I had been impatiently waiting for hours. I told that idiot to hurry. Does he have no sense of urgency?
I eyed the large black cat next to me. She was tied up, tight.
It was easy to get her away from her village. Such innocence.
"Delicia. That's what he said, right? Was that ya name? Poor kitty. If he had never known ya..."
I kicked a rock that was sticking out of the ground.
The foot I used to kick it was throbbing in pain. It must have been larger than I thought and mostly underground. I was pissed at this body's pain and needed to let off some steam.
I reeled my foot back and let out a chant.
The chant reinforced my body. I gained temporary strength and sturdiness.
My foot was already mid-swing when the spell activated.
I kicked the rock as hard as I could manage.
The ground around the stone churned and revealed a boulder that must have been three times the weight of this body. It flew off into the distance until I could see it no more.
"Where is that little prick. 'He' said the user had a ride."
I was getting more impatient.
My magic sense pinged. Something large was coming this way.
The thought of getting to throw some punches really got my blood pumping.
My magic sense spell effectively used the expulsion of mana to detect differences in the space around me. Similar to a bat's echolocation. The more mana I put out, the farther I could detect movement.
While my vision could not detect anything, my magic sense gave me a near-exact location.
I charged up a fireball from behind a large rock. I let loose and watched it fly. The fireball missed but the explosion was always fun to watch.
I missed. It had to have been close though. How about some flack? I charged up a fireball with my right hand and let it go while another was charging up in my left. Three fireballs, one after the other were launched in succession.
"Dodge that!"
I decided to take cover by the tree line while the fireballs were mid-flight.
That disrupted the flow of things. I can sense the user's body now. A couple more spells and its game set and match!
I traced a circle and blurted out a chant for a holding spell.
"Halsther Nonthis Pah Lasay!"
My spell hit its target.
"HAH! Too easy."
I was having so much fun. I don't get to play with magic that often. I began charging up a spell with my left hand that would end my need to be here.
I heard the user call out. No idea what that means. Oh well...
Wait... Something is here...
I could feel heat coming from my right. An orange aura headed toward me? This presence is dangerous.
A blue bubble surrounded me and my hostage. I didn't have enough time to use the true chant. Can it hold?
The creature stopped the fire long enough for me to drop my shield and do a short cast for a repel spell.
The force was intense. It felt good to see the beast and how large it was when it hit the ground.
This power was turning me on.
My attention returned to my target.
He was loose from my holding spell!
"Fucker. Stay still!"
My dimensional teleport was nearly ready. Just a bit more mana. So much of it went into this spell. Luckily, in a free fall from that height, all I have to do is calculate where he will be when it gets to him.
I could feel a demented grin escape my lips.
I let loose the massive ball of mana. It grew larger as it got further away from me. The user was falling too fast to be hit.
I did a quick chant for a gravity spell on him. He should fall slower and be right on target.
"So close. Just get it over with already."
My body was calming down. The excitement was about to run out. I enjoyed playing with this person. I wish I could have played more.
A sound to my right distracted me.
The dragon was gone!
"Fuck! Where did ya go?"
My mana sense was still in use. The disturbance was headed straight for the spell. It was fast! I was about to ready another holding spell.
It was too late. I cant target behind the dimensional teleport.
I will just have to see what happens.
The dimensional teleport spell reached its zenith in size. It was about to release all the mana at once. The outer shell began to shed. It was about time to get rid of him and send him to another place.
The spell flattened out into a circular shape and zoomed forward. It consumed anything in front of it and disappeared as fast as it had moved forward.
I was infuriated. The dragon knocked the user away from the spell. HE IS STILL HERE!
I don't have enough mana to send him away now. 'HE' is gonna be pissed. With any luck, the user will at least be knocked out from the fall.
"Sligith Alsloh Forsyth."
A combination spell to allow me to float and fly forward. It was cheap, mana-wise. It saved this body's energy. I found him easily with my mana sense. He is unconscious.
"Hmm. This is... unpleasant."
My pleasure and hate have dissipated. I only felt bored. I can't kill him. Literally. Not that trying wouldn't be fun. I lifted him with a gravity spell and used a cheap lasso spell to drag him with me back to my hostage.
I tied him up and sat him opposite my sitting log. These breasts didn't make it easy to tie him up. They kept getting in the way. I left the kitty hanging from a tree branch in a comfortable view of the both of us.
He might be out for a while. Maybe I could get some shut-eye. I put a simple detect movement spell on him. If he wakes up, I will get an almost painful mind alarm to alert me.
I laid down and closed my eyes.
I was in my head space. I loved this familiar pitch black.
"Hey... Ya there?"
I called out. No answer was heard.
That sound wasn't him. Someone else is here?
The view was familiar. I recognize him. He was here before. This is the man I tied up.
I want to hurt him.
"I... hate... ya..."
This fucker was invading my head space. AGAIN!
"I hate ya!"
"Why? What did I do?"
He don't even know what he did? FUCKER!
I've had enough of this shit.
I used all of my energy to crush everything in my head space to force him out. With any luck, he could get fucked up in the head.
I opened my eyes and sat up. I watched as he awoke the moment my eyes found his body.
"Ya should stop invading my head space. Ya have yer own. Leave mine out of it."
"What? Yours?"
Yes. Mine, ya shit! Yes, I contacted him through his head space but, I've never invaded someone else's. Why do ya torment me? The one place I can go to be alone and ya have to ruin it.
The fire was about to die out. I found a stick and began to poke it in order to liven it up.
"How long have I been out?"
"Most of the night now. Man... ya really ruined my plans. I had no idea that ya had a dragon on ya side. Luckily for me, It's gone. Unluckily, I don't know what to do with ya now."
"What did you do to Taaffeite?"
Is that what I heard him yell out earlier? Is that the name of the dragon?
"That spell was for ya. It used up over half my mana. That means I can't cast it ever again. Not unless I get a fresh... Well. Ya know, battery to recharge."
A new body.
Maybe I can torture him a little. This could be fun.
"Now now. Ya don't need to shout. She might be dead, she might not. That spell was a dimensional teleport. Much like the one that drained this world so long ago. No tellin' where she wound up. Middle of space? Bottom of an ocean? Center of a sun? All kinds of fun places."
"Mana? Spell? How?"
"Oh, that's for me to know. Not ya."
"The mana in this world was drained. You even said it yourself. How can you cast spells?"
I reached into my hood and uncovered myself. The shitty annoying red hair drooped out and got in the way again. I should shave this crap off.
"Y'gdrim?! Why did you do this? I thought Mik had killed you?"
The fuck kind of name is Y'gdrim, anyway?
"Hmm? Oh. That. Hypnosis spells are easy on conceited targets. He only thought he killed her."
In reality, I took over this body just as he finished choking her to death. She is dead. As soon as he turned away, I knocked him out and tied him up. The hypnosis part was easy.
"Her? You speak in the third person now?"
Not that it matters much at this point.
"Oops. Don't mind my speech. I'm a bit different than what I used to be. Let's leave it at that."
"What do you want with me?"
"I told ya. I wanted to send ya far away. I can't do that now. I need to contact my benefactor. I can try to ask him now but, ya might not like what I do to ya in order to relieve my stress."
'He' will be soo pissed. I might have to smack this fucker around a few times to get it out of my system.
"Oh! Ya wanna try to break them bonds? I'm sure that would be no problem for ya. Try it, let's see how she fairs."
I lifted up a hand and pointed it at my hostage. He took one step toward her.
"Ah-ah! Move away from that spot and she gets a fireball to the face."
Oh, the things I can do to ya with a hostage. Ahhhh. My blood is getting worked up just thinking about what this weak-willed idiot will do to protect her.
"Don't move."
I think I 'will' contact him. I WANT permission to fuck with the user's head. I pulled out my movement detection spell again.
"If ya move, this will tell me and I will blow up kitty. I'm going back into my head space. Stay out this time."
My head space was as dark as last time. It felt dirty with that rat who ran around it twice, now. I was almost beginning to hate it here.
"Don't presume to yell at me. I can cut you off from all contact and leave you in that world. You would not be a loss for me."
"Sorry. Ya just didn't answer last time. The user... He..."
"He didn't get sent away. I could tell. What happened?"
"He had a dragon with him. It saved him at the last second and took his place."
The old man let out a sigh. His form was shadowy and unobservable. Not that I didn't know what he already looked like.
"Well. If you can't send him away. Make him hated. Make him WANT to be sent away."
"Can... Can I fuck with him? I really want to mind fuck him. Piss him off. Ruin his life. Tear his body apart again and again. To..."
"Whatever it takes. Try not to let that body die too easily. The mana I spent on it is... non-refundable."
"Okay. I'll get to it then. Later, boss."
He was gone. I left my head space and found the user had not moved an inch. Smart, but not. Now I'm going to have me some fun... The feeling Is welling up inside already.
"Okay. I have my orders."
I stood up and began to remove some of my hostage's bindings.
"Relax, tight ass."
I finished removing the bindings that held her to the tree. I brought her over to me with a spell. I put some pressure on the neck and used an extremely weak raise dead spell to make her look alive. She has been dead for over a day now. He has no idea.
GOD, this gets me going just thinking about it.
The kitty's body began to curl up. It made a hilarious sound.
HAHA! Some gas escaped and he thinks it's her. This couldn't be more perfect. I almost can't contain myself.
"Keep in mind, she is dead in my hands if ya don't do what I want ya to do."
What can I say? What can I get him to do? The ideas rushing through my head... If I had my junk in this world, I would be so hard. I don't like the feeling of this body getting wet.
"Keep in mind, there won't be much left of you if you do kill her."
That faaaaaaceeeee...
"HAHA! Oh, a threat! I like it. Tell ya what. Go kill all of her siblings and I will let her live."
Come on. Show me something good.
"What? How can you expect someone to just... do that? I can't..."
Psh. Nothing particularly interesting. Show me something more!
"OH NO! Her life is slipping away! How about a compromise, Kill her parents and all of her people. Ya can leave the siblings alive."
"That's... no different."
Shithead... React better!
"Oh? I think it's quite different. Third time's the charm. Kill them pretty wives of yas. Two lives for hers. That's a deal of a lifetime!"
Come on come on come on come on. This has to get a rise!
"Fine... I'll kill her siblings. Let her go."
"Too late!"
How about a gravity spell centered on her leg. The crushing bone should get him real heated. HAHA!
"HEE HEE HEE! That sounded wonderful. So much hatred in that one wooord. Let me hear it again."
I bit my lower lip with high expectations. Do something or this other leg is next... Please!
Ehhh? Pitiful... I need something much more destructive to get him going.
"Oh? That wasn't as fun. I know! How about her entire lower half?"
I heard his ropes snap.
Is this what I have been waiting for? Please show me yas emotions! I want to see it! I want to see the power ya have unlocked! LET ME SEE WHAT YA CAN DO!
A red aura began to form around him.
I braced for a quick attack.
"Come on. Show me what ya got. Please. I promise ya will regret it. I want to play. Give me ya best shot so I can crush ya where ya stand. I want it! I need it!"
My senses were on high alert. His leg began to shift. I tensed up...
"Oh... Hahah. I guess I just got TOO excited! i'M rEaLlY eNjOyInG ThIs..."
His aura instantly dropped. His hostility disappeared.
The lack of emotion pulled me away from my interest. Like losing an orgasm just before the last second.
I let go of the body.
He fell to his knees. His eyes were staring blankly like a dead fish.
"What a massive disappointment. I was hoping for more. Maybe if she were still alive and made more sounds..."
My mana sense began to ping. Right in front of me. DANGER...
I launched myself back with an air blast spell. I put several dozen yards between us. The mana sense spell was overwhelming. I was about to deactivate it to save myself from its incessant warnings.
The spell broke down on its own. The red aura came back. It wasn't a simple pale flame, like before. This was overwhelming power. It was hard to see his body through it. It swirled around him. It was not done engulfing him.
I took my dead hostage back. Maybe It can be useful still. I used a summon spell to bring to me an enchanted broom. It was much easier to fly and had its own mana. I dropped my cloak as it would only hold me back at this point. My red leotard looked dumb on this broad, It was easy to move in, though.
I rose above the trees to observe. The aura was still growing. He was impossible to see now. As the aura grew, the heat became prominent. I couldn't stay too close or this body would get cooked.
I pulled back again. I was near the height of the nearby mountain top. The aura was nearly as high up as I was when it stopped. It began to take a form.
It looked like an oval at first. It grew limbs. Large but short legs. Medium size and length arms. It grew a tail.
My interest was peaked in the tail. As it grew out, the forest behind it, began to crush and even burn! It was still growing until it was almost as long as the body! The tail whipped up and slammed down.
That sound sent a smile across my face and goosebumps traveling across this body. That HAD to be felt across the entire continent! I could see crumbling buildings from the nearby town.
The head finally began to form It was flat but rounded. The finished product was a salamander! A massive fire salamander!
A true symbol of strength. Let's see what ya can do.
I began to fly around, standing on my broom. I got behind the brute. I summoned the largest water spell I could. It consumed a tenth of my remaining mana.
He didn't move. The spell took almost a full minute to prepare.
A sphere, almost double the size of the nearby mountain would spring a leak, so to speak. It would squirt out the mass of water at extremely high pressure and continue doing so until it consumed the remaining water. It would follow its target with the beam as well while the sphere itself would stay put.
The sphere opened up to begin spouting water.
The salamander disappeared. I looked up. The usual last place to expect an opponent. No!
Before I could even start searching the remaining directions, the salamander had come from below and chomped at the enormous ball of water. It was turned into vast amounts of steam instantaneously!
His mouth grew larger to accommodate the size of the ball.
"Never in my dreams! SHOW ME MORE!"
It was hard to see through all the steam. I had to back away. I started to fly out of the steam at full speed. I was almost too late.
The salamander tried to swipe at me during my getaway.
I snapped my fingers on my right hand. A pre-set spell teleported me to the western side of the mountains. Directly above the ocean between the Faelands and the Troll Lands.
The spell only accommodated me and my broom. Not the hostage.
Her body began to fall. The salamander saw it and gently reached out for it.
"Is he still conscious in that form?"
I had an idea... I set up three more spells ahead of time. Another getaway spell and two air-blade spells.
I raced forward at the salamander. I put up a heat resistance spell which was comprised of a water shield and never-melting ice particles that kept the water from overheating. I got close enough to grab the body of the dead cat with yet another holding spell.
My mana was down to about eleven percent. I had to begin conserving after this.
I pulled the cat slowly toward me. His attention was focused on it. I slowly backed toward the ocean and he followed the body willingly.
He was not conscious. No way. He was like a child following a toy in a parent's hand. He could see through this rouse with ease if he was all there.
I began to move faster and faster. The salamander was wading through the ocean at ankle depth now. The water that came into contact with him was being vaporized in mass quantities. I wanted to see how much water he can take before he cools off.
I got him far enough into the water that he was waist-deep. To my vast surprise, the ocean was still vaporizing on contact. He could lower the sea level if he stayed like this.
I held the body in front of his face. Close enough that he could watch what happens next.
I raised both hands. I brought them down at the same time and crossed them. Where they met in the middle, I snapped my ring fingers to activate my air blades. This caused my spell to let loose in a cross-shaped blade made of air. When it reached the body, It was cleaved into four pieces.
"Delightful. If only she were still alive, the view would have been beyond splendid."
The blades continued past the body and hit the salamander.
"Oops. Did I do that?"
The salamander ignored the air blades and watched as the cat body fell into the ocean in pieces.
"Is that a cry of pain? Do tell? What else do ya have to say?"
It arched its back and let out an ear-numbing howl.
"So pretty."
I felt satisfied with the pain this creature felt. It was not enough to get me aroused. It 'was' enough to feel relaxed.
At this distance, I could not feel any heat. At least, not before now. The heat grew after its howl. The water from the ocean began to vaporize BEFORE it could touch him. If there was less steam, I wonder if I could see the ocean floor melting around his feet and tail.
I had another trick up my sleeve. One that could use vast amounts of energy with minimal mana. I queued up the spell. It was a more difficult one to do at this range. I had to try something though. My last-ditch effort would otherwise be in the middle of the ocean.
I summoned a stable portal hole at the bottom of the ocean behind me and activated the other end above the salamander. This resulted in a massive whirlpool in the ocean and unfathomable amounts of water falling on top of this heated monstrosity.
I had not expected him to leap at me, toward the ocean. He was fast. I had to use my preset teleport spell to get away again.
I canceled the portal spell to conserve mana. My mana was low enough that I could now only use one more teleport spell and maybe a few dozen gravity spells at their strongest. I appeared in the same spot as the last time I used teleport. Between the Troll Lands and the Faelands.
The salamander landed neck-deep in the ocean. His heat could not overpower the water this time. He struggled but, managed to turn back toward land.
I moved quickly while the salamander was occupied with getting out of the ocean. I began using the gravity spells to trap water and throw them at the salamander's face. He was visibly bothered by it. I had not expected him to leap from his position but, he did. I was over the Faelands at this point. He landed right on top of a village.
"The poor souls..."
I said with a smile and sarcasm.
I began to move to the eastern side of the Faelands. I nearly dodged several swipes at me. I turned around to taunt him.
That was a mistake.
He inhaled a deep breath and blew fire at me. My last teleport was consumed to save this body. Yet again, I was between the two lands. He was on the far side of the Faelands now. The forests around him were burning.
"Such destruction. Wallow in pain when ya awake from yas slumber. I implore ya."
I threw a few more gravity balls with water. He looked angry. He did not budge though. Did he get wise?
He huffed some black smoke out of his nostrils. He looked to the mountains near him.
I had not noticed before. He grew even more, he was taller than the mountains now.
He made a large inhale again. I backed away and got a gravity ball ready in order to block with water. To my surprise, he aimed down at the base of the mountain. He began slowly at first. He walked away and his flames followed the edge of the mountain base. A majority of his body moved behind the mountain. Black smoke continued to rise wherever he went.
The place where he started was still boiling. He was turning the ground into lava. Was he making a moat around the mountain? Did he plan to melt the entire thing and hide in the lava?
He began coming around the western side of the mountain. I could see his eyes were watching me.
I wanted to see where this was going. He made a full circle of lava around the mountain. It was like a molten river. He covered the eastern side of the mountain again to reheat the starting line.
From the far side, I could see him lift his head up and then dive down. Did he get on all fours to hide behind the mountain? I cautiously began to move closer.
The mountain.
The entire mountain was lifting up.
He was lifting the mountain from below.
I was now able to make out his body under the dripping lava around the lower surface of the detached mountain.
The strength of this creature. THERE IS NO EQUAL.
He heaved the gigantic landmass above his head. He had me targeted.
"I'm all out of tricks."
The last gravity ball I had was let go. It would serve no purpose against a landmass being thrown at me.
I watched as he leaned backward. I had almost hoped to watch him fall back and get crushed by the very landmass he held.
No such luck. It leaned back forward.
He let out another, ear-deafening howl as he threw an entire fucking mountain at me.
This is one way to go, I suppose.
I let out one last smile before this body was allowed to be destroyed.