After some time of feigning my death, I heard screams and shouts. I would take a light peek every now and then. The area was being quarantined off from the public.
It wasn't much longer before Sarge showed up.
"No. How could this happen?"
I peeked at him. He was covering his face with a hand.
"Please try not to act surprised. I'm not dead."
He lowered his hand until his wide eyes were exposed.
"Shh, Shh Shh!"
I was trying my best not to move.
"This was a targeted attack against me. They may still be in the area. Do you think you could cover me up and get me out of here? Someplace out of sight?"
His eyes looked more serious now.
"Right. I'll get on it."
He turned around.
"Sarge, one more thing. Can you check on Babur? I left her at the inn before this happened."
"She's fine. I checked on her first. I only came down here to see if you were among the bodies."
If I wasn't holding my breath, I would have let out a sigh of relief.
Sarge left my view and I close my eye again. I could hear his voice a bit further away.
"What? There's a..."
"Shush! Keep it d...."
Their voices went to a low murmur.
Someone came over and put covers over several bodies before my own. I could hear the arrival of a carriage. I was picked up and gently sat on wooden boards. Some kind of barrier was set up on my right side while bodies were thrown over to my left.
More people dead, simply because I dealt with the Assassins Guild and these innocent people were near me when they found me.
If I can keep my head low, I might be able to avoid them from now on. But, if they keep coming after me, I might have to take the fight to them. Otherwise, anyone around me will be in danger at all times.
The wagon started moving. I kept still as we traveled. It wasn't long before it sounded like we were in a cave. We came to a stop inside. I could hear some kind of gate was being closed. I felt more movement but it wasn't the wagon itself.
The barrier next to me was removed.
"It should be safe in here."
Sarge's voice assured me.
I sat up and uncovered myself. A slew of covered bodies was on my right. I was at the back of the wagon near all of their feet.
I got an uncomfortable feeling and hopped off the back of the wagon. Sarge was quiet. I started to look around. I looked to the front and saw something interesting. I walked past the wagon and the horses drawing it. We were in some kind of elevator.
We were high above the middle section of the city and still rising. It was an amazing view. The only thing keeping me from falling out was the simple metal gate.
I haven't seen technology like this since before I came to Eyse.
Suddenly, the elevator stopped. I looked back at Sarge. He was just releasing his grip on a lever in the corner.
"Over here."
He opened what looked like an emergency hatch in the back. Behind the door was a carved-out tunnel.
"Only a select few know about this place. We can talk inside."
We left the wagon behind. The driver hopped off and closed the hatch behind us.
We passed two doors before we came to the last door at the far end of a long hallway.
He held the door open for me. I entered what looked like an interrogation room. A table and two chairs. A simple lantern is in the middle of the table.
"Have a seat."
He lit the lantern before closing the door. I had already taken a seat before him.
"What happened down there?"
"I saw people bleeding and falling. I couldn't see what happened to them so I followed suit. I've seen some crazy shit in the past so it didn't really surprise me."
He let out a heavy sigh.
"Be honest with me. You could say that I have a nose for these things."
Aside from his eyes, moustache and a majority of his beard, his helmet covered most of his head and face. It was at this time that he decided to remove his helmet. As it came off, I could tell that something was different with his nose. When it was fully removed, Large fluffy bunny ears were mounted on the top of his head. The fur on them was as black as his hair and beard.
He has a bunny nose and ears.
"I don't show this to just anyone. My mother was a beast-woman. I was made fun of in school. It would be difficult to have my underlings take me seriously. I'm showing you for two reasons. First, I want to show that I am putting trust in you and I would ask that you trust me just the same. Second, these ears can sense your heartbeat from here. I can detect the smallest changes in your rhythm. I can smell hostility. Basically, I can tell if you are lying or if you decide to become unruly."
"So, you say you want my trust and then you tell me that you don't trust me by admitting to being a living lie detector?"
"Please. Just tell me what happened. Good people are dead. I knew some of them. I just want to know how."
"It was the Assassin's Guild. I protected a mark and they took that as a traitorous act. Word got out that I was headed this way. I guess... the guild in Reinstorm came after me themselves."
"Were they all in white? Leather suits? How many?"
"Seems like you are familiar with them. Yes, white leather. There were five. Before I saw them, I was returning to the inn. I was crossing the street when everyone in the area came to a stop. A few started falling and others collapsed. When the last person fell, they were surrounding me. It was like they just appeared. One of them disappeared and reappeared in front of me. He told me, "The Assassin's Guild in Fricity sends its regards." And then, they all disappeared as fast as they had sown up."
"What did he do to you?"
I shook my head.
"What do you mean?"
"They don't just say something and leave. You were their target. What did he do to you?"
I was getting a little frustrated with having to explain my "condition." Especially to people who refused to believe me because it's basically a fairy tale.
"Mmmkay. Fine. I'm immortal. He stabbed me with a foot-long blade in the chest. It may or may not have been poisoned. I played dead in the hopes that they believed I was dead."
He wasn't thrilled with my explanation.
"So... Where is this, wound?"
"It's already healed up. Less than a minute is all it takes for something simple like that to heal."
He wasn't sure what to make of it. I wasn't lying. If he really can tell then it must be confusing a shit for him.
"Going back to the Assassin's guild. If you were considered a traitor, then you must have been a part of their guild, no?"
"I was. I used their guild to complete tasks and earn money. They pay a lot more than the other guilds. Risky business by trade."
"Are you are a murderer?"
"I can't really say no. It's not that I killed for money or pleasure. My immortality is tied to a greater power that is... hard to control at times. I never killed someone while I was a part of the Assassin's Guild."
"You were part of a guild of assassins and never killed anyone? How did you make your money?"
"Non-specific tasks."
"How did that work?"
I decided it was time to show him. I don't feel like he is a bad person.
I pulled out a hidden blade. His eyes locked onto it. He grew a little tense.
"I'm not giving off any hostility. Why so tense?"
"It's not...."
I threw my blade up into the air. He quickly stood and backed away while placing a hand on the handle of his sword.
My blade spun in circles several times before it started to lose the game of gravity. I slapped my left hand down on the table. I caught the blade with my right and quickly severed my index finger on the table. I removed my hand and kept it within his view. I had dug the knife deep into the table. It stood on its own. He watched as my finger was fully renewed before his eyes.
I used that same finger along with my thumb to pick up my old one.
"The tasks I took could be completed with my own body parts. I never hurt anyone to earn money with that guild."
He rushed over and grabbed my hand. He began feeling my finger to make sure it wasn't some sort of illusion. He sat back down in his chair.
"You get more and more frightening by the second."