V2Ch74 New Rank

I was in no mood for the ceremony now. I got fully dressed and made my way out. I tried to push through the crowd before I could be called up.

"LAKE! Perfect timing! Come to the front!"


I reluctantly made my way to the front of the crowd.

"Right here, ma'boy"

The headmaster called me over to his side. I stood next to him and presented my front to the gathered members.

"Today, you returned with your proof of a C-rank kill. You were not solo in this endeavor. By the rules, you would get no rank. HOWEVER! Our A-rank tracker, Shiro, vouches for the fact that you put up a good fight against an A-rank den mother dire wolf. You gave it a wound that it would never forget. If it had escaped. In the end, the decision is mine to make. You will be granted a rank this day."

He pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was a C-rank card with no name on it.

"Get this filled out with Girard when he has the time."

He whispered.

"Now, everyone. Let's give our new C-rank tracker warm applause."

Cheers and clapping drowned out most other sounds. I didn't feel any better.

"Now! Where is..."

The ceremony continued. I left before I could hear the next name. I was in a sour mood and didn't want to hang around cheery people. I had no idea where to go. I just walked.

I found a beach that was closed for the night. I waited for a patrol to pass and walked out onto the beach and behind some larger rocks to the right. I removed my shoes and rolled up my pants. I leaned against one of the larger rocks where the ebbing tide could reach my feet and cool them off. The ocean sounds and smell were calming.

I saw the moon beginning to peek over the horizon. It prompted me to look for the other source of light. There it was behind me. It was that time of year where both moons could be seen in the same sky. It only happens for 40 days out of the year. It made me remember Delicia, sleeping in my lap that night that we escaped Bastion. My memories traveled down a darker path and reminded me that she was dead.

I was frustrated. I had all this power and either hurt people with it or had to hide it.

I picked up a loose rock and threw it up a couple of times. I tossed it up a bit higher and wound my arm back. I needed to get my frustrations out on something. I hit the rock with my open palm using my absolute maximum power. I heard a loud slap when I hit it. I expected it to turn to dust. I watched as a red hot rock flew at insane speeds over the ocean and toward the rising moon.


I hadn't expected anything like that. When it hit the ocean, a large flash could be seen lighting up the clouds above. A massive amount of steam began to fill the horizon, fogging up the visual of the top of the moon.


A shockwave followed and almost knocked me over. I heard screams and confusion in the city behind me.

"What happened?"

"I heard something over here!"

I snagged my shoes before a rising tide could reach them and leaped up to a roof above. I managed to get away from the area before anyone could see me.

"Another new power?"

I whispered to myself.

'It is.'

Rage confirmed.

'Frustration can be a damning feeling. Sometimes to the point of agony. Frustration can lead to anger but it is its own feeling. Don't underestimate a frustrated opponent.'

"Is there a new light?"

'No, not yet. It will show up sooner than later if you keep feeling this way.'

"Well, today has been a shit day. Hopefully, tomorrow is better."

I was only on the beach for a short time. Returning to the guild so soon felt, undesirable. At the same time, I just wanted to rest. A bed and some sleep sounded nice.

I was back at the guild in no time. I entered and it seemed the ceremony had just finished wrapping up. People were still celebrating and others were getting back to their own doings. Gerard was back at his post. I waited for him to finish with his current client before I could speak to him.

"Can I get this C-rank room tonight or is that best done tomorrow?"

"Takes only a minute. Once you have the card, the hard part is over."

I handed him both the C-rank card and my old D-rank card. He began filling out the new one diligently. Once he was done, he checked his work against the old one before cutting it in half with a dagger.

"Your room is noted on the card. C-rank and above cards are actually WoM locking mechanisms. Place the card against the door handle to lock it. Place it again to unlock. That means that you owe the guild a lot of money if you lose or destroy it. Keep that in mind."

Beter not forget to hand it back before I leave.

"It can't work on other locks, right?"

"No. The only key that works on all doors is in the possession of the headmaster. He will only use it if there is probable cause for a major crime from one of our guildmates. Or an emergency."

"Okay. Thanks."

He waved at me as I left. I removed my things from a personal locker and headed to my new personal quarters. I used my new C-rank card to unlock the door. The room was smaller than I anticipated but I was content. It had a bed, a closet and a personal workspace.

I reached out to close the door. It had opened further than I thought. With the door now closed, I locked it. I took off my shoes and laid down.

I covered my eyes with my forearm.

I wanted to rest but, I had a guest to attend to...