Morning came early. Babur sat up in a panic. I quickly realized why as I heard the pained screams of our horse.
"This isn't a person. Something is eating the horse."
She whispered. The horrible sounds stopped. A large thud sounded off from the body hitting the ground. A deep otherworldly snarling began to envelop us. I could feel it throughout my body.
"It knyows were here..."
We both stood up in a crouched position due to our low overhead tent. I could feel the freezing morning air envelope my shirtless chest. She wasn't in much of a better state. A simple light shirt and underwear.
Babur was ready to pounce. I got ready to protect her. Light was still faint which would make it difficult to assess my surroundings.
'There are many ways you could take care of this. You are more than capable.'
Anger reminded me.
'Use the void sleeve to defend.'
Sorrow suggested.
'Spread out your shadows. Take the creature for yourself and dispose of it.'
The voice of Fear echoed.
'Wait. All of you! I know what this is.'
I said aloud.
"Nya? Are nya scared?"
Babur thought I was calling out for my mom.
'The smell that bothered you before. This isn't a random wild animal attack. This is a mother protecting her pups. The smell is her marking of the perimeter surrounding her den. Please, Lake. Don't hurt her. The pups may die without her.'
Through the dark, Babur could see the turmoil on my face. Can I protect Babur and get us away safely?
A sudden rush of realization flooded through me. I let a smile emerge.
"Babur. This is a mother protecting her offspring. I don't want to hurt her. You game?"
From what little I could see, it looked like she was brimming with pride.
"Nya! Let's do this."
"Grab your pack, I'll get mine. The rest of the equipment is replaceable."
"Got it."
Her backpack was right behind us. Mine was in front. I slowly began to reach for mine. A black k-9 nostril the size of my head began to poke through the front flap of the tent. It was snarling and had its front teeth exposed. I got a firm grip on one strap. I looked behind me. Babur had her pack and was ready to move.
We both leaped back. Babur had used her claw to create a large tear in the back of the tent for us to get out. I managed to get my backpack without the creature snagging it from out of my hands. The body of the wolf was almost as large as the horse it had killed. Not as large as the dire wolf I had hunted before.
Her head was stuck in the tent for a split second before she pulled up the stakes. She scratched at the fabric until it came loose and she could see once more.
"Where to?"
Babur asked as we stared the wolf down.
'Mother? If we went to the city, do you think she will follow us all the way there?'
'Not likely. As soon as she gets too far from her den, she will go back to protecting her cubs.'
Babur looked at me for direction.
"Think we can get around her? If we head straight to the city then, she may ditch us and we can be that much closer."
"Easy. Nya!"
We split up and ran in opposite directions. The wolf's line of sight followed Babur. I threw a small rock near her to catch her attention. Babur was free to move as she pleased now since I was the new target.
I sped up and just barely evaded a snarling bite by a matter of inches. I caught up to Babur and we ran together.
"Hahah! This is fun! I don't get to play around with nya like this. We usually just spar. Wanna race?"
She was right. This running reminded me of a game of tag. My body felt light. My legs were primed with energy to spend.
"Yeah! Let's make it a race there!"
We both sped up. The breeze felt amazing. I haven't done anything like this since I came to Eyse. Just play. Not even just in Eyse. I haven't played like this since I was a child.
Our powers in use, we had to be running faster than a horse ever could. Hopping over obstacles and dodging trees left and right.
The wolf had to be long gone by now. I peeked behind while I was mid-leap, clearing a large dip in the forest floor. The wolf was only a few yards back.
"Shit! Haha. The damn thing is still behind us. Think you have anymore output?"
We suddenly had to dodge a vine that had instantly sprouted in our path. Babur didn't seem to think anything of it. I knew what it meant. There had to be some kind of lesser spirits around and they were not happy with my amusement.
"Idunno what outpyoot is but, I can go a lot faster! Nya!"
'It must be a wind wolf. They are extremely light and agile. Speed is their specialty. A distant relative to the dire wolf. Not as hostile unless...'
Mother began to inform me.
'Unless we bother her brooding den. Of course.'
I replied.
I stacked on some extra power. At this point, I was going beyond what I was comfortable with. One wrong move and I'll knock down a tree or two. If I don't go splat.
Babur was ahead. I moved over to follow her path and kept within her slipstream. The forest seemed to be fading away. Trees grew further apart and were easier to dodge.
Suddenly, Babur's feet started sliding along the ground. Something was ahead. I put on the breaks as well. I wouldn't have noticed if she hadn't started to stop. We were before a large fissure in the ground. The gap was massive. We ended up on a tiny ledge. Even with my strength, if I jump I don't know that I could reach the other side.
I turned to see the wind wolf only fifteen feet or so behind. It was taking small steps toward us, still growling. The fall behind us would be fatal for Babur. I can't even see the bottom. Though, there seems to be a ledge on the far side. Maybe I could make that.
The weight was forcing the ledge to give way. I reached out and grabbed hold of Babur.
The ledge crumbled away in front of the wolf. I pushed off of the falling rubble with my maximum strength. Babur held on tighter than ever. Her claws dug into me.
I was lucky. My momentum carried me far enough to reach the ledge in the chasm. I landed on my back. A sharp rock pierced my left shoulder. Babur was on my right. Seeing that visual was a sobering thought. If she were on the wrong side...
"Are you okay?"
She was shivering profusely.
"Hey! You're okay. You're fine. We made it."
I kissed her head and face multiple times. I tried my best to comfort her. When she finally seemed to break out of her stupor, she started to cry. I haven't seen her like this before.
No, maybe I have. When I leaped down with her in my arms from the rooftop on the day of my Fighters Guild match. She was visibly shaken.
Is she afraid of heights?