V2Ch65 New Escape

By the time I had finished reading, my body was shaking. It took all of my mental strength to hold in the pain that I felt.

"Everything okay?"

I heard a voice but I couldn't tell who it was.

"I... I uh... C... Can you leave? P... Please?"

I wasn't paying attention to whether or not they left. I was just concentrating on not getting everyone on this ship killed. I Focused my breathing. I held back my power but I wasn't strong enough to hold back my tears.

58 years? I've been gone for 58 years? Riksa... She's dead. She died old and lonely. Sophie... Age-wise she is still young but, so many things can happen in 58 years.

My face and hands were covered in blood from wiping my tears away. I sat on my cot, thinking about what I just read. I got no sleep all night.

Gert came to me in the morning.

"Lake? What happened? Why are you covered in blood?"

I was too drained to give any kind of response. She left and returned with a bucket of water and a cloth. I hadn't moved while she wiped my face and hands clean. She was about to leave when I worked up the energy to speak.


She stopped and turned.

"Can I see her?"

She looked down and to the side.

"I'm sorry. She was given to tha sea yesterday. Just before we brought you tha letter."

I felt like I had lost what little hope I had left. I wanted to see her once more.

"Do you know... Where she learned to write like that?"

"Sorry, I don't. Eny may know. She was tha Cap'ns hand."

It got quiet again.

"I'll go ask. I'll be right back."

She left. She left the cell open while she was gone. I hadn't noticed until she returned.

"Eny says that she learned from a friend called Arthand before he was killed."

So, even Arthand is dead.

"You seem more devastated at tha Cap'n's death than anyone else. What did that letter say? Can I do anything for you?"

I had a thought. I wanted something to remind me of Riksa.

"Can you... be my big spoon?"

Gert seemed taken aback at an odd request. She nodded and I laid down on my side, close to the wall. She matched my shape from behind. My torn shirt was taken and never replaced so my back was met with her soft uncovered scales. It was warm and comfortable. Just like Riksa.

"I loved it when she was the big spoon."

"She? Who?"

If I tell her that her Capitan was my wife from 58 years ago, she would think I'm crazy.

"My wife."

"Your wife? Your married?"

"I had three wives. One died a long time ago. Another one died recently. I have no clue where the other one is or if she is even alive. It hurts."

Her left hand was on my chest. I pulled it up to my face and she began to caress my cheek. We stayed like this for a while. She began to shift in place.

"Sorry. If you're uncomfortable, you don't have to stay."

I got no response. I lifted my head and barely got a peripheral view of her closed eyes. Was she asleep? I smiled to myself for the briefest of moments. It was quickly drained from me as reality sat in again.

I lost track of time. I only found my bearings when I felt a gentle tapping on my exposed face.

"Lake. Gert."


I asked.

"Gert. Lewa... The Capitan is looking for you."

"Oh shyte. How long have I been here?"

"Maybe half a day. It's been quiet so nobody noticed. We are within sight glass distance of the shore. We need to start prepping. We will be docked before nightfall."

"Okay. I'll make my way to tha Cap'n. Give me a moment."

I heard the door open and close. Eny was gone. The warmth at my back had been removed. I turned and sat up in time to watch Gert begin to cover her upper half.

"Don't forget about what I said. Stay sharp tonight."

"Right. Thanks again."

She turned and her tail was inches away from me. I reached out and gently wrapped my fingers around the tip. She stood on edge as if she felt a cold shiver and was paralyzed from it.

"Lake? Please don't do that. It's..."

"Come here."

I commanded while lightly pleading. She began to turn and I released her tail. She came right up to me. I was still sitting when I reached out and pulled her close so that I could embrace her stomach against my face.

"If your plan gets dangerous..."

She began to pat my head like Riksa used to do. I hugged her tighter in response.

"Just drop it. I don't want you to get hurt for my sake. You don't understand the scope of my situation. Worst case scenario... Just, please. Don't put your life in danger. I can handle myself much better than you realize."

She bent down and kissed the hair on my head.

"I understand."

She pulled away and knelt down in front of me. We were face to face.

"I don't know what it is. There is something about you that just makes me want to care. I only ever cared about Eny and tha old Cap'n. You and I, we've only spent a short amount of time with each other. Still, you're tha first male I've ever..."

She cut her line short and turned her head to the side.

"If I Eny weren't here... I'd go with you. I can't."

I moved her face back to look at mine.

"It's okay. Stay here. Look after Eny. If I didn't have a wife to find, I would stay here with you. We both have someone already. That's just the way things work sometimes. Stay safe."

We both moved in for a kiss. We smiled at each other before the door could separate us in our own worlds. Mine, a rectangle box. Hers, a floating tool chest with the entire ocean around her.

At one point I heard a lot of shouting and commotion. I heard a loud bonk on the wood. We must have reached the docks. I heard ropes and shuffling of containers. Wood slapping and hammers pounding. Repairs must be underway already. It was nearing dusk.

I stayed standing against the bars as I awaited Gert's return. Just as she said, that night after things quieted down, I had a visitor.

"Are you ready, Lake?"

She whispered.


She let me out as quietly as possible. I followed her out onto the deck for only the second time on this ship. To our right, the dark ocean waves crashed against the side of the ship. The left was filled with new sights. A pier that led to a city filled with lights and sounds of merrymaking.

Only a few lanterns on the ship were lit. Conveniently, several lanterns were blown out for our escape. We needed to descend some stairs before I could reach the pier. She stopped at the mainmast.

"Hide here for a moment. I need to get something."

I took a low stance by a couple of barrels. I watched Gert go inside.

"Get up."

I heard from my left. It was Lewa. I let out a sigh and stood.

"Come out."

She motioned with her rapier to move to my left. She must have just come from the pier. I could only hope that she had not seen Gert. I shifted to my left and made sure that the door Gert went into was at Lewa's back.

Sure enough, I saw the door crack open. She took a cautious look around and saw Lwea. Her gaze shifted to me and showed worry. I made a motion for her to shoo away. She retreated just in time to avoid Lewa's curious gaze.

"What was that?"

"My arm was falling asleep. I was just shifting it to get some circulation."

I began massaging my arm from the shoulder down to my wrist.

"You are at the tip of my blade and you are worried about a sore arm? Humans are dumber than I thought. Now that I am Capitan, you are no longer under anyone's protection."

"Well, I don't really need anyone's protection. If anything... You wouldn't happen to be the reason the old Capitan passed away, would you? Was it really age?"

"How dare you suggest such a thing! I will run you through right he..."

"Because, if you did harm her in any way, in order to claim the title of Captain sooner, for example. You would be the one needing protection from me."

I glared at her. The face she gave me was pure fury. She took two large steps closer to me and brought the tip of her blade to the skin in front of my heart.

"She was like a mother to me. What would you know of the Capitan?"

Her voice was low and growling.

"I know that she hated feeling like an outcast. She loathed glares of people thinking lowly of her. I know that she was an amazing aunt to a punk nephew. I know that she loved meat more than fruit or vegetables. That she was born to lead. I am happy that she was able to take that role here. That she loved this crew like family. A family that I failed to provide her. She was my wife a long time ago. I loved her. I still love her. I regret not being able to see her one last time.

She was my Riksa, as much as she was your Capitan."

It seemed like Lewa couldn't tell how I could make such bold accusations. This was her Captain that I was talking about. Claiming that I was her husband and lover.

Her face reflected a calm decision.

"I will give you a chance to prove what you say. Capitan would never have wed a weakling. Show me your strength."

"Can we still use the rules I came up with before? If you cant kill me, you have to do one thing for me."

"Fine by me."

Her eyes narrowed as she stepped back about five feet. Her sword was at the ready and pointed at me.

"Pick your weapon."

"Don't need one."

She showed her disapproval at my overconfidence. She reached up to her shirt and pulled off a button.

"When this hits the water, we start."

She flicked it up, I watched the white button spin in the air and saw it go over the edge of the boat. A tiny "Ploop" could be heard.

She lunged forward. I simply stepped forward with my hands still in my pockets. Her sword ran me through clean. I showed her no signs of discomfort or weakness. She was surprised at my action but satisfied with the result. At least she was at first. I stood there with a calm expression.

"So. It seems I'm not dead. Does this conclude the dual or do you need more proof?"

She pulled her sword out and ran me through in several other spots. She pierced one of my lungs. I coughed up a little blood.

"Ahem. Excuse me."

She couldn't believe that I still stood after she ran me through so many times.

"What are you?"

"Tell you what. I will make my request of you an easy one. Tell no one what you saw tonight. You never saw me running away. You never saw me survive being run though and you never ran me though. So long as you keep this promise, I will consider you and your crew extended family through Riksa. Don't break this promise or consequences will follow. I promise that I 'can' follow through on that."

She dropped her stance as I spoke. Her surprised expression never faded.

When I was done speaking, I simply turned and walked down the ramp to the pier and disappeared into the city.