V2Ch72 New Gold

I enjoyed another two songs before the performance was over.

"What did you think? It seemed like you enjoyed it."

The older woman returned to take my plates.

"Well. To be honest, I'm not from around here. Where I'm from, music like that could be heard on any corner."

"Oh... So you didn't..."

"No, no! Don't get me wrong. I liked her music. Since I came here, I haven't heard anything like it. It was a nice reminder of where I came from. Fond memories."

She clapped her hands together and gave me a bright smile.

"Oh good! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Tell your friends and come back as often as you can. It would help us immensely!"

I had an idea for later.

"I'll tell my friends. Unfortunately, I may be leaving this town soon. I need to head south. I can't say if I will ever be back after I leave."

"Oh, that's too bad. If you keep coming to Goldie's until you leave Fricity, I'll give you the appetizer on the house."

"Goldie's? Is that the name of this place?"

"That is the name of this place and, I am Goldie herself."

I stood up and held out a hand.

"A pleasure."

She didn't hesitate to reach around my back and pull me in for a hug.

"Always happy to make a new friend."

Her fur was soft and warm.

"Mom? Why are you hugging the patrons again?"

Goldie pulled away from me. The singer, her daughter, was standing before us. She was short, maybe four feet tall. She wore a simple white shirt that was torn on the left shoulder and black short-shorts.

Her father must have been a more humanoid race. She only had a few of her mother's traits. The only fur on her body that I could see were patches near her wrists and ankles. She had floppy ears and a tail like her mother. Her skin color was almost golden. I had not seen a pigment like that before. The hair on her head was messy and matted in some spots.

"Oh! This is... er..."

"I'm Lake. I really liked your music. Especially your singing."

"Yeah. Okay. Keep your hands off my mom. This isn't 'that' kind of establishment."

"Kurio! Be nice. He's been very polite!"

"Uh, huh..."

Kurio gave me a stink eye before she left.

"Hah. Rambunctious. How old is she?"

"She's 19. She wants to be more like her father. He is a traveling bard. He only returns every two years. He stays for one year before he leaves again."

Goldie exposed a sorrowful look.

"For all I know, he has a family one village over and spends two-thirds of his time with them instead of us. I have no clue where he goes."

"Do you love him?"

She looked up, almost worried about her answer. Her gaze went back to her feet.


"Then you should believe in him."

Her gaze never left its spot but, she showed a smile.

"Yeah. It's all I can do while he is gone."


Lokes yelled out.

"Oh, I need to go. I'm sorry for burdening you with my problems."

"Anytime. By the way, the guy that was just yelling, you have my permission to spit in his food."

I pointed at Lokes and his buddies. Goldie pulled back with an appalled look.

"I would never!"

"I know. But, seriously. If he or his buddies are ever rude to you, you have my permission."

I snickered in the hopes that she could tell I was joking.

Though honestly, I wasn't. On the other hand, Lokes might enjoy it. I haven't seen him with a girl, either.

I took my leave to get some rest before the ceremony tonight.

On my way back to the Trackers Guild, I remembered that I had not purchased any new poisons. I've been buying poisons from the assassins guild and taking doses to build up immunity. After the flower of death from the Troll Lands put me out of commission, I wanted to eliminate as many possibilities of that happening again, as possible. I was so distracted by my Assassins Guild contact being an ass that I had forgotten. I guess I'll just pick some up the next time I'm there.

I found my way back to the street that leads to the Trackers Guild. It was still bright out which is why I was surprised that some pickpockets were coming at me. They could be the ones that tried to get me the first time I was here. I never remembered their faces though.

I could tell what their intentions were from the way they moved in a formation. It was common for them to all be innocently chatting. The one in front bumps into the target. The next one reaches around to front pockets as they walk past. The last one trailed behind while the one who bumps into you is making a fuss. The distraction allows the third one to rummage through back pockets.

I've seen it done time and again. I left some empty poison bottles in the obvious pockets while my valuables were safe in the inside pocket of my shirt.

When the first guy tried to bump into me, I purposefully put a bit more power into it, causing him to fall backward.

"I'm sorry. I hadn't seen you there. Let me help you up."

I reached out a hand.

"You better, old man."


I patted his hip down to dust him off. I felt the second thief go for the bottles in my front jacket pocket. They weren't very good thieves.

The first one walked around me before beginning his rant. Putting the third thief directly behind me.

"You better apologize! My father is one of the captains of the guard. I'll have him arrest you if you don't."

An empty threat. I know for a fact that the ONLY captain of the guard has no son. All the same, I played the part. I put my hands up to show submission.

"No, please! I'm very sorry! Please accept my apology!"

My back pockets were now empty. The last thief began walking by. I bowed down so low that I "had" to reach out with my arm to balance myself. I "accidentally" smacked the third thief in the crotch with my hand. He keeled over in surprise.

"You hit my friend! That's it! I'm calling my father!"

"No no no! Please! I almost lost my balance. It was an accident!"

"Ffff! Yeah right. I don't feel like dealing with you anymore. Get out of here, ya looser."

I bowed a few times before turning around and releasing my grin.

A simple task. I managed to get a few things off of them. When I patted down the first guy, I snagged a sack of stolen jewelry. When the second thief reached around, I did the same. Got a small sack of coins that time. The third thief lost a dagger off of his belt.

I nearly made it to the door before I heard a voice behind me.


Oh? They caught on faster than I thought. I stopped but did not turn around.

"You think you're so smart? Nicking stuff off of us? Aey?"

I only turned my side to them.

"I didn't have to be 'that' smart."

His face went red with fury. He stomped closer.

"Give me my stuff back. Now. My friend is getting my father over here as we speak. If you do as I say, I may tell my father not to shut down this shyte guild."

I smiled at his failed bluff. I walked toward the door again.


I reached the door and opened it with one hand. I leaned inside just enough to get some attention.

"Hey! Anyone remember those shitty pickpockets that hang out down the street? First, they try to pick MY pocket, then they claim that I picked theirs. What do you think I should do with them?"

A barrel of laughs could be heard from inside. The thief and his buddy seemed a little intimidated.

"By the way, he called us a "shyte guild."


"That bastard! Where is he? I'll gut him!"

"Cut 'em down!"

Angry voices, stomping and unsheathing swords now roared from the inside.

The thief got the idea. He quickly turned tail and ran. A few of the more stubborn members continued to chase him around the corner.