud, deep and slow. I turned to my right. Jezzy was speaking. She saw the spider. Maybe she was trying to call my attention.

When she was looking, I raised two of my legs to wave at her. She looked so confused.

I continued toward the exit. The stairs were good climbing practice. Once I got to the top step, I began climbing the wall next to the doorway. I was much more comfortable once I got to the top. I climbed down and around the top of the doorway. Walking along the floor and getting stomped as I left would have been dumb.

I knew this hallway. I knew where to go. I found Cazthil's room without trouble. The door was tight around the edges. The door hinge, though. It had a massive gap. I slipped in and slowed down for caution's sake.

I slowly entered the room, one leg at a time. I could not see Cazthil anywhere. He must have left after I did. Maybe I can find some dirty little secrets in here while he is away. I began to scurry around the desks and drawers. Under the bed and around the floors. I was kind of hoping for a hidden basement door. No luck.

I heard the guards move.


"Get out of the way. Imbeciles."

Cazthil was back. I had to hide. I was close to the charred corner. I decided to gun it to the ceiling from there. I came across an odd rounded rise on the wall. I swiftly climbed over it and made it to the ceiling before he could close the door behind him. I simply stayed still and observed.

"Damn. That human was a waste of time. I wanted him under my thumb. He didn't drink the mead. He would have been mine for days if he had drunk that aphrodisiac concoction. I looked like a fool, attempting to seduce him."

I was proud of myself for not drinking that shit.

He proceeded to break a tall mirror by throwing some kind of bauble at it.

He roared in fury and held his claws out like he was going mad.

"This is HIS FAULT!"

"Calm yourself."

This new voice. Where was it coming from? I could see no one. I have eight eyes and I don't see anyone else here.

"In time. He can be yours. You need patience. You have shown him kindness already. Compound it. Make him feel obligated to return a large favor."

He walked up to the blackened corner. He looked at it as though it meant something to him.


My eyes began to see a new shape forming in the charred wall. It began to move. An arm reached out from it. Two arms surrounded the Prince. He moved closer and the black charred body embraced him.

Colors began to change. First greys then blues. The body of this individual settled on a color that was not found anywhere else in this room. It was a female lizard and she decided to settle on a deep red color. She was hiding in the corner with camouflage before. Was she there when I was in this room before?

Her form did not reveal any skin like Riksa. She was covered in scales. Her build was much more feminine than most of the female lizards I have seen, too.

"I'm so close, Brita."

"We, are close. Try not to rush, Caz. Mistakes are made when one decides to rush."

He wrapped his arms around her and buried his head in her chest. She began to caress him.

Suddenly, my body felt heavy. Not the spider but, my actual body. I lost focus for a moment. Her attention was drawn away from him for the slightest of seconds. I saw her turn her head followed by a pink blur.

My connection was lost. In a true chameleon fashion, I believe she had used her tongue from a distance to catch her prey.

I was brought back to the senses of my human body. The weight I felt was Riksa, mounting herself upon my lap. Her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms behind my back. I reciprocated the embrace.

"You doing okay?"


She was reluctant but, trying. We were quiet for a few minutes.

"My brother has... I have, a nephew. Malfigi. Wab never told me about him before."

She whispered into my ear.

"I know. I already met him."

She pulled her head away to reveal a look of surprise.

"What? How?!"

"I saw him on the way to the palace. His colorings were a dead giveaway. I stopped him from stealing a coin purse from a woman and I gave him fruit with some coin."

She smiled endearingly and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"You aren't even related to him and you have directly done more for him than Wab or I."

"That's not true. I married you. He is my nephew too."

"As you already know, he is a thief and he was caught several times already. The only reason he is still alive is because Wab does favors for the royalty. He isn't allowed to see his son or they will put them both to death. That's why Wab did what he did. He was instructed to try to capture you in any way possible. I would have just been collateral damage."

"Well, you're good at making him look like the victim before you make him sound like an ass again. What would be the point in crushing me though?"

"He knew you would regenerate. He was going to capture you while you were incapacitated. No one knew that there was a cavern under the platform."

"I see. What does that have to do with you? Why are you here?"

"I got caught up in the same mess. Do as I am told or Malfigi will be hurt or worse."

"So, I'm basically in enemy territory. Right where they want me. Do you know who is giving the orders? Are you... Is this here, a trap?"

"No, no. I'm just here awaiting orders. It's supposed to be from a guard."

"Oy... Tough times. Why was it so hard for you to tell me these things? Did someone threaten you if you told me?"

"I was afraid you would be mad at me."

"Mad at you for what? They were strong-arming you into doing their bidding. You were protecting family."

She had a sad look on her face again. I reached out and pulled her in close for a kiss. We got lost in the moment. My desire for her had 'peaked'. I know she felt it. She abruptly broke the kiss. Her cheeks were red and she had the cutest shy face.

"Lake... I don't think... But, if you..."

"Sorry. I couldn't think of anything but you at the moment. I kinda lost myself there. I want you now but, this really isn't the best place. The state of things in this palace is... deteriorating at best. I need to figure out how to get my friends out. I want to help Malfigi. I may have to take that 'job' from the Prince but, I don't know how he will do things in the long run."

"Which Prince?"

I tilted my head.

"There is more than one? I have only met Cazthil so far."

"Cazthil is the elder of the two. Arthand is the younger. Cazthil is known for being conniving. Arthand has good intentions but can do nothing in the wake of his brother."

"Do you know where Arthand is? Maybe I should get his input."

"He can be reclusive at times. He tends to avoid confrontation and his brother. He is likely in his room. I don't know where his room is."

"I think I will try to find him."

I began to shift. Riksa stopped my movement.

"Stay with me for a while longer?"

"How can I say no to my beautiful wife?"

She put on a big smile before she closed the gap for a hug once more. We stayed like that for some time. She let go when she was ready.

"What if I get my orders and it has something to do with you?"

I looked out of the cell. The guard was still in position at the entrance. I still felt like I should be cautious. I whispered something into her ear. She nodded in understanding.

"I'll see you later."

I kissed her on the cheek before I left. I asked the guard to show me to Arthand's room. She reluctantly complied. I had a feeling this guard was directly under Cazthil. She showed me the room and left me alone with the door.

*Knock knock*

"Arthand? I'm Lake. I was wondering If I could talk to you."

No answer. My thoughts began to come up with horrible things that could have happened to him. I knocked once more. Still no response. I opened the door.

It was dark, save for a single candle next to a figure. He was in a chair, staring at a small painting in his hands. I closed the door behind me and approached. The painting depicted a lizard-woman. She was a slightly larger build than Riksa but, no less beautiful. Her colors depicted were the same as the oblivious lizard before me. They were mostly yellow with black stripes down the length of the body.

"Is that your mother?"

He was startled and fell backward. I caught him before he could hit the ground.

"Sorry. I knocked but, no one answered."

"Who are you?"

He had the voice of a teenager. Much younger than Cazthil, who sounded like he was in his mid-twenties. Based off of human standard voices anyways. For all I know, the two brothers are a year apart and 30 years old already.

"I'm Lake. I am the one who..."

"The potion of Rage user?"


"Are you here to kill me?"

I raised a brow.

"What? No. I just wanted to talk. I met your brother and..."

"So, you do want to kill me."

"I just told you, no. Maybe listen to what someone has to say before assuming. There is a saying where I come from. To assume is to make an ass out of you and me."

"Where you come from? Are you from Earth?"

"Ah, yes."

He showed more interest.

"Hold on, let me get some light on."

He took the only lit candle and used it to light up other fixtures in the room. I didn't think about it before. Cazthil's room was much brighter. Was he using WoM devices to light his room?

"Sorry if I was rude. I just do not know what to expect from my brother nowadays. I honestly would not put it past him to have me killed. Since he is next in line for the throne, he is treating it as though it's his already."

"Tough life. Sorry."

"Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to understand. Let me guess, you have a younger sibling too."

"As a matter of fact, I do have a younger brother. Well, had. I have no idea how he is doing. I don't know if I will ever see him again."

"And you were probably a terrible person to him as well."

"I was... In our younger years, I was. As we grew older, It became more of a mutual respect. It just kinda... clicked as I got older. It wasn't worth being mean to him. I had no reason to be mean. He would still annoy me but, he helped me in many ways. Even after I was mean to him, he still showed kindness. I miss him."

He was quiet. He looked like he was contemplating something in his head.

"That could never happen."

"For me, it did. After meeting your brother, I can't say that he would have the same realization that I did. He is a dick."

He began to laugh.

"That's rich. You agree with me about my brother? He must really be... And that bitch who... never mind."

"That lady who can camouflage? She seems kind of... manipulative."

His eyes showed great interest.

"You know about her? She has been here under our noses for the past year and no one believes me. She teases me and hides before anyone else can see. My father thinks I am crazy because of her. It has only made my brother seem all that more ready for the throne."

"Yeah, I saw her. She was hiding in your brother's room. She showed herself to me without realizing it. I'm pretty sure she still thinks I don't know."

Arthand picked up the painting.

"Yes. This was my mother."

He placed it on his desk gently. He missed her terribly, I could tell.

"What happened?"

"My father happened. She was executed. She was caught trying to free slaves."

"Like, just let them go?"

"She was looking for an ancient WoM device that could remove the slave seal. My father found her secret work in trying to locate it. Freeing slaves is forbidden throughout Eyse. He didn't try to hide it or cover it up. He dragged her out and publicly humiliated her."

"Sounds like she was a good woman."

He began to tear up.

"She was... I miss her so much. I was only a child when I last saw her. My father practically ignored me. She was the one who paid attention to me. She hugged me when I was sad. She helped me up when I fell. She meant the world to me."

He touched the painting.

"I hate my father. I wish he were dead. At the same time, that would only put my brother in charge. I don't know what to do."

"Your brother is trying to convince me to kill your father."

He looked at me with a confused look.

"Why would you tell me this?"

"You don't like your brother or your father. I don't like your brother and, though I have not met your father yet, he does not leave a good impression. What if 'we' worked together?"

"You could be executed for suggesting what I think you are suggesting."

"You could's not that easy."

He gave me an intense look for a while. I could tell he made up his mind when he closed the gap between us. He held out his hand.

"I want to be the one to take care of my father."

We shook. We spent some time discussing details. My meeting with the King tomorrow would probably end up a bloody mess. If we were successful, many things could be put right.

Before it got too late, Arthand suggested using the room next to his for the night. I was okay with the location. I felt I should avoid sleep in this place just in case. Not that I could be harmed but, who knows what ideas these royals could have in their heads.

I just hope Arthand is not playing me better than Cazthil.