The lunch and dinner services went well. Kurio's performances were not hurting. She seemed to remove herself from the stage faster than usual as each performance was finished.
The night finished without any problems. Once again, Goldie and I were the last two in the kitchen. She was still quiet. She finished her part before I did. I was washing the last ten or so dishes.
She grabbed my arm and turned me around. She pressed herself up against me. She brought her lips a mere inch from mine. I could feel her breath. Was she waiting for me to make a move? Was she holding herself back?
My arms wanted to wrap themselves around her. My fingers held tight to the ledges of the counter behind me. I was trembling over whether or not to let go and hold her.
Kurio's voice could be heard from around the corner. Goldie pulled away and I returned to my work.
"I'm in the kitchen, honey."
She came around the corner and stopped when she saw me. She pulled her mother out of sight and they began to whisper. I couldn't hear anything they were saying. My hands were still trembling as I washed the final plate. I heard the plate jitter as I put it on top of the stack. I dried my hands and put out the last two lanterns that kept the kitchen visible. I walked out of the kitchen and faced the entrance. I figured if either of the girls wanted to say anything, they would have by now. I made up my mind to leave, one last time.
As I walked away from the building, I hid my hands in my pockets. I found something in my right pocket. It was the front door key. I forgot to give it back. I wasn't even 50 feet away. I may as well get it over with now.
As I re-entered. I heard someone sobbing. I followed the sound to its source. One lantern was on in the kitchen. I went further in and found Goldie on the floor, up against a cabinet. I sat next to her. She didn't notice me until my butt hit the floor.
"Lake... I thought you left already."
She sniffled and wiped away some tears.
"I... forgot to give you my spare key."
I handed it to her. She hesitated. As if taking it meant I was going to instantly leave. She knew it was coming sometime so she ripped off the metaphorical bandaid and jerked it out of my hand. She held the key up and started rotating it within her view.
Once again, we stayed quiet. It felt like I was on the floor for an hour.
"Why didn't you... Am I not enough for you?"
"It's not like that."
"Then what is it like?"
This was the first time I ever heard her sound even slightly angry. It was nice to know that she had other emotions.
"I was afraid."
She looked at me confused and angry.
"Of me? Are you serious?"
She got up onto her knees and looked even angrier than before.
"What did I do to make you afraid?"
She hit my chest with the bottom of a fist.
"Am I really that scary?"
She hit me again and again.
"Tell me why you're so afraid of me!"
She began hitting me over and over. I slowly reached out and placed my hands on her back. I pulled her toward me until she couldn't wind up her punches anymore.
"I was afraid of you for one reason only. I was afraid that you would take me away from my wife. I wanted to touch you and hold you. I wanted so badly to kiss you. I was afraid that if I made a move on you, I wouldn't be able to leave. I'd be bound here by you. I wouldn't be able to let go of you. For that reason, I couldn't do what you wanted me to do."
She cried harder than ever that night. I stayed with her in that kitchen until the early morning. I helped her to her bed so she could get some sleep before the lunch prep. As I closed her room door behind me, I had to pass by Kurio's door to leave. I wasn't able to get that far before the door opened. Kurio emerged and rested her shoulder on the door lining. She stared at the wall across from her door.
I started forward again. When I was in front of her, she pushed me against the wall. Her right hand blocked my path. She looked furious. She balled her left hand into a fist. Against this woman, I was helpless. She swung and I closed my eyes. I received an open palm slap to the face.
"That's for my mom."
Before I could open my eyes, she grabbed the neck of my shirt and pulled me down. She kissed me. I wasn't expecting that after receiving her slap.
"And, if you ever come back... There's more where that came from."
I heard the door slam in front of me. She was already gone. I guess that means my goodbyes are done. I made it to the front door before I realized I would have to lock it from the outside. I felt for the empty spot in my pocket. I pulled out the key I had already given back to Goldie. She snuck it back in.
I let out a smile as I locked the door behind me and made my way back to the inn.
Babur was waiting up for me.
"Nyaaaa. I was so lonely. It was cold last night."
"Sorry. It was a rough night."
"Is that it? Nya? Are we ready to leave?"
"I'm ready. Do you need to do anything else? Did you want to say goodbye to the girls?"
"I did that yesterday while you were working."
"I see. I guess we can head out, then."
Babur seemed to show a bit of curiosity. Maybe I let what happened, bother me more than I thought.
"Must have been hard. Nya feeling okay?"
"I'm fine. Kurio took the news itself okay. I think she was more upset that you were going with me. Goldie held herself together pretty well until last night. I found her crying on the floor of the kitchen."
"Aw... I feel bad for them nyow."
I packed the last of my things in my backpack. I hid the key to The Golden Lake at the bottom of a hidden pocket. I hoisted my backpack up and onto my shoulders. A week ago I swapped out the four-person tent for a two-person. That made my pack much smaller than before. We didn't need so many camping supplies, either. Babur still had on a much smaller backpack in comparison.
"Let's head out."
Babur nodded and followed me out of the inn.