V2Ch79 New Platter

I think it's been over an hour since I took the poison. I'm getting hungry.


I still didn't know her name.

"I'm gonna need you to pay for staying in my room last night."


"Don't worry, it's a one-time payment. In exchange for staying the night, I'd like you to tell me your name."

She let out a relieved sigh.

"It's Babur."

"Babur. It's nice. I like it."

She nuzzled her face in my chest. I began to feel an odd sensation.

"Is... is that... purring? Are you purring?"

"What? Me? Nyever."

I felt some relief upon hearing a more positive energetic voice. Even if she was being sarcastic.

"Anyway, I was just wondering if you were hungry. I know a place. It'll make you feel better to get some food in you."

I gently squeezed her against me a few times.

"Y... yeah. I guess I could eat."


I hopped up and over her. I picked her up and jumped back over the edge of the roof. I landed on the street below. Babur was clinging tightly to me.

"I'm used to doing that myself. Nyot so much in someone's arms. Can you warn me first, nyext time?"

"So, first you tell me that you don't trust me, then you say there will be a next time? I can't make heads or tails of you."

"I can... walk, Nya knyow."

I put her legs down and let her balance on my shoulder as she stood on her own. I began to lead her toward Goldie's. It was only a five-minute walk.

"Welcome, Lake! I'm so glad you decided to come back."

Goldie pulled me in for another big hug.

"And, who is your friend?"

"This is Babur. She's been having a tough time recently."

"Oh, dear. I'm sorry to hear that."

Babur gently kicked my foot and began to whisper.

"Why did nya say that? She doesn't... OUFF!"

Goldie snuck over to her in plain sight and hugged her tight. Her face was stuffed deep into Goldie's furry cleavage. I was almost worried that she would suffocate. She began pawing at Goldie with her hands and feet, attempting to get free of Goldie's indiscriminately loving death grip. Her efforts eventually paid off as Goldie let go. Babur fell backward and gasped for air.

"Come! I have a table just for you two."

Goldie led us to a small table with a good view of the currently unused stage.

"We will have a show starting up by the time you get your food. Would you like to make your selection?"

Goldie lifted a hand and motioned to the menu behind us and above the bar. Surprisingly, Babur had a twinkle in her eye as she spotted something on the menu. It quickly died and she began searching her pockets. She must have gotten rid of her money before she tried to jump off the cliff.

"I have enough to cover you. Whatever you want."

Babur looked at me and formed a huge smile. Her tail began to sway wildly back and forth before she ordered.


Goldie chuckled.

"My, oh my. So much enthusiasm. And for you, Lake?"

"I'll take something simple. Chef's choice."

"Very well, that will be... 8 silver and 55 copper."

I handed her 9 silver coins and told her to keep the change. She disappeared behind the counter. Babur and I were quiet for a little bit. She was the one to break the ice.

"Why are nya so nice to me?"

"Several reasons, I suppose. I'm a sucker for a cute girl. I can't look away from that smile of yours. I might have a thing for damsels in distress. You worry for others. I think one of the biggest things is, we have a similar problem and I feel like I can relate to you on a different level. When you are sad, I can feel it, not just see it. That's why I want to be the one to pick you up. I want to make you happy. I didn't have anyone to relate to when I was down. I want to be that someone for you."

"Well... Thanks. Ever since Leo... I haven't let anyone get close to me. I think I only made it more difficult for myself."

"It can be hard. I want to be able to offer my help whenever you need it but... I plan on leaving Fricity tomorrow."

"I see..."

Goldie popped up with our food. Just in time.

"Please enjoy the food and the show. It should start up any moment."

Babur began to chow down without restraint. I casually nibbled on my food. The show started up and Kurio was on stage once again. She sang all of the same songs as before. This time she had one more song at the end. It was more rock than pop. Babur seemed to enjoy the last song the most.

As I looked at Kurio, I began to get an uneasy feeling. Like I should be remembering something. I started looking around at the other patrons of the restaurant. Nothing really seemed out of the ordinary. For some reason, my senses were on high alert. I kept my eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary.

The show ended without incident. I saw Kurio come out from behind the stage and say hi to her mother before heading behind the kitchen counter.

"I have to find the throne room. I'll be right back. Will you be okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

She was still working on some kind of crustacean legs.

I snuck away while Goldie was busy with a customer. I followed Kurio's path and found a hall that went upstairs. I snuck up the stairs and found an open door. Kurio was inside and undesterbed. At least, for now.

I saw a cloaked figure crouched in the windowsill behind her. An assassin.

It suddenly hit me. I looked at Kurio's hair. That horrible drawing that was asking for a tongue. It has to be Kurio. She was marked.

The assassin saw me. We were at a stalemate. Kurio was playing with makeup, blissfully unaware of the two silent killers at an equal distance from her.

I intend to save her.