"By the way, Lake. When we get to the Swamplands, we should travel at night and sleep during the day. Most of the dangers come at night. We should be awake and aware of our surroundings. I just thought I should tell nya."
"Ok. I've never been to the Swamplands so, you know more than me."
"You going to the Swamplands? What for? Nothing but filth there."
A different griffon waiter overheard our conversation and decided to butt in.
"Not to, through. We are headed to Tianret."
"Really? You aren't taking the southwestern path, are ya?"
As far as I was aware, the west and the north exits are the only ones available to non-griffons.
"That was the plan."
"For a tip, I have a cousin that can take you through a different route. It's slightly longer but it's also supposed to have fewer anuran patrols. Not as much dangerous florae, either."
"Why would you want to help us?"
"Money is money. Of course, my cousin would require payment as well for being a guide. He can take you as far as the border. The path from there is straightforward."
I looked at Babur. She didn't seem interested in the conversation.
"Can I have a moment to think about it?"
"Take your time."
The waiter left.
"What do you think, Babur?"
"Nyaaa... The Swamplands are dangerous no matter where nya go. Whether or nyot he is telling the truth, I can't tell nya. It could even be a trap for tourists to steal their money and belongings."
I leaned my head on my right shoulder to ponder.
"Do you think they could even do anything to us if they tried something?"
"Wanna try it? If it is safer, then we won't have to deal with as much danger. Might lighten the load a bit. If it's a trap, we can just demolish them and bring them back to the authorities. Maybe some of them have a bounty on their heads."
"Ahhhh... Ny guess."
I waited for another minute before tossing a silver to the waiter when he got close. He caught it and nodded at me.
"Meet me in the back. I'll hand you some instructions and directions."
"Why so secretive?"
He acknowledged that he heard me but didn't respond. We met him behind the restaurant as instructed. It took about ten minutes for him to show up.
"I got it all written down. You have to find Rikty. He knows my cousin and can take you to him as an armed escort. Once you get to the location, just tell them that you need the safe passage ticket. Pay the fee and a guide will be assigned to you."
He handed me the paper with all the instructions.
"I'm not very open about this because the authorities have not officially designated the route for safe travel. They don't want to take the time or spend the money needed to make it official."
He waved at us before returning to his work.
"Safe travels."
"Well. Shall we?"
Babur nodded and we made our way to the eastern border of the free zone. It didn't take long to find Rikty. He led us through eastern Heiarch. Every person in sight was a griffon from that point on. Babur and I were definitely outsiders.
We went through the eastern gate of the city and found a small slum just outside. I had originally thought that all residents stayed inside the city walls. This apparently was an exception.
Rikty only followed us through the door but went no further.
"Go all the way to the end and it will be the building on your left."
"Thank you."
He stared at us. An unrelenting stare. As if he were waiting for something. Babur nudged my arm.
I tossed him a silver coin and he happily left. The door closed and was locked behind him.
"I guess we are on our own from here."
We began wandering down the only road in this shantytown. It seemed as though all of these people were poor. No clothing or buildings could suggest otherwise. Half of the griffons within our sight ignored our presence. The other half seemed as though they couldn't keep their eyes off of us. I was sure that some were following us from a distance.
We made it to the end of the town within fifteen minutes of walking. The last house on the left was a rundown shack with a terribly carved sign that read, "Directions." I walked up the steps and knocked on the door.
No response or noise could be heard. I tried tugging on the door. It was locked.
"Did we really just come all the way here to be left out?"
"Ehy! You tryina get to da Swamplands?"
Babur and I both looked in the same direction. By far, she is the smallest griffon I've seen. Most were over seven or eight feet tall. This one happened to be a few inches shorter than Babur. She wore some ragged clothing. She must be a part of these slums.
"I can take yas. I've followed da party there several times. I can show you da way... If yas can pay."
"What about this place. Why is no one here?"
"They took out another client already. They only take one at a time. You would have to wait at least a week before they get back."
"Would have been nice if that waiter told us..."
"That idiot from da Fishbox restaurant? Ee gots no idea what's goin on over here. Ee still thinks is cousin works here. Truth is, the guy died over a week ago. Some kind of disease."
"Why you lookin so down? I told yas I can take yas. Better than these dopes. I know some shortcuts and I can even take yas further into da Swamplands. They only go as far as the border and leave you on your own."
"Think this would be better? We are already here."
I asked Babur.
"Let's do it."
"Okay. How much?"
"Those guys charge ten gold. I'll charge five. If you wanna give me a tip later on I won't say no."
"Sometimes peace of mind can be."
I put two gold in her hand.
"I said five."
"Two now. Three when we get there."
"How do I know yas even have that much?"
I held up five more gold coins. I let her ogle the metal discs with her eyes for a moment before putting them away.
"Okay! I'm ready to go. Are yas?"
"Yup. Let's."
"By the way, my name is Aquila."
"Nya. I'm Babur. This is Lake."
"Thanks for helping us out."
"No problem."
Her voice got quieter but I could still hear her words.
"It's worth it for this kinda money. Smucks."