The armored dwarf's face could hardly be seen through his helmet and beard. It was obvious how in awe he was.
"Ahhh... Ness! Get over here!"
He called out. Loud stomping and chattering armor could be heard from a nearby open doorway. Another dwarf appeared and stood up straight in front of us.
"Take these two to an inn. The one next to the Smelting Parlor should suffice. Set them up with a room for the night and put it on my tab."
He turned to me.
"I can't leave my post at the moment. I live nearby the inn that Ness here will take you to. I'd like to speak with you two over dinner. What're your names? I'm Sergeant Sarge. You can just call me Sarge."
"I'm Lake and this is Babur."
"A pleasure."
We shook hands as he looked me firmly in the eyes.
"This way."
Ness instructed.
We began to follow. The only reason I was acting so civil after we ruined their fun was because they were not necessarily being rude. Plus, free food and a place to stay for the night.
I have no idea how long we are going to be here considering I don't have a permit. I may have to find the underground scene to get one. I have no idea how otherwise.
Another armored dwarf had descended the spiral staircase and approached Sarge.
"Sergeant? What was that?"
"Hmm? Got sumthin to say, grunt?"
"SIR! It just seemed like an unusually calm and quick interaction. Sir."
"Yes, it was, grunt."
"Sir. Their power is intense. These doors are meant to keep out the stronger beasts that can come from below. Without the mechanisms to open the door... we would never be able to open them by hand."
The grunt noticed a bead of sweat stream down the side of Sarge's face.
"Very true. It's precisely because of that, that I took a more friendly approach. If they seemed hostile in any way, I may have had someone make the call to arms. The cat-woman seemed indifferent. The male... something about him set off internal warnings the moment he got close. At the same time, I couldn't sense any hostility from him."
Sarge placed a hand on the hilt of his sheathed sword.
"Go inform command of what happened here. Don't let them get the wrong idea. Refer to these guests as "potential allies." Have them set up a perimeter around the entertainment district and have scouts posted at every corner. If things go awry tonight, I want the full military might ready to move. I know my rank won't do much by itself. Make sure you talk to Colonel Poltridge. Tell him I'm calling in my favor."
"I'm going to check out where they landed. I could smell blood on him..."
We were following Ness through an underground city. It seemed like every building was either made entirely out of the rock that was carved out down here or made from metal beams and plates.
Massive pillars were left connecting the ceiling to the ground, several hundred feet high. I could only see one artificial pillar from where we were.
Many dwarves of many shapes and sizes were wandering the streets. It seemed like everyone had somewhere to go.
"Are there two layers to this city? We could see the city above ground before."
"Three, actually. This is the middle layer. Mostly shops, businesses and entertainment."
Ness responded.
"The upper layer is comprised of political buildings, military structures, as well as processing and housing for immigrants. The lowest layer is where most residents of Reinstorm live."
Ness kept sending looks to both of us as we walked.
"Uh. Is there something you want to ask?"
Ness stopped and turned to us.
"It's just... How are you both so strong?"
I wasn't ready to answer that truthfully.
"Uhm... Well, I don..."
"I'm a... We are supreme beasts."
Babur answered for me. She happens to be a supreme beast which is a technical term for a beast-person that controls immense strength. It was smart thinking on her part to include me.
"That makes more sense. Still. We haven't seen a supreme beast come through Reinstorm in over 50 years. Much less two at the same time. Are you... lovers?"
"Maybe one day. Nya."
Babur quickly responded. I couldn't help but expose a smile.
"I see. We are nearly there. After I show you your room, you can roam about. I would ask that you stay in close proximity though. Seargent Sarge will be relieved for the day in a couple of hours. He may have a mischievous side but, he used to be the commander of the dwarven army. He knows how to handle most situations and he may want to interview you to gauge your intentions."
We began to follow Ness once more.
"Our intentions? Simple. I'm traveling south to the dark elf territory. I'm looking for someone and taking a ship from that port would be the most efficient method to getting where I need to go."
"Well. That's interesting and all but, I have no say in decisions regarding that. If you tell Sarge, he may be able to help you."
"Do you think he could get me a permit to travel south? I uh... lost mine."
Babur smacked my shoulder and let out some odd laughter.
"Nyahaha! He is such a kidder."
She put a finger up to her mouth, telling me to shush. Ness gave us another odd look.
Ness brought us to the inn and got us all set up. There was a public bathroom that was only large enough for one person at a time. I quickly got in the bath after Ness left. I was getting tired of all the dried blood on my shoulder from when I landed on that sharp rock in the fissure.
I went back to our room. It was only three doors down. Babur ran out to take a bath of her own. I laid down on the bed and began to think to myself.
This situation felt like a classic, "Too good to be true," but also, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"-ish.
For now, I'll just feel it out as we go.