Our trek began late. The sunset on us within the hour. Riksa had gotten a nap before we left so we both moved through the night. It was nearly mid-day before we reached the foot of the tiny mountain which protected our house. Riksa and I found ourselves in front of the door. I was just about to search for the string that would alert Sophie to our presence when suddenly the door was already opening. Had she found some way to keep watch for us? The door had moved just past the middle point, revealing Sophie's back. She was bending down to pick up the "Yuck bucket." Before she could finish her turn, I reached out and grabbed the bucket.
She practically screamed. As I had expected, her hands completely let go of the bucket handle. I was in full possession of the bucket now. Had I not grabbed it, the mess would not have been pretty.
"Hey! We're back!"
She almost slammed into me with her full body weight. I held the bucket further away from us, just in case.
"Let me get rid of this before it spills."
"Oh, Sorry. I was going to empty it, I had no idea you would be standing there. Hi Riksa! I'm glad to see you are okay, too!"
I walked away as they hugged. Our dumping spot was not far. We tried to use this location to grow plants that were more stubborn inside the mountain. The soil worked pretty well for most things but we were not interested in using this for fertilizer in the nearly enclosed space. I dumped the bucket and washed it out using water from a nearby river. I came back to the mountain entrance to a greeting by my wives. It almost felt too good to be true. We returned inside and closed the door behind.
I emptied out my bag. The girls were distracted by several Items that I had already removed. I hid the music box in an upper cupboard and behind some infrequently used dishes. Riksa was tired from all the walking throughout the previous nights. Sophie insisted on making dinner before anyone went to sleep.
Her cooking was always good. This was even better than before. She must have been practicing while we were gone. I was impressed. Riksa finished her food and went straight to bed. I stayed up with Sophie and told her of my adventures after I left the guru. It was late by the time I told her most of what went on. We took to the bed soon after.
I awoke to find Sophie as my little spoon. She was ever so gently, grinding my crotch with her butt. I paid close attention to her breath and movements. It happens that I had discovered her in the middle of pleasing herself.
I was not willing to sit by and watch my wife do all the work herself. I lifted my left hand and placed it on her butt cheek. I slowly slid my fingers along her skin up the side of her waist. She was aware of my presence now. She briefly stopped what she was doing. I kissed her neck to reassure her of my intentions.
"Don't stop."
I whispered. She took no time at all to resume. I managed to make my way over to her right breast and began to massage it. She let out a soft moan.
Before I did anything else, I took note of Riksa's position on the bed. Her back was to me and on the far side of the bed.
'Perfect' I thought. I built up some strength for a semi-quick movement.
"Don't be alarmed. I'm going to move you a little."
I whispered into Sophie's ear. I shifted my right arm under Sophie to give me leverage. I lifted her just enough to roll onto my back and keep her in the small spoon position. She was now on my stomach.
In this position, my right hand was now free to roam. I found her hand that she was using for herself. I gently rubbed the back of her hand. I lowered my fingers to hers. I took her hand away and replaced it with my own. I slowly began to work on her.
She brought her wet hand up. She seemed unsure what to do with it.
"Let me taste."
She turned her head enough that I could see an unsure look on her face. She let out only a single word that was almost inaudible.
She tasted almost sweet. I wondered if it was from eating the berries that now grew around the house.
I began to hear noises next to me. I think Riksa was awake and working on herself now, too. I didn't want to leave her out but, this was Sophie's moment. Even so, I felt her tail reach under me. It slowly crept into my underwear and began to tug them off.
I did feel a little cramped with what was happening on top of me. I used my legs to slightly lift myself up, to allow for the freedom she seemed to know I wanted.
Sophie was now aware of my arousal. I think this is what sent her over the edge. We rested for a moment.
After her body calmed down, her hunger became obvious. She wasted no time in turning over to mount me. Moments after, I felt the bed shift to my left.
Riksa had rotated herself as well. She had a lustful look on her face. Her cheeks were bright red and she was biting her lower lip. She still had her hand in her crotch. Sophie immediately caught my attention when she began to move.
I focused on her until the end. It seemed that we all finished around the same time. It was only morning and we spent most of our energy already. Sophie more so than Riksa and I. I told Sophie to rest in bed while I went to make breakfast for us.
As I was plucking some fruits for our meals, I began smiling. I was thinking of all the time we had to just rest and be ourselves. I had no work to speak of, which could possibly become an issue later on. Right now though, this garden seems to produce extremely well and fast. It made me wonder if the soil is special in some way. Was it enriched with magic at some point? Could soil be considered a Will of Memory?
For a little while at least, my worries were simply to learn more about and please my wives.
We spent much of our time over the next two weeks, enjoying ourselves. Some days we would just chat. Share ideas. Compliments. Other days were spent on lust. One day we spent mostly in bed. Not fornicating, just resting. Throne breaks and meals were the exceptions. It was a veritable honeymoon for the three of us.
I had no idea if rings were a tradition at all here. I wanted to get something for them at some point. I had made up my mind to go back to the Lizard Lands and search for some decent jewelry while I stocked up on food the next time I went.
That night after I fell asleep, I was pulled into the darkness. Since I was here, I figured I would call out Rage and see if he had any thoughts on marriage and traditions for elves and lizards.
I stood on his light. It refused to change. I got off and back on.
I stood on Wisdom's light.
Again, nothing.
"What is going on here?"
I was about to try Anger's light when I heard someone call out.
It was a pitiful cry. I could not tell where it was coming from. Was I on the verge of activating another light? Another power?
The voice sounded strained like someone was being choked. A female voice.
It was even fainter now. I recognized the voice. Someone in my past. I remembered Mery. It wasn't here but someone near her. Inu? no.
"Hel... m... me."
I called out. Why was her voice in my head?
"Ya finally figured it out. Good job. Now, I have a task for ya. I need ya to come to me. As fast as possible. This kitten's life depends on it."
A woman's voice. She sounded familiar too. The voice for sure, but the accent was different from what I remember. I can't pin it down.
"Where are you?"
"Good. As long as ya comply, I won't be too harsh on ya. I need ya to come to the southern base of the tallest mountain in the Faelands. I will meet ya there. Time is against ya."
I felt a sudden push. The room in my mind began to shift away from me, as though I was being forced out.
I awoke suddenly, covered in sweat. I sat up. Light was just barely starting to peek through the holes in the ceiling of the mountain. The girls were still asleep. Our lazy days got them used to sleeping in. I had to start my day early.
I knew this was going to be dangerous.
Possibly even for me.
I might have to leave the girls behind again. I wondered if I should even wake them.
Goby began to yawn and stretch. He walked up to me and put a paw on the back of my left hand.
'Don't disappear without saying anything.'
"You're right, Goby."
I have a feeling that Mother is translating for me. I don't actually hear his words. They just... pop into my head.
I let the image of the two beauties in this shared bed sink in. I let out a sigh and got off of the bed. I began making breakfast for them. I'm sure it was not nearly as good as Sophie's food. I did my best to make the food acceptable.
Sophie woke up first. She was stretching when she saw me. I brought her a tray that I made in the previous weeks, filled with her morning breakfast. I placed the tray over her legs. The feet of the tray rested on the bed and kept the tray itself a couple of inches off of her.
I proceeded to make up the food selection for Riksa's tray. I got close to her before I called out.
"Riksaaa. I have a surprise for you."
"Noo. Don't let the sumfbleshir..."
Sophie giggled at her sleep mumbling. She reached over and began to shake Riksa.
"Wake up. Lake made something just for you."
She shot up fast. Her eyes were still closed.
"What? Lake?"
"I made breakfast for you."
She opened one eye to confirm. After she saw the spread I made, she was more interested.
"That looks so good! Thank you."
"Yes, thanks Lake."
We engaged in small talk while I watched them eat with glee.
"Did you eat already?"
"I had a few fruits. I'm not too hungry right now. Actually, I need to tell you something."
Sophie had a concerned look. Riksa was still stuffing her face with food.
"I think a friend is in trouble and I have to go help as soon as possible."
"I'll go with you!"
Sophie didn't hesitate to offer.
"No you won't, Sophie. If he wanted help, he would have spoken to us before he made us food. This is something he has to do alone."
Riksa had me pinned. She didn't even look up.
"Sorry. I just feel like it would be dangerous for anyone to go. Even me. I don't want to have to worry about you two."
Sophie gave in.
I moved over to her side of the bed and sat next to her.
"I'll make it up to you when I get back. Okay?"
I reached in for a kiss. I only got her cheek. I felt shunned.
I stood up and began to get dressed. I didn't want to bring anything that could get destroyed. I put on simple clothes. The only thing in my pocket was the horn that Taaffeite gave to me. Hopefully, she would be my method to get there.
Riksa hopped off the bed and ran over to me. She was still fully in the nude. Her arms opened up for a hug. She came close to kissing me.
This time, my target was the half-eaten berry that was stuck to the side of her mouth. I nabbed it and kissed it into her mouth. She giggled when she realized my intention. We broke the kiss. Her mouth still had berry stains on the side.
I made a goofy look and straight-up licked the side of her face, with full tongue.
"Pfff! Hahaha, what are you doing?!?"
"I was cleaning your face. It was a little messy."
Her voice calmed down with that last word and she just hugged me.
"You have to make it up to me when you get back, too."
"That's kind of a given."
Her hug loosened and she pulled away. She gave me one last quick kiss before she turned around and began to collect the now mostly empty trays.
I was ready to leave now. I began to walk up the path to the mountain entrance. I used Gleamour to open the door. I waited as the door finished its slow-motion opening.
It was open. All I had to do was start walking forward. My feet were more than capable. For some reason, they refused to move. There was nothing in my path to stop me.
I heard bare footsteps, running up the stairs behind me. I turned around to find Sophie wearing only one of my shirts, which was fairly large on her. She was out of breath but, that didn't stop her from leaping into my arms and kissing me with a renewed passion.
This is what I was missing. I needed this affirmation of her love to keep going. I felt empty. Abandoned. A simple loving kiss made me feel strong and confidant.
I gave her a good squeeze while her legs wrapped around my waist. When we pulled apart, she was even more out of breath than before.
"I was afraid you had left already."
"I couldn't leave. Not with the way things were. You and Riksa mean more to me than anything else. Your disapproval shakes me down to the core. Upsetting you would be my ultimate failure."
"I just feel... like you keep trying to leave. Like I will always be left behind. I'm weak. I'm not useful. I feel like all I can do is hold you back. It's frustrating."
I smiled at her once more.
"You aren't holding me back. You are my strength. This world is still new to me. There is so much I haven't seen, done or learned. To be honest, the only thing I have had the entire time I have been in this world is you. You were there for my first day in Eyse. The thought of your safety is what kept me sane in that prison. After I found you again, keeping you safe is what kept me hoping. And as long as I have hope, I feel like I can take on the toughest challenges in this world. Every time I leave, my thoughts are of seeing you again. You are always on my mind."
When I started talking her expression was simple worry and frustration. As I continued telling her how I felt, her expression evolved into tear-filled happiness and sorrow. Before I could finish, her face was buried in my chest.
I loved this woman. This elf.
I sat down with her in my lap and began rocking her. After she calmed down, she only had two questions.
"Who is in trouble?"
"Mery's younger sister. Delicia."
"Do you think you can save her?"
"I would rather try and fail, than never try at all. If you were in trouble and I had left Delicia to die, would that not give you doubts about me? I don't want to be a husband that you doubt. I want to be the person you know you can depend on."
"Promise me you will come back."
"I'll do you one better. Every time I leave, I promise I will come back to you. No matter how long it takes. You will always be my destination."
She still had tears in her eyes but, she gave me such a beautiful smile.
My heart was full.
I could not have asked for a better sight before I left.